Corporations & Associations
First-Ever White House Climate Advisor
The first-ever White House National Climate Advisor and former EPA Administrator under President Obama, as well as leading the White House’s newly formed Climate Policy Office under President Joe Biden for nearly two years, Gina McCarthy is one of the nation’s most respected voices on the environment and public health.
Expert on Energy, Environment & Food
An expert on energy and global infrastructure, Smil sheds light on the fact that moving away from fossil fuels to alternative energy fields will be a complex undertaking which will require enormous investments.
Global Energy Authority & Author of Saudi, Inc.
It is virtually impossible to examine the intersection of geopolitics, energy and markets without understanding Saudi Arabia. Global energy authority Ellen R. Wald brings incomparable expertise on the kingdom and its worldwide impact.
Pulitzer Prize-Winning Author
An authority on international politics, economics and on energy, Pulitzer Prize-winning author Yergin shares with audiences informative insights into both the U.S. and world economies as they relate to energy.
Oil, Energy & Sustainability Expert
Amy Myers Jaffe is a leading expert on the geopolitics of oil, energy, security, risk and an influential thought leader on global energy policy and sustainability.
Former Deputy Secretary of Energy
From 2009 to 2014, Daniel Poneman served as Deputy Secretary of Energy and is currently a Senior Fellow with the Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs.
Environment Expert/Former Clinton Advisor
Ian Bowles is an energy innovator with experience in foreign policy, state regulation and clean energy entrepreneurship. He served as an environmental advisor for President Bill Clinton.
Energy Journalist & Author
One of America's foremost energy journalists, Robert Bryce exposes common misconceptions about green energy. His writing has established him as an incisive authority on the world's energy future.