Roni Habib
Author & Founder of EQ Schools
Roni Habib
Author & Founder of EQ Schools
Roni Habib is an expert in helping leaders, educators, and parents become happier, more resilient, more connected to their purpose, and more playful. The founder of EQ Schools, he leads workshops and speaks in organizations nationally and abroad
Early in his career, Roni struggled with the high stresses and demands of teaching even losing touch with why he wanted to be a teacher in the first place. It was so painful that he finally discovered the power of integrating mindfulness, emotional intelligence, and positive psychology in his own life as well as in his classroom and felt called to share this new approach with the world.
In the last seven years with EQ Schools, Roni has taught and inspired thousands of Teachers, Principals, Superintendents, Administrators, and Parents.
Prior to earning his Masters of Education and teaching credential at Harvard University, he lived in Israel and Belgium. Most importantly though, Roni has a huge heart and loves helping people.
Speech Topics
Joyful Leadership: Applying Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence & Mindfulness to Your Life & Your Work
Connections matter more than anything. Effective leaders understand that. In this workshop you will discover ways to increase your emotional intelligence and your school staff EQ (or district team), and to bring more joy, connections, and meaning to your work and life. You’ll learn how to infuse your team with emotional resonance and enhance your ability to courageously and effectively lead your school or district. You’ll get strategies that deepen trust and help navigate vulnerable conversations within your team and get actionable tools towards creating cultures in schools that value the wellbeing of students and staff above all while deepening the learning and academic abilities of kids. Topics such as Self-Regulation, Self-Management, Empathy, Stress Reduction, Effective Communication, and the role of Play and Joy will be covered. These concepts are research based, grounded in the science of the fields of Positive Psychology, Emotional Intelligence, and Mindfulness. This will be a highly interactive, energetic, and experiential workshop so get ready to have some fun!
The Power of Play & Connection!
People that play together, learn and work better together. It’s time to take play, connections, and joy in our school seriously. In this session, you’re not only going to learn about the Positive Psychology research behind why these are so critical to actualizing the potential of your staff and colleagues, but you will feel it yourself! We’ll be very active, have a lot of fun, and you’ll learn a ton!
Communicate Like a Wizard!
Most of the mistakes leaders make have to do with poor communication. Whether it’s not listening mindfully, not being aware of their non-verbal communication, or simply being uncomfortable (or fearing) public speaking. In this session you’ll learn useful strategies that allow you to gain trust and buy-in from your staff while avoiding common pitfalls that can easily lead to damaging relationships. You’ll also learn simple yet powerful tools to use when you speak to an audience. Most leaders only think about what they want their audience to know. A few leaders remember to think about what they want their audience to do. Yet almost no leader thinks about what they want their audience to feel. In this workshop, you will not only have a chance to delve into what you want your audience to feel and experience, you will also reconnect to why that’s important to you so that you can inspire those who follow you. This workshop will be active, super fun, and you’ll learn a ton!
Practicing Radical Self Care
Burnout occurs when there is too much stress with no recovery. In this session it will become crystal clear to you that your recovery time is a part of your work and you should protect it with as much vigor as you protect your students. We will learn about the link between recovery and high performance as well as higher levels of wellbeing. We’ll look at the powerful myths that prevent us from committing to our self-care, and we’ll learn how to use activation energy and commitments in our favor. We’ll also delve into what deeper emotional self-care looks like when we face adversity. If you want to remain a leader for a long time while living a rich life, this session is a must.
Get Your Gremlins Out of the Way, So You Can Be Fully There For Your People!
Have you ever wanted to implement a new program or idea at your school that you knew would be amazing for students but decided not to do it because a voice in your head told you that you are unrealistic, or that it would be impossible? All of us have a squad of gremlins (the inner critic voices in our heads) that are masterful at bringing us down and keeping us from our potential. It’s time to “dance with the gremlins” so we can be our best selves for our staff and students. In this session, we will learn how to tame our gremlins through understanding what cognitive distortions are, using self compassion, and establishing self-empowering beliefs.
The Power of Choosing the Right Beliefs About Yourself & Those You Lead!
Beliefs are the number one predictor of success. Left unexamined, our mind often loves to feed us disempowering thoughts that are almost always wrong. That’s because our mind is not designed to make us happy, it’s designed to make us survive. In this session you will learn to train your mind to be able to choose empowering thoughts about yourself and about your students, and you will discover that these thoughts are almost always more realistic than unexamined thoughts. With the right beliefs in place, you’ll gain clarity, and start to make incremental decisions that allow you to fulfil your vision for yourself and your students.