Steven Rambam
Private Investigator Turned Nazi Hunter
Steven Rambam
Private Investigator Turned Nazi Hunter
Steven Rambam is the founder and CEO of Pallorium, Inc., a licensed Investigative Agency with offices and affiliates worldwide. Pallorium maintains U.S. offices and affiliates in Texas, Louisiana, California, Florida and New York. Since 1981, Pallorium's investigators have successfully closed more than 10,500 cases, ranging from homicide and death claim investigations to missing persons cases to the investigation of various types of sophisticated financial and insurance frauds. Pallorium's online subsidiary, PallTech, offers access to nearly eight hundred (800) data sources, and to seven (7) major proprietary databases, and provides online investigative support services to 2,800 investigative and law enforcement agencies. DataVerification.Net, a custom web portal owned and operated by PallTech, provides specialized identity verification and underwriting solutions to the insurance industry.
Mr. Rambam has coordinated investigations in more than fifty (50) countries, and in nearly every U.S. State and Canadian province. Steven specializes in international and multi-jurisdictional investigations, investigations of sophisticated frauds and missing person investigations. Steven Rambam and Pallorium have conducted or coordinated numerous foreign insurance-related investigations, including hundreds of homicide and "death claim" investigations. A significant number of these cases have resulted in confessions, arrest and prosecution.
Many of Mr. Rambam's investigations involve coordination with national authorities, and Steven has received commendations and awards in a number of foreign locations. Steven has also received a number of foreign military decorations, and his activities have been mentioned in the Canadian and Israeli Parliaments.
Steven Rambam was one of the first investigators to expose USA and international "prime bank note", "prime bank guarantee", "credit enhancement" and "trading program" frauds, and his investigations in conjunction with U.S. federal law enforcement agencies resulted in some of the first convictions and imprisonment of P.B.N. fraudsters and the exposure of other sophisticated financial frauds and investment scams.
Steven Rambam is perhaps best publicly known for his pro bono activities, which have included the location and investigation of nearly 200 Nazi collaborators and war criminals in the USA, Canada, Europe and Australia. Steven has also coordinated efforts to expose terrorist groups' fundraising activities in the United States and has conducted investigations which resulted in the tightening of airport security in 8 U.S. cities.
During the past thirty years more than one thousand (1,000) newspapers and magazines have reported on Steven's activities, and Steven has been interviewed by numerous local television broadcasts, and by national and international news broadcasts such as Sixty Minutes, 48 Hours, BBC, CNN, CBC, NPR, IBA News (Israel), NBC's Dateline, The National, ARD Report Mainz, Discovery Channel, Geraldo and America's Most Wanted. Steven was recently asked to host Nowhere To Hide, a weekly investigative television show.
Steven Rambam is the technical advisor for the Kinky Friedman series of murder mysteries and the inspiration for the "Rambam" private detective character in those books. Steven is currently coauthoring a non-fiction book, Stealing Your Own Identity and he is the subject of a second non-fiction book, Rambam, P.I..
Steven Rambam is a frequent public speaker and has lectured on topics ranging from "the location of missing persons", to "the criminal use of false identification", to "foreign investigations", to "war crimes and the pursuit of war criminals". Steven's keynote lectures, "Privacy Is Dead - Get Over It" and "International Investigations", have received worldwide recognition.
Steven is a court-recognized expert witness on matters including "investigative techniques", "foreign investigation", "international fugitive recovery", "sophisticated financial frauds", among other topics.
Steven holds the "CFE" board certification from the Association of Certified Fraud Examiner, the"CPP", "PSP" and "PCI" board certifications from ASIS International, the "CSAR" board certification from the International Association for Asset Recovery and the "CFCS" certification from the Association of Certified Financial Crime Specialists. It is believed that Steven is the only person worldwide hold all six board certifications.
Steven is a member of FOI (Charter and Board Member) IIN, WAD, NAIS (Life Member), ION, AIIP, NCISS, BOMP (Founding Member), COIN, IJI, IOA, TALI, ACFE, ASIS, Intellnet, IWWA, ALDONYS, SPI (former V.P. and Board Member) and other investigative associations.