February is when the annual TED Conference is held in Vancouver, Canada, where 1,500 people attend talks highlighting TED’s three tenants—Technology, Entertainment, and Design. This year’s conference features three APB speakers: Parag Khanna, Hugh Evans and Tim Urban, who are presenting their “ideas worth spreading,” which is the TED slogan.
The Latest Information on Speakers & Programming
APB speaker Michael Douglas is an Academy Award winner and prominent producer who has starred in numerous films, but one of his greatest achievements has been beating his fight with cancer.
Dr. Gary S. Kaplan was recently profiled in Fast Company, in an article titled Why Teams Don’t Learn From Their Mistakes (And How to Change That) about how Dr. Kaplan dramatically improved Virginia Mason Medical Center’s quality of care.
Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum is a preventive cardiologist who practices patient-focused and patient-empowering care, and her recent article in Snack Food & Wholesale Bakery brings readers tips on staying heart healthy this holiday season.
In honor of Healthcare Quality week this October 18-24, it is important to acknowledge all activists for their continued work and triumphs to raise healthcare standards for everyone.
APB speaker and best-selling author Brad Meltzer recently helped his high school history teacher, Ellen Sherman, in a huge way through the remarkable power of social media.
August 18, 2015 | American Program Bureau has not only lost a great speaker, but an APB family member. One of the true pillars on which our company was founded, Julian Bond played an integral part in helping us bring to the forefront the most important issues for over 50 years.
August 10, 2015 | APB speaker Grant Korgan recently broke three world records when he circumnavigated Lake Tahoe in a one-man outrigger canoe.
APB speaker Albert Manero forever changed the life of 6-year-old Paulo Boa Nova when he recently presented him with a new bionic 3-D printed hand from Limbitless Solutions.
Medicare is considered one of the largest public health insurance programs in the world. Many of APB’s healthcare speakers can weigh in on this meaningful milestone in the healthcare community.