APB is a Global Speaker, Celebrity & Entertainment Agency


The Latest Information on Speakers & Programming

20 Feb 2021

APB speaker and former medical director for the Benson Henry Institute of Mind Body Medicine at Massachusetts General Hospital, Dr. Eva Selhub is a resiliency expert, board certified physician, consultant, speaker, and author. On March 3rd, Dr. Selhub will be releasing her new book Resilience For Dummies. This book outlines the proven steps we can all take toward optimal resilience to build healthier, more purposeful, and increasingly joyful lives. 

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20 Feb 2021

After its 292.5-million-mile journey from Earth, the Mars Rover has successfully landed on Mars on February 18th. The rover has been on a nearly 300-million-mile journey since it left Earth over 6 months ago. Perseverance has an important mission, searching for evidence of ancient life and studying Mars' climate and geology, and will collect samples that will eventually be returned to Earth by the 2030s. As we continue to make incredible advancements such as this, our leading space, science and technology speakers share with audiences exciting insights into what the future holds. Check out some of these popular voices:

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09 Feb 2021

On October 19th APB’s Wil Haygood will release his new book Colorization: One Hundred Years of Black Films in a White World. This book examines 100 years of Black movies using the struggles and triumphs of the artists, and the films themselves, as a prism through which to explore Black culture and the civil rights movement in America. 

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09 Feb 2021

Legendary news anchor and the best-selling author of What Unites Us, APB speaker Dan Rather is launching a new endeavor called "Steady." Inspired by his father’s favorite word, “Steady” is both a paid and/or free subscription-based newsletter that is delivered directly to your inbox. It will include essays, letters, and other similar content by Rather in which he will facilitate conversations on both national and global levels. In his post, Dan says, “Call me old fashioned, but I’m not a huge fan of algorithms dictating what people see. Yet in recent years social media became my primary means of communicating with the world. And that meant, whether by tweet or post, a bunch of opaque computer code kicked in to determine what reached you. Subscribing to "Steady" cuts through that digital Gordian Knot.”

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02 Feb 2021

CBS Sunday Morning correspondent and New York Times bestselling author David Pogue has stayed busy during this pandemic being locked at home: he recently released three new books simultaneously!

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02 Feb 2021

Hailed by CNN as “the infectious disease expert who has been warning us for a decade and a half that the world will face a pandemic,” Dr. Michael Osterholm quickly became the go-to expert on the public health impact of COVID-19. A sharp critic of the complacency that led to the current global pandemic, he points to current shortfalls in our system, individual and public health ...

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26 Jan 2021

New York Times best-selling author (Range, The Sports Gene) and high performance expert, APB speaker David Epstein has been tapped to take over the widely popular podcast, How To!, previously hosted by Charles Duhigg (author of the acclaimed book, The Power of Habit). Described as a Dear Abby but through the lens of an investigative reporter, the podcast takes on listeners’ toughest problems and, with the help of experts, finds the answers to questions you’ve always wanted to ask, but couldn’t. The first episode with Epstein will feature a cognitive scientist teaching listeners how to perform their best under pressure.

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25 Jan 2021

One was from Brooklyn. The other from the Bronx. Both grew up as diehard Brooklyn Dodgers fans, eventually leaving New York as their beloved team had. At the height of their respective  careers, both were described as “kings”:  Larry King was the “king of talk,” and Robert Walker, “the king of talkies” (as Newsweek described the “lecture industry” in a feature on Walker). When the news of Larry King’s death reached the world, millions mourned, remembering the legendary broadcaster. But for Walker, the CEO and founder of APB, who represented King from the mid-1970s until his death, it was a passing of tremendous personal significance.

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24 Jan 2021

By Robert P. Walker, CEO & Founder APB Speakers | When the pandemic hit last March, the event business changed forever.  As our clients scrambled to either cancel events featuring our speakers or struggled with how to go virtual,  APB immediately went to work. Our mission: to offer a virtual platform that would be the next-best thing to an in-person event.

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23 Jan 2021

Paralympic medalist and APB speaker Blake Leeper was recently at Scott Sabolich Prosthetics in Oklahoma City being fitted for prosthetics when he discovered that a toddler was down the hall, preparing to walk for the first time in his new prosthesis. In a heartwarming video that has now gone viral, Leeper is heard encouraging and supporting the 2-year-old, saying: “I got my legs on now! I am ready! I’m ready for you! You’re doing great! You’re doing awesome! Look…mine look like yours!”

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