Tim Wackel
Business & Sales Motivator
Tim Wackel
Business & Sales Motivator
Tim Wackel is one of today’s most popular business speakers who has mastered the ability to make information entertaining, memorable, and easy to understand. He combines more than 20 years of successful sales leadership with specific client research to deliver high-impact programs that go beyond today’s best practices. Wackel’s keynotes and workshops are insightful, engaging, and focused on providing real world success strategies that audiences can (and will!) implement right away.
His success as a sales speaker and trainer is built upon a lifetime of accomplishments and first-hand experiences that include being recognized as the number one producer in a 10,000 person sales organization, helping lead a Silicon Valley startup through a successful IPO, and directing a $50 million sales organization for a Fortune 500 Company.
Today Wackel is hired by clients who want their managers and salespeople to succeed in business and in life. His list of clients includes organizations like Allstate, Cisco, Hewlett Packard, Wells Fargo, Philips Medical Systems, and Raytheon, as well as many professional and trade associations. Wackel’s programs are valued by companies both large and small and his monthly Speaking of Sales is read by thousands of loyal clients around the world.
Wackel is the founder and president of The Wackel Group, a training and consulting firm dedicated to helping organizations find, win, and keep customers for life. He is an active member of the American Society for Training and Development and holds a professional membership in the National Speakers Association. He earned his electrical engineering degree from the University of Nebraska.
Speech Topics
The Constant Client: Building Relationships Your Competition Can’t Steal
When your relationship is strong, customers will rarely let any detail get in the way of doing business. But when the relationship is weak, any detail can (and will) get in the way. Building powerful relationships doesn’t require magic, chemistry, or luck... it requires knowledge, commitment, and a process. Your audience will learn proven ideas for developing trust and creating loyalty that lasts a lifetime.
Stop Pitching, Start Solving! The Six Critical Competencies of Solution Selling
Make fewer statements... ask better questions… listen to understand. Sounds simple, yet most reps fail to master these fundamental (but critical) skills. Customers don’t want to be “educated,” they want to be engaged. Talking about your company, your products, and your reputation will not engage them. Talk about them, ask about them, provide ideas for them and communicate in terms of them. Go beyond polite conversations and learn how to start creating powerful solutions for your clients.
How the Best Get Better: The New Rules of Selling
As a sales trainer for some of today’s fastest growing companies, Tim Wackel knows what it takes to get to the top. This program leverages more than 20 years of firsthand experiences that help sales teams sharpen their skills for finding, winning, and keeping customers for life. Learn how today’s top performers created their success and discover just how good you could be.
The Brand Called You: Being Remembered for the Right Reasons
Regardless of your age or industry, it’s impossible to ignore the importance of branding. You are the CEO of your own company: YOU, Inc. To be successful in business today, one of your most important responsibilities is to create a powerful brand called YOU. Discover the impact of personal differentiation in today’s crowded market.
Presenting Your Best? Secrets to Creating Knockout Presentations
You make presentations each and every day of your professional life. Today’s dynamic business leaders understand that these presentations are an opportunity, an opportunity that must be on target. The way you present your ideas to your customers, colleagues, boss, spouse, and even the person standing next to you in line could have an impact on your ultimate success. Learn how to improve your effectiveness, increase your confidence, and have more fun in front of your next audience.
Roadmap to Success! Life Lessons in Time Management & Personal Leadership
Time is important and there never seems to be enough of it. But can you really manage time? The minutes tick off, the hours start to slip, days run together, and before you know it another year has faded away. It’s not about managing time—it never has been. It’s about managing the person in the mirror and being committed to developing the personal leader inside.