Tyrone Howard
UCLA Pritzker Family Endowed Chair in Education to Strengthen Children & Families & Best-Selling Author
Tyrone Howard
UCLA Pritzker Family Endowed Chair in Education to Strengthen Children & Families & Best-Selling Author
Tyrone C. Howard is the Pritzker Family Endowed professor in the School of Education and Information Studies at UCLA. Dr. Howard is also the inaugural director of the UCLA Pritzker Center for Strengthening Children and Families, which is a transdisciplinary consortium of experts who examine academic, mental health, and social emotional experiences and challenges for California’s most vulnerable youth populations.
He is also the director of the UCLA Center for theTransformation of Schools which serves as a thought partner for districts, counties, and states to pursue whole child, whole community approaches to school systems improvement. Professor Howard has published over 85 peer reviewed journal articles, book chapters, and technical reports. He has published several bestselling books, among them, Why Race & Culture Matters in Schools and Black Male(d): Peril and promise in the education of African American males. His two most recent books, No More Teaching Without Positive Relationships, and All Students Must Thrive: Transforming Schools To Combat Toxic Stressors And Cultivate Critical Wellness have become must reads for all educators.
Dr. Howard is considered one of the premier experts on educational equity and access in the country. Dr. Howard is also the Director and Founder of the Black Male Institute at UCLA, which is an interdisciplinary cadre of scholars, practitioners, community members, and policy makers dedicated to examining the nexus of race, class, and gender of school age youth.
A native and former classroom teacher of Compton, California, Dr. Howard was named the recipient of the 2015 UCLA Distinguished Teaching Award, which is the UCLA's highest honor for teaching excellence, and was named an American Educational Research Association (AERA) Fellow in 2017 for his exemplary research on race and equity. Professor Howard is a member of the National Academy of Education and has been listed by Education Week as one of the 200 most influential educational scholars in the nation on education practice, policy, and research.
Professor Howard is currently the Past President of the American Education Research Association, which is the nation’s largest organization focused on educational research and policy.
Speech Topics
Critical Wellness to Support All Students
A number of students continue to face numerous obstacles in their quest to be successful in schools. In an effort to move away from deficit-based accounts of student experiences and outcomes, this session will operate from an asset-based approach about how educators can support students holistically. The session will focus on critical wellness wherein educators can understand the impact that racism, poverty, trauma, and other social realities have on students which influences their experiences in schools. The session will offer strategies, recommendations, and resources that school personnel can utilize to help support student wellness and academic outcomes.
Anti-Racist Pedagogy
In this interactive session Tyrone Howard will discuss core definitions and examples of anti-racist pedagogy in schools. Drawing from research and current school policies and practices, this discussion will identify pertinent knowledge, skills, strategies and dispositions that are essential to disrupting anti-racist and anti-Black racist ideology and pedagogy.
Race & Culture in the Classroom
In this session, educators will be introduced to the important role that race and culture have on teaching and learning. School personnel will be introduced to important data, concepts, and knowledge that is designed to increase racial awareness and improve cultural competence. Participants will be exposed to strategies, resources, skills, and approaches that can create inclusive classrooms for all learners.
"Why Equity Matters"
The focus of this session will be addressing the importance of equity, access, and excellence in today's schools. Using data on today's student demographics, the session will address strategies, approaches and resources that school personnel can implement to aid learners but will place a particular focus on the most vulnerable students. The session will address complex challenges that students encounter in their efforts to be successful and how they can be supported socially, emotionally and academically by practitioners, school staff, and school leaders.
Equity in Action
This interactive session will focus on core concepts and evidence-based practices on creating equitable schools for all students, but with a particular focus on vulnerable student populations. Namely students of color, students from low-income backgrounds, Language Learners and students with social-emotional challenges.
Closing the Achievement Gap: Research, Theory, & Practice
This keynote examines the chronic underperformance of students of color and low-income students compared to their counterparts. The session examines underlying explanations for the persistent gaps and viable interventions to reduce academic disparities.
Leadership, Equity & Urban School Reform
This keynote is specifically addressed to school leaders in urban contexts. The talk highlights the complexity of urban leadership, and identifies research-based approaches to engage teachers, staff, students, parents, and the community in playing an active role in school transformation.
Dismantling Anti-Blackness in the Academy
At a time where racial reckoning is becoming more prevalent in the US, an intentional spotlight is required for the unique experiences and acts of racism that are directed towards Black students, faculty, staff and administrators in higher education institutions. In this presentation, Tyrone Howard will discuss anti blackness in the academy, explain its core definitions and examples of its manifestations, and offer steps that institutions can take to dismantle anti-blackness in the academy.
Talking to your Children about Race & Racism
This virtual webinar will identify and discuss strategies, approaches, and resources that adults can use to engage children in learning and talking about race and racism in today’s world. Recent events in the nation has revealed that there is a serious need to engage youth in age considerate, developmentally appropriate conversations about race and racism. This interactive session will be led by UCLA Professor Tyrone Howard, whose research on race and culture has been recognized nationally. Participants in this session will be introduced to why race and racism are important topics to discuss with children from ages as young as 3 years old, up to age 18 years of age. Additional resources will be offered for those participants who are looking for supplemental information.