Zubin Damania
Innovative Founder of Turntable Health & YouTube Sensation ZDoggMD
Zubin Damania
Innovative Founder of Turntable Health & YouTube Sensation ZDoggMD
Zubin Damania, M.D. is the founder of Turntable Health and the director of healthcare development for Downtown Project Las Vegas, an ambitious urban revitalization movement spearheaded by Zappos.com CEO Tony Hsieh. This project is investing $350 million in the revitalization of the urban core of Las Vegas, including small business development, residential housing, education, technology and healthcare.
During his 10-year hospitalist career at Stanford, Dr. Damania received the Russell Lee Award for Clinical Teaching while simultaneously maintaining a shadow career performing stand-up comedy for medical audiences worldwide. His videos, created under the pseudonym ZDoggMD, have amassed over a million views, focusing on educating patients and providers alike while mercilessly satirizing our dysfunctional healthcare system.
In Las Vegas, Zubin Damania has made the leap from satire to actionable change by developing an innovative model of healthcare delivery that promotes wellness at both the individual and community level.
Speech Topics
Zubin Damania delves into the ethical challenges of delivering compassionate health care in our severely dysfunctional medical system, while proposing collaborative ways to revitalize it. He examines, through humor and storytelling, the hope that the future of medicine is a bright one provided that all of us work together for the common goal.
Innovation & Creativity
In Zubin's keynote, he shares his story while challenging healthcare groups, corporations and associations to examine their own industry and ask if it still works — then come up with innovative ways to fix it.
Zubin did everything his immigrant physician parents expected of him: molecular biology and music at UC Berkeley, medical school at UCSF, residency in internal medicine at Stanford, and finally a nearly decade-long career as a hospital doctor at Stanford University Medical Center. He also routinely took out the trash and cleaned his room.
But then he did something his parents didn’t expect (or much quite like): he quit, left the Bay Area with his wife and two young daughters, and moved to Downtown Las Vegas. All to be a part of an epic experiment:
Zappos CEO Tony Hsieh’s Downtown Project. The goal was to transform Downtown Las Vegas in record time from a series of empty lots and quirky bars to the epicenter of a burgeoning tech, arts, food, and business scene. Tony was investing $350 million of his own cash to curate this experiment and he asked Zubin to do nothing less than rethink entirely how a 2.8 trillion dollar industry — healthcare — might look if it were just done right from scratch.