Ron Galloway
Filmmaker & Researcher
Ron Galloway
Filmmaker & Researcher
Ron Galloway is the director of the business films New Money, Why Walmart Works, and the upcoming Age Invaders. He speaks on the disruptive effects of new technologies in healthcare and finance. He writes a blog about Walmart and why it does and doesn’t work, as well as a conservative column for the Huffington Post. He is currently working on his new book, Social Money, and is a frequent public speaker who presents on a variety of business topics.
Galloway is the director of four films and the author of four books. His latest film, New Money, explores breakthroughs in payment technology such as Bitcoin and Apple Pay. He directed the business documentary Why Walmart Works, which was the first film to ever premiere in the U.S. Capitol Building, and produced the World War II documentary Oflag 64: A POW Odyssey for PBS.
His books include Tim Cook Speaks, Rethinking Presentations, and Five Who Matter: Biographies of Civil Rights Leaders for Young Students.
His work has been written about in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and New Yorker magazine. He has appeared on CNN, CNBC, the BBC, and was the subject of a lengthy feature on Jon Stewart’s Daily Show.
Galloway is a graduate of Georgia Tech and was an investment advisor and analyst for nearly 20 years. In the feat of optimal timing, he retired from investments in 2004.
Speech Topics
Wal-Mart & the Future of Distributed Healthcare
More and more patients are receiving healthcare in settings heretofore unthinkable. Wal-Mart plans to have 2000 health clinics in the next four years with a potential 20 million patients annually. Target, CVS, and Kroger are more examples of distributed healthcare. In this speech, Galloway will also cover medical tourism, which is growing at 35% per annum.
Age Invaders: The Impact of Increasing Longevity on Hospitals
In 1900 the average lifespan was 47. Now you can expect to live well over 80, and 100 will be commonplace. As longevity increases at an increasingly growing rate, what are the consequences for your hospital?
Your patients are going to be increasing grayer, and this calls for new thinking as far as services that best fit their healthcare needs. This presentation will attempt to explore the changes we can expect due to our increasing longevity, and the implications for you and for healthcare as a whole.
- Why is longevity increasing so rapidly?
- What societal disruptions can we expect?
- How is eldercare affected?
- What new healthcare services will emerge as a result people living longer?
- What new healthcare technologies will be used to care for a grayer population?
- How will hospitals be disrupted, and what can they do to prepare?
Innovations That Will Drive The Future Of Hospitals
Innovation is happening so fast these days it is hard to keep up with, and it's even harder to take the time and think about how these changes and trends will affect your future. In this webinar, Ron takes a deep dive into seven areas that will affect you and your business in fundamental and sometimes unseen ways. We'll start by briefly taking a look at the past and how some seemingly small innovations went on to affect healthcare in unexpected ways: Universal Product Code (UPC), Toyota Production System (Six Sigma), Amazon EC2 (the original cloud), even GPS! Then we'll look ahead at how the technologies and trends of today will radically change healthcare future:
- Ambient Intelligence, Wearables & The Internet of Things
- Artificial Intelligence & Quantum Computing
- DNA Data Mining & Predictive Medicine
- Telehealth
- Biometrics
- Robotics and The Role Of The Labor Force
- Impact Of Increasing Longevity & Changing Demographics
Mark Twain said "History doesn't repeat itself, but it does rhyme.” Accordingly, this content rich webinar will look at past innovations, examine their disruptive impact, and apply those lessons to inferring how new innovative technologies may alter what the future may hold for hospitals.
Cybersecurity 2017: Ransomware & The New Threat of Hacking Medical Devices
Ransomware has suddenly become a very big deal, now that it is literally a life and death matter with viruses hitting hospitals and encrypting patient records. Hollywood Presbyterian just paid hackers $17,000 to get their decryption key for their hacked records, and hospitals in Germany and Ottawa have been victims of ransomware this year.
Two factors are accelerating the problem - Ransomware is now being written to execute Javascript instructions, which means viruses can be hidden in PDFs, and potentially browsers. Also, the people that write this malware are now offering it out on commission, taking a cut of the ransom as opposed to attacking targets themselves. This means the number of people putting out ransomware is going to expand dramatically in the next few months.
This session examines recent ransomware occurrences and how they happened, 2) defines the terms involved in an understandable and clear way, and 3) most important, gives you concrete steps to take to lessen the chance of a ransomware attack at your institution.
Innovations In Eldercare Technology
Much as WalMart evolved from a physical store into a data powerhouse, eldercare and assisted living facilities are also now morphing into data-driven institutions, with inputs coming from EMRs, indoor GPS, audio/video sensors, and a new generation of wearables.
This presentation examines accelerating trends in data technology specific to eldercare facilities, how these technologies integrate, and ultimately enhance each other to the benefit the elderly.
For example, Ambient Intelligence is a new A.I. technology where all data inputs (from wearable bands to pressure pads to Amazon Echo-like devices in rooms) are centralized and given context. If an Alzheimer's patient falls, his wearable device determines he has fallen (from the accelerometer on his wrist), where he is located (from indoor GPS), and what protocols should be followed (given data from his EMR), as well as academic journal research specific curated by Watson. This presentation includes Ron’s tweaking of an Amazon Echo to show the possibilities voice recognition can offer the elderly.
This presentation looks into the not so distant future at tech and societal trends, and illustrate why data will become one of the prime drivers of value in eldercare facilities design and care.
Emerging Trends In Telehealth
Once consigned to the literal frontiers of healthcare, telehealth has become a strategic initiative for even the most urban academic medical centers aiming to become regional health systems. Managing population health will require increasing use of remote care and monitoring that rely on cloud-based, mobile telehealth solutions that have been shown to demonstrate significant cost avoidance while effectively engaging large populations.
This session will address the newly emerging telehealth landscape that incorporates anytime, anywhere diagnostics and communications across the continuum of care using a new generation of wearables and smart appliances for keeping the patient in the home and out of the hospital.
The Disruptive Impact of Home Health Gateways
Home health gateways, will be a growing part of the home health technology market. These devices and applications use wireless connectivity to aggregate information from disparate sources – for example, from connected home medical monitoring equipment, wearable devices, and standalone health and wellness devices. There are two main groups of home health hubs: standalone devices and downloadable applications that reside on the mobile device (smartphone or tablet) or wearable device (such as a smart watch).
A number of drivers are pushing the home health hub market forward, including the need to reduce or contain healthcare costs while improving patient outcomes. Other drivers include the increasing number of individuals with chronic conditions, aging populations, increased interest in health and wellness tracking, and the emergence of a more connected consumer base. What is the current state of the home health hub market and how will it affect healthcare delivery over the coming years?
Wearable Technologies In Hospitals & Healthcare
The use of healthcare wearables is exploding, with a considerable amount of activity across the healthcare value chain. Wearables are an extension of the digital transformation of healthcare, helping pharmaceutical companies to expand clinical trials, enabling insurance companies to engage with customers by incentivizing healthier living, helping healthcare providers to improve the delivery of healthcare, and empowering patients by providing them access to their own health data.
Healthcare wearables are moving from being fitness and wellness devices to being able to directly impact medical conditions, improve diagnosis and care, and ultimately save lives. Chronic medical conditions like cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes are the primary targets for many of the emerging healthcare wearable companies, as they impact a large percentage of the population. Eldercare, whether in a healthcare facility or as part of remote monitoring in the home, is a key focus for healthcare wearables, providing real-time continuous feeds of vital signs, as well as alerts in case of any anomalies. What are the key wearable device types that will have an impact on healthcare? What are the primary application areas for healthcare wearables? What is the timeline for adoption of healthcare wearables?
Age Invaders: The Effect of Increasing Longevity on Wealth Management
This year, more adult diapers will be sold in Japan than baby diapers. This is due to a decreased birth rate and increasing longevity. And it’s now happening here.
In 1900 the average lifespan was 47 years. Now you can expect to live well over 80. Children born today will increasingly live to 100. As longevity increases at an increasingly growing rate, what are the consequences for investment advisors and consultants?
Your clients are going to be increasingly "grayer", and this calls for new thinking as far as products and services that best fit their financial needs. The asset allocation of a 75 year old is radically different from a 45 year old. And there are going many more of those 75 year olds, even 100 year olds. We'll see more 100 year bonds and 100 year mortgages, as well as longer investment time horizons, and delayed retirements as more stay in the workforce. And all of this may occur in a prolonged low interest rate environment.
As people live longer their spending, healthcare, and housing patterns change, and they have more of an opportunity to accumulate wealth. This presentation will attempt to explore the changes we can expect due to our increasing longevity, and the implications for you and for your industry as a whole.
Disinnovation: The Other Side of Disruptive Innovation
Disruptive innovation is the rage in business for the last decade. The pursuit of innovation obviously has benefits, and leads to products such as the iPhone and Amazon Prime.
But what happens when innovation actually becomes “disinnovation” and results in outcomes that not only don’t get new customers, but drive existing customers away? For example, the NFL’s RedZone application, hailed as a revolutionary innovation, allows fans to follow the highlights of many games at once. However, that results in fewer fans actually watching the games themselves, and consequently has resulted in decreased ad revenue. Blackberry insisted customers would never type on a touchscreen, and preferred a physical keyboard. NASCAR decided to pursue a more affluent demographic, and lost their core audience. Now they are removed seats from speedways to make them look more full on TV.
And infamously, electronic health records were intended to improve patient care, yet have decreased physician productivity by 25%. That is disinnovation.
In this presentation, we examine how executives can align their innovation mandates into areas which add new customers and, equally as important, keep existing ones.
Innovations in Large Scale Analytics
The advent of billions of smartphones has placed unprecedented demands on database technology, but it has also given telecom providers a flood of data to study and make inferences from. Big data is overwhelming not only because of its volume but also because of the diversity of data types and the speed at which it must be managed. By discovering associations and understanding patterns and trends within the data, big data analytics has the potential to improve services and lower costs. What are the technologies which best enable this?
In this presentation Ron first takes a deep dive into the various advantages and characteristics of big data analytics today. Second, he examines the architectural framework of big data analytics such as data prep and clustering. Third, data mining analytics application development is explored, focusing for instance on tech such as Hadoop along with machine learning for marketing and customer profiling. Fourth, Ron provides case studies of big data analytics and how it has reduced human based analysis and led to the ability to extract, identify, and make sense of large volumes of data.