Randy Dean
The E-mail Sanity Expert®
Randy Dean
The E-mail Sanity Expert®
Randy Dean, The E-mail Sanity Expert®, is a professional speaker and expert on time & e-mail management and the related use of technology. For 30 years, Randy has been leading programs for major corporate, university, association, and governmental audiences. Obsessed with time management and personal productivity, he left a successful career as a university administrator, professional marketer, and media strategist to become a leading speaker and trainer. The author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the E-mail Beast, and producer and creator of several video-based self-study courses as well as a new series of “mini guide e-books”, he has led programs for thousands of inspired students, managers, and professionals on being more productive with their time and technology. His highly informative and entertaining speaking and training programs leave audience members with immediately usable tools, strategies, and tips leading to saved time and effort, more focus, less distraction, and higher efficiency.
Randy is best known for his programs on time, project, people, distraction, and especially e-mail management using popular tools like Microsoft Outlook, Gmail/Google apps, and smart phones & tablets. He also has new programs on working from home more productively, getting more from meetings & virtual meetings, and specific programming on Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace tools and systems. His popular YouTube channel provides numerous short video tips on key software tools like Outlook and Gmail, as well as content on key productivity and time management strategies, techniques, and issues.
His speaking and training programs are consistently some of the highest-rated programs for the many clients he speaks for, including at major conferences/conventions, Fortune 500 organizations, top universities, governmental agencies, and leading nonprofits -- basically anyone struggling to better manage their time, email, and smart phone/tablet devices. (And he makes these topics fun and engaging too!)
He has previously been interviewed by numerous media outlets including radio, television, newspaper, and blog/podcast sites. He is a 15+ year full member of the National Speakers Association (NSA) and also a member of the Florida and Michigan Society of Association Executives.
Speaker Videos
Emmy Winner Bill Stainton CSP CPAE: my next guest on Espresso w the Experts on boosting Innovation
Bernadette Johnson Espresso with Experts: Leaders Make a Difference by BEing the Difference
Speaker and Author Glen Guyton: Cultural Competency Advocate is the next Espresso w/ Experts Guest!
Dr. Sherene McHenry: The People IQ Expert(R) -- Espresso with Experts Podcast w/ Randy Dean
Are You Making A Daily Startup Mistake? How many of you start your day checking your e-mail?
Speech Topics
Finding an Extra Hour Every Day: Time Management Tips & Tricks for Busy Professionals
In this popular program on “finding an extra hour of productivity” every day, Randy Dean, MBA, “The E-mail Sanity Expert”®, uses humor and high energy as he goes into many of the most common areas of productivity loss (and possible gain!) afflicting many busy professionals today: dealing with e-mail and input overload, managing multiple projects and tasks, maintaining “traction” when dealing with unexpected interruptions, clearing the clutter in your mind and your workspace for better focus and attention, keeping staff on task, tracking “who owes you what when” and getting that information on time, and better managing your calendar and contacts for better time and relationship management. He also shows specific strategies for Microsoft and Google users in this session so they can apply the overriding strategies to the software they use every day. His goal is to help stressed out performers learn several new and immediately useful strategies and tech tips for finding a few minutes on your daily tasks, activities, and actions, leading to (hopefully!) at least an extra hour of productivity every day.
At the end of this session, people will be able to:
- Have a smarter regimen for managing incoming e-mail with less distraction and more focus
- Have a strategy for more effectively dealing with unexpected interruptions
- Know how to build a project-based, prioritized daily task list
- Keep up with the people that “owe them stuff”, to help avoid unnecessary urgency & missed deadlines
- Use popular functions in your calendar to schedule and meet commitments
- “De-clutter” your brain by moving “all of those lists” out of your head into a better place
- Have a better way to both start and “work” your day so you are more focused, more prioritized, and less distracted
- For Outlook users, this program will also potentially provide tips and techniques for using all five of the key Outlook functions: E-mail, Calendar, Contacts, Tasks, and Notes
- Gmail/Google tips can also be incorporated if you have an audience of mixed users.
Smart Phone Success & Terrific Tablets: More Productivity (and Less Distraction!) from Your Devices
You know which apps are fun, but what apps and functions will help you turn your IPhone, Android and/or Windows device into a productivity workhorse? In this session, we’ll discuss the apps, online services and peripheral devices that help take your Smart Phone (and tablets) from “cool” to “critical” when it comes to productivity, time, project, people, and e-mail management as well as “remote” productivity. You might even be able to consider whether the combination of these devices could even replace your “old school” laptop or desktop! And, for clients/attendees using Microsoft Office/365 or Google Suite/Workspace, we will discuss app integration with your related computer/browser tools. A highlight to this program is when the presenter, Randy Dean, opens up the floor to program participants to share their favorite apps, allowing people to gain knowledge from all program attendees.
The following topics will be covered in this program:
- Understand the history, development, and current market status of Smart Phone and Tablet devices and their interaction with cloud-based applications
- Learn how to customize their own "suite" of productivity-related applications to get much greater usage and capability from their devices, including now better integration with Microsoft 365 and Google Suite
- Set up a “Productivity Home Screen” that allows you to seamlessly launch your most powerful productivity apps and services without the inherent “distraction” that often accompanies these devices
- Learn about useful peripheral devices that will extend their range of capabilities beyond the device itself as well as extending battery life and usage
- Understand the range of applications and possibilities in several "extended productivity" areas, including reference, real estate, finance, travel, shopping, health, and more
Managing & Leading Great Staff & Team Meetings (Including Virtual)
Well-managed meetings are highly effective tools for keeping people and teams informed and productive, but they don’t happen by accident. Unfortunately, many teams and organizations report far too many unproductive meetings causing a drain on productivity and staff morale. Businesses and leaders need to make sure that their meetings are effective, productive, and consistently create value for the organization. If you are a leader that wants to plan and run more effective meetings using the least amount of valuable staff time and resources, this program provides you with the tools and strategies you need to plan, manage, lead, and end effective, efficient meetings. And, with the new rise of virtual tools and meetings due to the coronavirus outbreak, we will also cover several tips and strategies for making your virtual meetings work better and create value.
After this session, you will have techniques to:
- Learn key reasons why meetings can both fail and succeed, and prepare for "failure mitigation"
- Use proven strategies for better pre-meeting preparation, including both meeting leaders and attendees
- Plan for the technology if using virtual tools – help ensure a positive online experience for your team
- Get the right people (and only the right people) in the room consistently to achieve the stated goals and objectives of the meeting
- Better manage distractions and discourtesies in meetings so they are more likely to be successful
- Get more input and participation from all personality types, not just the "dominant extroverts"
- Use a unique "real time" technique for meeting documentation that leads to excellent post-meeting delegation, follow up and follow through
- Know when a formal meeting isn't needed, and how to better leverage "quick huddles" -- both in person and virtual
- Have access to techniques for more successful ongoing project/team meetings, making them become and stay highly productive over the life of the group/team
- Even run a better brainstorming meeting, getting better participation from attendees and more useful idea generation
Time Management in “The Cloud” Using Gmail/Google Workspace: Time, Life, Work, Project, People, Calendar, & E-mail Management Using Google
Can you honestly use Google's cloud-based "Workspace" apps for professional business & productivity activities? The answer: ABSOLUTELY! - this session will show you how!
In this course, you will learn several strategies and techniques on how the new Google Suite of productivity apps can seriously be considered for an advanced personal productivity and time management system. Randy Dean, MBA (The E-mail Sanity Expert®) will help you understand how many of the different functions within Gmail, Google Calendar, Google Contacts, Google Tasks & Google Keep (and more!) Randy can show you how these new applications were designed for enhanced productivity and give great suggestions on how you can get so much more from this powerful and amazingly useful “cloud-based” software, opening up the freedom of any device, any platform, anywhere!
Randy’s Time & Project Management in “The Cloud” course covers the following topics/areas:
- Why Google-based apps stored "in the cloud" make sense for many business professionals
- Key tips & strategies for Google-based e-mail management, including “folder” design and management, converting e-mails to task, calendar items, and contacts, and automating repeating messages
- Strategies for managing projects & tasks in a Google/online environment, including an overview of the improved Google Tasks function and related Smart Phone apps
- Calendaring tips and techniques for online calendar management anywhere, including meeting management, effective use of reminders, group calendar access, and more
- A smart daily "Start Up" routine that will guarantee you are focusing on key projects, people, and commitments with less distraction
- Clearing the clutter from your head using easily available Google Keep
- Managing your contacts online using Google Contacts and apps like LinkedIn (& even Facebook)
- A discussion on integration with existing peripherals -- anyplace, anywhere you have Internet!
Randy integrates plenty of humor and real-world application into this quick hitting session, and nearly everyone will walk out of the room buzzing with ideas for enhancing their “cloud-based” productivity and expertise.
Taming the E-mail Beast: Key Strategies for Managing Your E-mail Overload
Is your e-mail a “beast”? Does it take up too much time, cause distraction, and actually get in the way of productivity vs. helping with productivity? Without a system for “controlling the beast”, professionals spend much of their work (and personal) time spinning wheels and feeling highly unsatisfied. If you would like to get control of your e-mail “beast”, you should attend this program led by Randy Dean, MBA, author of the Amazon bestseller, Taming the Email Beast. Randy shares strategies for effective e-mail management, organization, and prioritization (featuring live and newly updated demos in popular programs like Outlook and Gmail) that have helped thousands of business professionals regain control and sanity with their e-mail activities (one university client even found that the average attendee saved more than 2 hours per week by taking this program!) Enhance your efficiency today and walk away with immediately usable tips and techniques!
At the end of this program, attendees will be able to:
- Understand the nature of e-mail & information overload in today's workplace
- Have a strategy for “splitting” work, personal, and junk/spam e-mails for greater efficiency
- Use a very simple “rule” for managing all incoming e-mail that allows for both greater speed and prioritization of those messages and embedded tasks
- Learn how to convert e-mails quickly into tasks, contacts, and calendar items
- Use embedded functions inside of your e-mail that allow you to “automate” certain common activities/messages
- Greatly reduce distraction by setting up special notifiers and adjusting internal settings in both Outlook & Gmail
- Build a personal file “infrastructure” that can assist in achieving greater organization and possibly even “e-mail ZERO”!
- Better manage both sent and received CC's, Forwards, and Replies, to reduce confusion and increase communication capabilities.