The Color Orange
Cross-Cultural Performance
The Color Orange
Cross-Cultural Performance
In 1997, long-time friends Mohammed Bilal and Josh "Boac" Goldstein formed the underground hip-hop group, Orange Flash. For Bilal and Goldstein, the name invokes the moment of creativity, the "light bulb" of innovation. Their performance piece, “The Color Orange,” follows in this vein by using their friendship to actively challenge the American notion of Black and White, Jew and Muslim, urban and suburban. Through hip-hop, theater, and sheer mayhem, they enliven 10 steps towards the path of cross-cultural communication and understanding.
Rapper and poet, Bilal is best known for his role on MTV's The Real World. With a MA in Diversity Studies, he is actively involved in confronting some of today’s most challenging issues, such as diversity, AIDS awareness, and personal responsibility. His first solo album, beatbox metafiction, has been touted as groundbreaking for its sensitive lyrics and use of world music. Bilal’s music has also appeared in the TV series Moesha, the NBC drama Kingpin, and has been featured in Sundance Award-winning film, Drylongso.
Hip-hop musician, Goldstein has been rapping for over 17 years and has toured with such artists as the Souls of Mischief and Del the Funkee Homosapien.
“The Color Orange” is a fun, vibrant, new look at race, racism, and the way we get along.
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The Color Orange Live