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Torsten  Gross

Torsten Gross

Motorist, Entrepreneur & World's Only Quadriplegic Rescue Scuba Diver

Torsten Gross

Motorist, Entrepreneur & World's Only Quadriplegic Rescue Scuba Diver


Torsten Gross is a maverick by every sense of the word. Not happy with the status quo, mixed with his entrepreneurial drive, Torsten enjoys the challenge of the word “no.” As a C6 quadriplegic since the age of 15, he has heard that word often, yet still finds his way to “yes.” This drive has led him to becoming the world’s only quadriplegic that is a Rescue Scuba Diver, completing 12 marathons in 12 months, and foraying into his latest adventure as a race car driver and founder of the Just Hands Foundation.

In 2023, Torsten competed in International GT, HSR and World Racing League races in his hand-controlled Porsche 981 Cayman. His love of racing landed him in Pennzoil commercials as well as starring in a docuseries which follows his journey into becoming a race car driver.

Alongside his adrenaline seeking events, Torsten has had a successful marketing career as a strategist, currently working as Chief Marketing Officer of Aloqia. Past companies include Deloitte Consulting, BBDO, R/GA, J Walter Thompson, and Partners & Partners. He is also the co-founder of Just Hands Foundation, a charity which helps hand control drivers get into the world of performance driving.

He lives with his wife Maggie and dog Beau in Sharon, Connecticut.

Speaker Videos

Now I Know

Torsten Gross' Hot Takes on Disabilities, Mindset, and Racing

NBC CT news features Just Hands and Torsten Gross

HSR Daytona Night Race Start Clip Group G Nov 2023 360 VR

Hand Control Track Driving - Torsten's Story with Veigel at Spa

Torsten Gross and Joey Logano in Pennzoil ad - Long May We Drive

Speech Topics

Making Your Weakness into Your Superpower

Some say your biggest strength is your biggest weakness. Torsten believes it’s the opposite: your biggest weakness is your biggest strength. Everything good in life came from using this superpower. You just have to be willing to embrace it.

Everyone Has a Wheelchair

Torsten believes we all have our own “wheelchairs”. His happens to be visible. But whether you have depression, PTSD, are on the spectrum, have relationship issues or anything else, we all have something which holds us back and makes us feel underrated. But once we find that, we have found our superpower!!

Asking the Tough Questions

Our society has conditioned us to temper our questions. But we use questions to learn, relate, define, and include. When we don’t ask questions, we assume. That leads to bigger issues.

It’s Not HOW You Do Something, It’s the End Result.

Schools teach process. Process managers live by process. But those who understand process, and know when and how to flex process structure, are set up to win.

How to Bring Others Into Your Journey

Everyone wants to help. Torsten used to see help as bothersome because everyone wants to help “the wheelchair guy”. Now he accepts the help because he knows he will help others at every point in his journey. However, he had to learn how to accept people helping and more importantly, how to ask for it.

Setting Goals Before You Know How

How many times have you had an idea, followed by all the reasons it wouldn’t work? That’s because we are conditioned to mitigate failure. What if we saw failure as a good thing? What if you embraced the inevitable of failure and used it to fuel success? Torsten tells his tales of failure, which has launched ever aspect of his success.
