Stephane Garelli
Competitiveness Expert
Stephane Garelli
Competitiveness Expert
Stéphane Garelli—a world authority on competitiveness—has pioneered research in this field for 25 years. He is a professor at IMD (Institute of Management Development) Lausanne, where he heads the World Competitiveness Centre, and he is also professor at the University of Lausanne.
Professor Garelli is closely connected to the world of business. He is, among other positions, chairman of the board of directors of Le Temps, the leading French language Swiss newspaper. Prior to that, he was chairman of the board of the Sandoz Financial and Banking Holding and a member of the board of the Banque Edouard Constant.
For 12 years, he was permanent senior adviser to the European management of Hewlett-Packard and before that he was managing director of the World Economic Forum and the Davos Symposium.
He is a member of a number of institutes, including the China Enterprise Management Association, the board of the Fondation Jean Monet pour l'Europe, the Swiss Academy of Engineering Sciences, and the Mexican Council for Competitiveness.
He is the author of numerous publications on competitiveness and global business, including the bestseller Top Class Competitors: How Nations, Firms and Individuals Succeed in the New World of Competitiveness.
From 1999 to 2002, Stéphane Garelli was a member of the Constitutional Assembly of his local state, Vaud, Switzerland.
Speaker Videos
The New Normal
Speech Topics
Competitiveness Is Also a Question of Mindset
A new world competitiveness landscape implies new attitudes and new approaches to managing people. Crises are periods that reveal strength of character. It is not only being good at "what you do" that counts, but also being good at "what you are." Winners will need to deal with more uncertainty and a higher sense of discomfort. They should nurture a healthy sense of ambition for their organization and themselves. In this keynote, Stéphane Garelli discusses how resilience and the ability to quickly reinvent oneself are key objectives for success.
Global Economic Recovery
Although economic recovery is quite brisk in emerging economies such as China and India, most advanced economies are experiencing a less buoyant turn-of-fate. The expected U shape recession did not turn out exactly as expected since the economy is exiting from the crisis at a lower level of activity than it went in (hence an inverse J recession). The years 2001-2008 were exceptional in terms of growth, with a formidable expansion in exports. It is highly probable—and worrying—that some excess capacities may have been created during these years of exuberance. As 2012 progresses, the world economy will be highly desynchronized. Some nations will remain on the verge of recession, other will be overheating, some shall confront deflation, others inflation. In this keynote, Stéphane Garelli discusses how companies will have to implement a very flexible and adaptive business model in such an environment.
The Impact of Society on Competitiveness
In this keynote, Stéphane Garelli discusses how the most significant challenges that are imposed today on companies stem from new priorities in society. Sustainable development, ethical behaviors, corporate governance, or aging and wellness are affecting traditional business models but also offering new business opportunities. For example, social networks induce companies to be more transparent and responsive to consumer demands. They also open the way to new marketing techniques or hiring possibilities.