Toula Wootan
Radio Show Host & Caregiver Advocate
Toula Wootan
Radio Show Host & Caregiver Advocate
Toula Wootan is a dynamic pioneer, dedicated to the mission of “caring for the caregiver” in Northeast Florida.
Toula is in the forefront of caregiver issues. In 2008 she founded the Caregiver Coalition of Northeast Florida. The Caregiver Coalition is now comprised of fifteen non-profits who combine resources to provide free “Caring for the Caregiver “conferences, an annual Caregiver Expo, “Caregiver Connections newsletter” a robust website and more. She works closely with local, state and national organizations and with elder care professionals to continue this important work. The mission of the Caregiver Coalition is to collectively elevate caregiving and improve the quality of life for caregivers in Northeast Florida. The motto is “You are not alone!” Toula was also the primary caregiver for her parents for five years.
From 2010 through 2017, Toula’s radio show, and podcast, “Toula’s Tips for Caregivers” offered advice to caregivers. Her mission is to be the voice of the caregiver, while offering resources and assistance to those who call in. Her guests include caregivers, respected national speakers and authors, business professionals, managers of local, state and federal programs and spiritual leaders who educate and entertain her audiences. Her show is on I-Heart, YouTube, and several other digital platforms.
Toula brings a unique, personal brand of energy, clarity of purpose and tireless devotion to the issue of caregiving for caregivers. She has the ability to connect with caregivers. She ensures that every caregiver leaves her events with their questions answered.
Speech Topics
The Silent Working Caregiver
There are over 44 million caregivers in the United States. Seventy percent of them work full time, then go home to care for an aging relative for an average of 24/hours per week. Research shows that over fifty percent of them choose not to tell their employer about their caregiving role. Toula speaks to the reasons behind this, offers pointers to help the employee stay engaged at work and get assistance. She offers practical advice to help employees talk to their employer about workplace benefits. She also discusses the cost to employers each year and describes initiatives many businesses have put in place to support these valuable employees.
Finding Spiritual Comfort in Caregiving
Caring for a loved one can be very demanding physically, emotionally and spiritually. All caregivers reach a time when they feel overwhelmed. Comfort, encouragement and inspiration are needed to keep serving and to avoid caregiver burnout. With love as the foundation, Toula offers practical and inspirational ways to “keep on keeping on,” that which we call “perseverance”. Toula draws from her own personal caregiving story caring for both parents, and shares the Bible verses and words of comfort that keep her going! She also offers other ways to receive needed encouragement.
Challenges of Caring for a Loved One with Dementia
Caring for a loved one with any form of dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, presents a unique set of challenging and ongoing stresses. As the loved one loses the ability to think, remember, and even bathe and dress, the caregiver finds it difficult to accept; after all, their loved one looks the same. Caregivers often feel isolated and alone. They can develop feelings of anger, resentment, guilt, and hopelessness. Toula offers practical and proven methods for caregivers to get through their day without losing their sanity. She presents proven coping mechanisms, such as “therapeutic lying”, and tips for self-care, in a caring, understanding way so that caregivers can stay healthy and strong.
Balancing Work & Caregiving
Over seventy percent of caregivers in the United States work full time, then go home to spend another 20-24 hours a week caregiving for a loved one, typically an aging parent. This juggling act affects the caregiver’s physical health, emotional health, family plans, finances, social life and more. They remain concerned about job security, fear identifying themselves as caregivers. In this presentation, Toula offers advice, practical tips, and resources for the working caregiver. She provides practical tips for talking to employers. She shares new trends on how and WHY many employers are now open to supporting these employees. Toula guides the working caregiver through this journey so they can truly balance both roles.