Zonya Foco
America’s Nutritionist, Author & TV Personality
Zonya Foco
America’s Nutritionist, Author & TV Personality
Nobody motivates an audience more about the benefits of smart nutrition, everyday exercise, and commonsense core habits than Zonya Foco, RDN, CSP and America's Nutrition Leader. One of the most exciting, inspiring, vital and unforgettable speakers in America, her mission is to win the war on obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Foco’s easy humor, high energy, and dynamic style drive home the message that when it comes to health and nutrition, we can all change our lives with the power of one good habit. As a teen who saw her own weight bounce up and down, ending each diet at a higher number on the scale, she is now motivating people everywhere with a commonsense approach to healthy eating through her TV show, Zonya's Health Bites; her bestselling cookbook, Lickety-Split Meals for Health Conscious People on the Go; and her newest book, Eat REAL Cookbook.
In 2005, Zonya's Health Bites began making converts to healthy eating across the nation. This 30-minute program airing on public television combines smart grocery shopping tips, lively cooking segments, and practical exercise recommendations, all peppered with quick "bites" of information on topics from kid-friendly veggies to heart-smart snacks.
Her newest book Eat REAL increases appetites and preferences for whole foods, especially when coupled with her Eat REAL for your Health video program. Perhaps her most notable work has been her "No diets, No counting, No kidding" DIET FREE lifestyle program, which in addition to promoting healthy nutrition, tackles exercise habits and stress management, effectively moving the needle on health for thousands of individuals and worksites across the country.
In her book, Water with Lemon, she has joined forces with novelist Stephen Moss to introduce a new genre, the health novel, bringing readers an inspiring story of personal transformation that teaches readers how eight simple habits can help them master diet-free, guilt-free weight loss for life.
In her inspiring keynotes, Zonya Foco uses humor, hard facts, and common sense to help people of all ages incorporate healthy habits into their busy lives. She is committed to the idea that small, simple steps are the key to long-term lifestyle changes. Her high energy crossed with low maintenance solutions makes healthy living fun and doable for all.
Before launching her speaking, writing, and publishing career in 1994, Foco received her bachelor's degree from Eastern Michigan University and then worked for eight years as a clinical nutritionist for the Michigan Heart and Vascular Institute at St. Joseph Mercy Hospital in Ann Arbor. From these early clients, she discovered the need for a "countertop coach" cookbook and in 1998 wrote Lickety Split Meals for Health Conscious People on the Go, filled with easy recipes and healthy tips for everyday families.
In addition to spreading the word through her own books and TV show, Foco is a favorite on local newscasts across the country, nationally syndicated daytime talk shows, and QVC. She has been published in the popular magazines Prevention, Today's Dietitian, Total Health, and Fast and Healthy Cooking. In 2008, Foco toured across the country on Oprah and Bob's Best Life Challenge 2008 bus as the presenter and guest expert.
Whether the goal is life balance, nutrition or exercise, Zonya truly Inspires Everyday Health!
Speaker Videos
Demo Reel
Something to Relieve Stress
The Secret Weapon to Mindless Eating
Energy Break
Coaching From a Nutritionist
Inspirational Message on Health
Speech Topics
Light Beer & Baked Doritos: Am I Healthy Now?
The way you eat, drink, sleep and exercise fuels a fine racing machine, or NOT. Join America’s Nutrition Leader Zonya Foco, RDN as she shares how your success depends largely, on your ability to take good care of yourself. With realistic, can-do solutions, you’ll learn how to re-wire your brain, so it craves the best-for-you fuel, making health and energy easy and automatic.
In this fast-paced keynote, you will learn:
- Simple one habit-at-a-time strategies that can be used to re-wire your brain creating innate desires for healthier food preferences.
- How to significantly improve the quality of your sleep, in order to boost your immune system and slow your body’s aging clock
- How to properly hydrate and use caffeine to your benefit, not your detriment.
- Why “sitting is the new smoking” and a simple trick to keep you moving (and feeling great after a 3-day convention on your feet!)
It’s time to throttle up stamina, productivity, and resistance to disease, with simple sound strategies designed just for you!
Staying Healthy in a Culture that's ANYTHING BUT!
Addictive foods, bucket-sized portions, physical movement limited to keystrokes and remotes. It's hard to stay healthy in a culture that's anything but! By citing research, reviewing health trends and examining the power of advertising, Zonya explains how our culture is very much the enemy - zapping our energy, health and productivity. Is America doomed as a result of our society of convenience, or can we fight back? Conviction is key! From simple strategies to re-wire the brain for healthier food preferences to capturing the power of "community" for lasting lifestyle changes, Zonya delivers a compelling plan for embracing a healthy lifestyle "paradigm shift" to conviction over convenience.
Ignite Your Worksite & Community Wellness
Zonya Foco, RD, explains her diet-free approach to igniting healthy lifestyle changes in your employees and your community. Her ten-week video seminar program, Diet Free: The Eight Habits That Will Change Your Life, is being utilized by hospitals and health centers across the country and has brought hope, joy, and life-saving success into the lives of its participants. This robust nutrition and fitness program relies on her ability to deliver equal parts entertainment and education while inspiring her participants to change their lives forever. In fact, many have said that adopting a healthier lifestyle has never been easier or more fun! Come learn more about the power behind Zonya Foco’s eight habits—and about the freedom of living diet free!
The Power of One Good Habit
How can we ditch the diet mentality yet still eat healthfully to combat obesity, heart disease, Type 2 Diabetes, and cancer? Let America’s nutrition leader show you how the tiniest, painless habits, when done daily, can add up to a huge change in the way you look and feel. Make a different choice here, add a little movement there. Without dieting or deprivation, you can rev up your metabolism, drop your blood pressure, lose 50 pounds or take 50 points off your cholesterol in just one year!
The math is really quite simple. It's you and the complete adaptation of one good habit after another that adds up to success, which adds up to a lower number on the scale and a much healthier you!
Surefire Solutions for De-Stressing & Balancing Your Life
You have a good life, but maybe you just have too much of a good thing. If you’re too busy, too tired, and too stressed, Zonya Foco has surefire solutions that will bring balance to your life and a bounce to your step.
When you’re ready to get a grip, Foco will show you how to start by simply letting go. So take a deep breath and get ready to laugh out loud as you learn the restorative power of saying the word “no.” If, on the other hand, you have trouble saying “yes” to exercise, Zonya will share her secrets for ways to make working out work for you. (Yes, you really can sneak exercise into your daily routine.)
Stress is more than a state of mind, it’s a person without a plan for actually living stress free. Now’s the time to settle back as Zonya Foco serves up stress-reducing strategies to simplify your life. Find out what ingredients a stress-free kitchen must have; learn what foods can turn the tables on your stress level; and reclaim your right to live a healthy, vibrant life filled with energy and joy.
Fit Families for Life (For Parents & Kids)
Zonya Foco knows it isn’t always easy getting kids (or adults for that matter) to eat healthily and exercise well. She also believes that the fastest way to fight childhood obesity is through parents. Her “Fit Families for Life” presentation is the perfect opportunity for parents and kids to learn together and discover how healthy habits can be a fun family affair. Leave it to Zonya Foco’s zany visuals and engaging style plus healthy “family competitions” to transform the fussiest eaters into junior—and senior—champions of good health and fitness. Laugh and learn together as she introduces crafty, creative, and successful ways to make good nutrition and exercise easy and fun for the entire Fit Families for Life (FFL) Team!
Be Good to Your Sweet Heart (Heart-Health Focus)
Your heart beats for you constantly, minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day, year by year. Are you eating the best way you could be for your heart and cardiovascular system? There’s so much more to heart health than just low-fat and low-cholesterol food. Get the inside scoop on fish; flax; fiber; garlic; and, of course, exercise. Sound intimidating? It doesn’t have to be. Learn how to integrate these heart-healthy habits into a lifestyle the whole family will enjoy. Be good to your sweet heart—after all, it’s good to you!
Supercharge Your Conference
Looking to energize your conference and proclaim your commitment to health? Let Zonya SUPERCHARGE it! Add onto Zonya's Keynote or Break-out presentation with any one (or all!) of the following options:
- Five-Ten-minute mid-day "energy breaks" with high-energy music, movement, laughter and inspirational stories!
- Early morning fitness classes to jump start energy levels. No special room or workout clothing required!
- Menu consultation with conference chefs for an outrageously delicious and healthy menu that provides fuel for all day energy and focus.
Your participants will not only be energized and focused during the conference, but return home inspired to electrify a health wave across the world!
Fight Cancer with Your Fork
What does it take to put your diet 100% on the winning side for fighting cancer? Is it five fruits and vegetables each day or does it take eleven? Will eating lean meat provide enough armor or do you have to go completely vegetarian? What about organic; is it your only choice? Do you have to eat soy foods, fish and flax seed every day? If so, how tasty will your meals actually be? And will you really live longer, or will it just seem like it?! Join "America's Nutrition Leader" as Zonya walks you through a realistic and tasty approach for "fighting cancer with your fork" you can enjoy living with.
Maximizing Mental Wellness: What to Eat & How to Move to Fight Depression, Anxiety & ADHD
Did you know that the brain is the most metabolically active organ of the body? And its nutritional needs are ten times higher than any other organ? It therefore stands to reason that the brain is the first to falter when nutrients are undersupplied. With nutrient-poor, processed foods the foundation of the Standard American Diet, it’s time we do something to take control of our country’s skyrocketing depression, anxiety and ADHD. In this session you will discover the essential nutrients (from both food and supplements) plus the amount and type of exercise that science shows we need, to improve our brain’s executive function, including memory, mental flexibility and self-control. Come ready to be shocked and pleasantly surprised, because there is much we can do to maximize our mental wellness!
What to Eat & How to Move to Fight Memory Loss, Dementia & Parkinson's
Did you know that the brain is the most metabolically active organ of the body? In fact, its nutritional needs are ten times higher than any other organ. It, therefore, stands to reason that the brain is the first to falter when nutrients are undersupplied. Are you doing everything you can to keep your brain perfectly fueled? Are the number of sweets you eat harming your brain health? Are coconut oil and butter really good for us after all? You'll get the answers to these questions and more as we join celebrity nutritionist Zonya Foco who brings 30 years of experience in this dynamic field combined with the personal experience of her mother being diagnosed with Alzheimer's and close friend with Parkinson's. You'll walk away with what science says about the necessary nutrients and essential exercise needed to maximize the brain’s executive function, including memory, mental flexibility, and self-control. Come ready to be shocked - and pleasantly surprised - because there is much you can do to help your brain age wisely!