Rosario Marin
Former Treasurer of the United States
Rosario Marin
Former Treasurer of the United States
Rosario Marin is an entrepreneur, an international keynote speaker, author, and serves as advisor to two corporations in Australia and Mexico.
She has been privileged to serve both as an elected and appointed official. She has served at the three levels of government; local, state, and federal.
She served in Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s cabinet as Secretary of the State and Consumer Services Agency where she oversaw procurement of nearly $9 billion worth of goods and services, the management and development of the 1,600+ state’s real estate properties, oversight of the nation's largest state employee pension funds CAL STRS and CAL PERS, the collection of state taxes over $104 billion dollars – the equivalent of the GDP of the eighth largest global economy, and programs managing a state workforce of more than 250,000 people, the state’s civil rights enforcement, consumer protection, and the licensing of 2.4 million Californians in more than 255 different professions.
Appointed by President George W. Bush and unanimously confirmed by the U.S. Senate, Ms. Marin served as the 41st Treasurer of the United States where she had oversight of the U.S. Mint and the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. She championed the U.S. Treasury's financial literacy outreach program focusing especially on the 10 million unbanked Americans. Her signature accomplishment as a member of the Partnership for Prosperity efforts between the U.S. and Mexico was the significant reduction on the cost of remittances.
As Chairwoman of the California Integrated Waste Management Board from 2004 to 2006, Ms. Marin presided over the successful attainment of California’s 50 percent recycling mandate.
Ms. Marin has held numerous leadership positions with nonprofit boards. Currently she is a member of the CSULA Foundation Board and formerly served for nine years in the Special Olympics International Board of Directors.
For her contributions, she has been awarded numerous recognitions including four Honorary Doctorate degrees.