Tim Mohin
Former Chief Sustainability Officer for Persefoni AI
Tim Mohin
Former Chief Sustainability Officer for Persefoni AI
Tim Mohin has worked to embed sustainability into business for more than 35 years. He began his career in the policy arena with US Environmental Protection Agency and the US Senate working on issues like the Clean Air Act, the backbone of America’s environmental safety net.
In later roles at Intel, Apple and AMD Tim helped shape the ‘corporate responsibility’ movement as the range of issues grew beyond environmental to include social, economic and governance and the scope grew to the global value chain.
As a founder and Chairman emeritus of the Responsible Business Alliance (formerly the Electronic Industry Citizenship Coalition), Tim helped lead the collaborative efforts to drive improvements in social and environmental performance in the technology supply chain including leading the policy and implementation of the ‘conflict minerals’ issue.
His work with students and young professionals inspired Tim to write the book ‘Changing Business from the Inside Out’ as a manual for people who want to contribute to sustainable development through a career in business.
More recently, Tim was the Chief Executive of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). At GRI, he led effort to converge sustainability reporting standards and align Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) topics with financial reporting – work that continues to progress.
Tim Mohin is the former Chief Sustainability Officer for Persefoni AI - an award-winning startup providing cutting edge carbon accounting software to help large financial services firms and industrial enterprises address the accelerating climate crisis.
Tim’s independent company – ESG Advisor, LLC - also advises boards and executives of companies such as BASF and Salesforce; he also frequently speaks and writes on sustainability topics.
Tim’s pro bono work includes guest lectures for universities, serving on non-profit boards, volunteering, and giving. He is passionate about environmental protection, human rights, and a committed ally for LGBTQ people.
Speaker Videos
Shaping the Future
On ESG Investments | GreenBiz
Changing Business From the Inside Out| SXSW
On Corporate Social Responsibility | Duke University
NASDAQ Bell Ceremony
DRC Panel at the UN