Ted Fishman
Journalist & Best-Selling Author
Ted Fishman
Journalist & Best-Selling Author
Ted C. Fishman’s bestselling book China, Inc.: How the Rise of the Next Superpower Challenges America and the World, has helped describe for the world the effects of China’s momentous change on the lives and businesses of people everywhere. In addition to its success in America, the book, translated and published in 24 languages, is an international bestseller. There are Chinese editions in both The People’s Republic and Taiwan, where the book has gained an enthusiastic following.
Also the author of Shock of Gray: The Aging of the World’s Population and How it Pits Young Against Old, Child Against Parent, Worker Against Boss, Company Against Rival, and Nation Against Nation (October 2010), his essays and reports appear in many of the world’s most prominent journals, including The New York Times magazine, USA Today, National Geographic, Harper’s, Esquire, INC, and The Times of London, among many others. His commentaries have been featured on Public Radio International’s This American Life and American Public Media’s Marketplace. He has been featured on ABC World News Tonight, NBC’s Today show, CNN, Fox, NPR and the BBC. Fishman has testified before Senate and Congressional committees and commissions and consults on China with a wide range of government officials, including some of America’s most influential office holders.
As a public speaker, Fishman has addressed a wide range of audiences around the world, including corporate and trade gatherings, large civic gatherings and universities. His presentations combine engaging story telling with a wide ranging knowledge about the world economy, putting into context his audiences’ top concerns and exploring how they relate to big, global economic trends. His talks are lively and stimulating. Question and answer periods are inevitably engaging.
Fishman’s writing is noted for taking seemingly vastly complex topics and making them understandable and meaningful for a general audience. Fishman is particularly interested in how big global economic trends bear on people’s everyday experience.
Mr. Fishman has lived and worked in Japan and Indonesia. He is a graduate of Princeton University and currently lives in Chicago.
Speech Topics
The Urgency of China: How the China's Next Act Changes Our World
No country—since the rise of the United States—has ever challenged the rest of the world on so many fronts as the rise of China does today. Ted Fishman explores the dynamic behind China’s rise and how the vast changes in that country change life for the rest of us as workers, managers, consumers, citizens and even as parents. China has embarked on the most ambition infrastructure building effort in the world. It is also vastly expanding it education system so help push the nation and its people to the top of world economy. As it advances and China’s market power grows, the changes many long-standing rules and practices in global business, from the roles of Central Banks and currency regimes, to shape of mass and custom production to the rules—and lack of rules—for intellectual property protection. The stakes are enormously high for people everywhere, and nothing about China’s continual rise is assured. Fishman explores the fundamental drivers of China’s push and what the rest of the world must do to insure that China’s drive creates prosperity at home, in the United States or wherever home may be.
Shock of Gray: How the Aging of the World's Population Forever Changes You, Your Business & Your World, & Brings Challenges, Treasure & Global Prosperity
The Shock of Gray is a new reality that is essential for nearly all audiences to understand. Ted Fishman delivers a powerful lesson in how the unprecedented aging of the world’s population two lies at the heart of nearly every major social and economic trend today, driving globalization and propelling the movement of money, goods and people. Understanding this immense, unprecedented change is essential to the stewardship of companies, organizations and communities that aim to endure and thrive. Fishman has traveled our grayer future and found what's bright, what's stormy, and he is creating a map we all will need to navigate a great change.
Small Places, Big Advantages
Smaller places can thrive in the global economy if they harness their best assets: strong community, committed boosters and close-knit networks. Ted C. Fishman whose book, China, Inc., describes the effects of changes in the world's most populous country on people everywhere, explores how smaller places are uniquely poised to profit as the needs of large economies propel globalization. Fishman matches the strengths of smaller places with the needs of the world's biggest economic actors. While not all small places thrive, nearly all of the world's richest places (per capita) are small-scale places, and nearly all of the world's most globalized economies, with highest skilled professional workforces are also small places. Fishman's talks build on interviews and research into the economy of his local audiences. He provides insights that can serve, among others, communities, local economic development bodies, workforce boards, educational institutions, chambers of commerce and local industries looking to provide thought leadership in their communities.