Steven Farrell
Cancer Survivor, Artist & Podcast Host
Steven Farrell
Cancer Survivor, Artist & Podcast Host
Steven Farrell, brother in law of Hollywood film star Colin Farrell is an Irish artist and speaker. His art work is collected by actors, directors, politicians, diplomats and business leaders. On September 11th, 2017 Steven’s life changed forever when he was diagnosis with stage 3 metastatic melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. His mantra is ‘Do It Now’ and now that he’s cleared of cancer, he travels around the world sharing his stories and motivating people to act now, work towards their goals and dreams, help other people and make memories with the people they love, before it’s too late.
Steven also speaks about the importance of creative expression and of how creativity helped him though the difficult periods of his life, from growing up gay in a working-class part of Dublin through his cancer treatment and recovery. Steven believes creative expression can help people through any difficulty they face large or small and, in a home, or work environment.
Steven is also the host and producer of the popular The Steven Farrell Podcast, which entered the Irish iTunes Charts at No.1. He has interviewed guests from a variety of backgrounds including Colin Farrell, movie producer Joel B. Michaels and TV Anchor Lisa Cannon.
He has appeared on most of Ireland’s leading TV and radio shows and is regularly featured in print media.
Steven is also politically active and is the former Local Area Representative for Dublin Bay South and was heavily involved in the successful Marriage Equality referendum of 2015 and the Repeal the 8th referendum of 2017, in Ireland. He is an advocate for the rights of minority groups and is an NLP Mind Coach and works one-on-one with clients to help them overcome challenges, set and achieve goals and live their lives on their terms.
Speaker Videos
Speaking Reel
Do It Now
Speech Topics
Do It Now: Live Life Before It’s Too Late
In this presentation Steven speaks about the importance of ‘doing it now’ and not putting things off until tomorrow and reaching for your goals and dreams. He speaks about his own experience of getting closer to death than he ever thought he’d be, when in 2017 after a stage 3 cancer diagnosis he was hospitalized with sepsis - twice.
In this talk, Steven shares tools and techniques, that have real life applications, he used, to help him through the most difficult periods of his life, the three letters he uses when he finds himself procrastinating and how he banished worry - forever.
One of the tools Steven believes can help anyone through any difficulty, large or small, is creativity and in this talk he explores what creativity is and shares what the science is now saying about how creativity can help with anxiety, stress and depression, how creativity can help patients to have a better quality of life and how creativity can be used in business to help break through blockages.
Steven talks about the importance of expressing our individual creativity, of how the ‘gift’ of creativity can help the creator, and how it can help other people too and that’s the greatest gift of all.
This uplifting, inspirational talk hits home and is a reminder of how precious life is and how important it is to believe in yourself, be kind and make memories with the people you love. Steven also speaks about the importance of helping others and asking for help.
Getting Your Body & Mind Back After A Serious Illness
When in the blink of an eye he went from the healthiest, strongest and most successful he’d ever been, to being diagnosed with stage 3 metastatic melanoma, Steven passed out and hit the ground and his world seemed like it was falling apart, but he got up and after several surgeries and two hospitalizations due to sepsis, Steven decided to focus on healing his body, mind and spirit.
In this talk Steven shares stories of the ups and downs of the healing process, the dangers doing too much too quickly, the ongoing challenges after a groin lymph node dissection, the importance of proper nutrition and physical exercise and how daily meditation and being in the moment is more important than ever in this ‘constantly engaged’ world we all live in.
Your Creativity Can Change the World
What is it Steve Jobs, J. K. Rowling and Walt Disney have in common with everyone else in the world? Creativity. In this presentation Steven speaks about our biggest asset: our creativity and how sharing our creative voice can help in work or home environments.
Steven also speaks of the importance of expressing our creativity and how it can help people overcome any challenges, lead to innovation, inspire and help others and can change the world. He shares his own story of how creativity helped him through a stage 3 cancer diagnosis and also speaks about how fearlessness and vulnerability are important for creativity and how a diverse environment fuels creativity. In this talk Steven shares techniques to help people access their creative voice, including 'taking a line for a walk' and the Disney Strategy.