Corporations & Associations
Star of ABC’s Shark Tank, Top Business Speaker, Serial Entrepreneur, Venture Capitalist & Investor
Famous as “Mr. Wonderful” on ABC’s multi-award-winning Shark Tank, Kevin O’Leary is a serial entrepreneur, respected investor, and bestselling author.
Co-Founder of Netflix
Marc Randolph is a veteran Silicon Valley entrepreneur and was co-founder of the online movie and television streaming service Netflix, serving as their founding CEO until his retirement in 2004.
Founder of Skinnygirl & Best-selling Author
Bethenny Frankel is a businesswoman ahead of the curve, who has always capitalized on business opportunities, from becoming a natural food's chef and ultimately creating the low-calorie cocktail category with the launch of Skinnygirl Cocktail.
Star of ABC’s Shark Tank
Daymond John has been a phenomenally successful business person for over 25 years. Along his entrepreneurial journey, through his many successes as well as failures, he has learned a few things about getting the best out of business and life.
Co-Founder, Apple Computer, Inc.
Speaker Steve Wozniak changed the computer world when he designed Apple's first product line: Apple I and II. He is also a philanthropist focusing on computer use in schools.
Founder & Creative Visionary of Spatial Labs
Iddris Sandu is the Founder and Creative Visionary of Spatial Labs. An entrepreneur born in Ghana and raised in Los Angeles, CA - Iddris has been in the tech industry for over a decade.
Serial Entrepreneur & 5x NYT Bestselling Author
Gary Vaynerchuk is the chairman of VaynerX, a modern-day media and communications holding company and the active CEO of VaynerMedia, a full-service advertising agency servicing Fortune 100 clients across the company’s 4 locations.
Real Estate Mogul & Star of Shark Tank
Speaker Barbara Corcoran is the real estate contributor for NBC's Today Show and an investor/shark on ABC's reality hit Shark Tank.