College & Independent Schools
First Year Experience, Common & Community Reads
First Year Experience, Common & Community Reads:
Recovering Addict & Subject of Beautiful Boy
Nic Sheff’s heartbreaking and inspiring struggle with substance abuse disorder is the story of Beautiful Boy, a major motion picture starring Timothée Chalamet as Nic and Steve Carrell as his father, David.
Founder, Homeboy Industries
Father Gregory Boyle is the founder and CEO of Homeboy Industries, the largest gang intervention and re-entry program in Los Angeles County.
Founder of McSweeney's & Author
Dave Eggers is an expert of every step of the book industry as the founder of McSweeney’s, a designer, an editor, and author of A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius, You Shall Know Our Velocity and more.
Bestselling Authors of Sexual Citizens
Columbia University Professor Jennifer S. Hirsch and Princeton University Professor Shamus Khan's bestselling book — Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power and Assault on Campus — has transformed how we understand and address sexual assault.
Serial Social Entrepreneur, Storyteller & Author
Growing up in Washington, DC, Chris Wilson was surrounded by violence and despair. At 18, he was sentenced to life in prison, with no hope of parole. While behind bars, Chris embarked on a remarkable journey of self-improvement.
Co-Founder of March For Our Lives and Leaders We Deserve, DNC Vice-Chair
Thrust into the world of activism by the largest school shooting in American history, Parkland survivor David Hogg has become one of the most compelling voices of his generation.
Psychologist & Stereotype Expert
Speaker Claude Steele is an expert on "stereotype threat," the notion that students who belong to negatively stereotyped groups are likely to perform less well.
NYT Best-Selling Author & Motivational Leader
Moore energizes audiences with his remarkable personal story of overcoming adversity through education, embracing personal responsibility and emerging as an inspirational leader.