Two of our leading truth-tellers—together! Sarah Bloom Raskin, Former Deputy Secretary of the Treasury & Fed Governor and Ron Suskind, Pulitzer Prize Winner, Former Wall Street Journal Reporter & Financial Author. Get an unprecedented insider’s look at the past 25 years and the minds and mindsets of those currently holding the levers at the Fed and Treasury.
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The Latest Information on Speakers & Programming
APB speaker Jeff Bauman was only standing feet away from one bombs at the 2013 Boston Marathon. As a result, both of his legs were amputated above the knee. The movie Stronger tells the story of his recovery.
Imagine that you are colonizing a new planet with the fate of humanity at stake. Which system of government will you choose? And how will that choice impact every other decision that you make? Klang Games, the creator of Seed, a simulation MMO (Massively Multiplayer Online) game, called upon no less than Harvard Law professor, constitutional scholar, citizen activist and APB speaker Lawrence Lessig to mastermind their game’s political framework.
Best-selling author, CBS contributor and APB speaker Lee Woodruff was interviewed by the Chief Operating Officer at Facebook, Sheryl Sandberg, via Facebook Live.
Author, veteran and transformative leader Wes Moore, was announced as the new chief executive officer of the nonprofit Robin Hood.
On November 25th at 10pm ET, 20/20 on ABC will be broadcasting an hour-long special on APB speaker Ron Suskind and his family’s 20 year inspiring journey with their son Owen.
APB speaker Kim Ann Curtin recently conducted a fascinating interview for Finimize with Brad Katsuyama, CEO of IEX. Katsyuama described IEX as a stock exchange that uses technology to match buyers and sellers.
“Global Trumpism marks the end of the neoliberal order and the emergence of a new neo-nationalism order.”
APB speaker Mark Blyth, a political economist and author, predicted not only Brexit, but the infamous 2016 election which gave Donald Trump the presidency early Wednesday morning. This idea of “Global Trumpism” is relatively new and was inspired by Blyth’s belief that we are moving into neo-nationalism following the untimely demise of the usual neoliberal order. Blyth explains that Trump is not only an American phenomenon, but a global one. There are many more like him — “Trumpets” — who are blowing louder than ever before.