Neha Sangwan, M.D.
Physician, CEO Coach, Communication & Burnout Expert, Author
Neha Sangwan, M.D.
Physician, CEO Coach, Communication & Burnout Expert, Author
With the practicality of an engineer and the heart and soul of a doctor, Neha Sangwan, M.D. has been changing lives with her powerful, interactive keynotes for two decades. As an internal medicine physician, she has discovered the prescription for inspiring personal and cultural transformation and healing burnout across industries, from tech to finance to healthcare. With simple yet profound tools, she connects the dots between health and leadership performance and inspires personal accountability, mutual trust and clear communication across teams —catalyzing an organization’s ability to adapt to change, innovate and excel under pressure.
Dr. Sangwan works with innovative organizations, such as American Express, Google, and Apple, and also partners with forward-thinking healthcare institutions and universities, such as Kaiser Permanente, Harvard’s Brigham & Women’s Hospital, Stanford University and the University of Michigan. Dr. Sangwan has pioneered programs that measurably improve metrics related to culture transformation, employee engagement and productivity, customer satisfaction, provider-patient communication and client satisfaction. She is the author of Talk Rx: Five Steps to Honest Conversations That Create Connection and Health and Happiness (Hay House, 2015) and has had the honor of sharing her wisdom on multiple TEDx stages. Dr. Sangwan’s common sense, yet profound approach has won praise from best-selling thought leaders, ranging from Dr. Wayne Dyer to Mark Hyman, M.D., and has positively influenced and inspired the lives of audiences around the globe.
Dr. Sangwan is the CEO and founder of Intuitive Intelligence, a leadership and culture transformation consulting firm. By combining the science of medicine with the art of communication, she improves productivity and outcomes. Her innovative program, the i-Five Experience™, uses scientifically proven techniques to reduce stress, heal burnout, build resilience and foster individual and team accountability.
Neha began her teaching career as a faculty member for Kaiser Permanente’s Northern California Physician Education and Development Team. There, she designed and delivered innovative workshops that transformed toxic medical cultures into healing organizations. For example, under her guidance, an operating room team with a 20-year cultural history of bullying, union conflict and destructive social dynamics embraced a new culture of collaborative team engagement and increased productivity through mutual trust, respect and authentic communication. Dr. Sangwan has also translated this program to corporate settings, where she works with clients in consulting, technology, higher education and finance.
Speaker Videos
TEDx: The Communication Cure
TEDx: Changing and Letting Your Heart Speak
TEDx: The Community Cure
Speech Topics
Elevating Your Team: Healing Burnout & Stress to Reinspire & Re-Engage
As the barriers between work and home have crumbled, it’s no secret that the past few years have been challenging. Rates of burnout and stress are skyrocketing.
During these times of great change, how can you proactively prevent your staff from going down the slippery slope of burnout and instead, help them excel under pressure?
How you show up now is a reflection of your leadership. In order to meet this epic pace of external change, it’s critical to upgrade their human software—by building their resilience, expanding their perspectives and elevating their capacity for self-care, team engagement and innovation.
Dr. Neha Sangwan, an internal medicine physician, corporate communication expert and CEO and physician coach, has created a powerful and highly effective way to simplify this complex condition: approaching burnout as a net drain of energy on one or more of the following levels—physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual. Her approach utilizes a customized formula to both identify and heal burnout individually while synergistically supporting optimal wellness and performance for your teams and your organization.
As a speaker and teacher, Neha’s interactive style is accessible, transformative and refreshing. Grounded in science, her philosophy is that learning should be inspirational, practical and fun. She provides powerful frameworks that awaken you and your teams to natural work styles and inspire a new level of productivity, collaboration and leadership.
From Surviving to Thriving: Identifying & Healing Burnout
World events over the past few years have catalyzed change at unprecedented levels. Every year, we are asked to do more with less. To excel under pressure, each of us must expand our capacity and become more resourceful.
Are you ready to upgrade your human software to version 3.0 to meet this new pace and scope of change? In addition, how do you focus on your health and well-being while also being grounded in your passion and purpose?
Join Neha Sangwan, M.D., an internal medicine physician, corporate communication expert and CEO and physician coach, for an interactive experience with practical tools that will help you identify where you are on the spectrum of burnout and how to heal—at home and at work.
As a medical doctor, Neha embodies an experiential style that is grounded in science and sprinkled with humor to motivate and transform you.
A Nation Divided: How to Address Authentic Conversations at Work & at Home
As the institutions, norms and rules that once held the fabric of our society together dissolve, the relationships and companies that will thrive are the ones that adjust most quickly to our new reality. One of the biggest predictors of success will be the quality of our conversations, both at work and at home.
Whether it’s a:
- managerial exchange to inspire a team member
- customer service interaction with an unhappy customer
- political conversation with a family member with whom you disagree or
- healthcare provider’s challenging conversation with a patient.
No matter the setting, favorable outcomes depend on the quality of our interpersonal exchanges.
Drawing upon her book, Talk Rx, which Dr. Wayne Dyer called “priceless information from a medical doctor who is the real deal,” Neha Sangwan, M.D., an internal medicine physician, corporate communication expert and CEO and physician coach, reveals practical, yet profound communication tools that will answer the current dilemmas you’re facing around having honest conversations. Neha provides practical tools to help you and your audience better navigate this challenging and complex time in our world.
How to Use the Disruptive Energy of a Pandemic to Make Your Business Thrive
Our world has changed. Over the past few years, we’ve had to reexamine nearly every aspect of our lives. So how do companies adjust to this new, continually evolving reality? As the institutions, norms and rules that once held the fabric of our society together have dissolved, the businesses that will thrive are the ones that adjust most quickly to our new reality.
One of the biggest predictors of success will be the quality of leadership in your organization and the level of self-awareness and collaboration on your teams.
- Have you invested in building mutual trust and respect within and across your teams?
- How comfortable are you and your teams at navigating strong emotions—within yourselves and in relationship to others?
- How adaptable are your teams to change?
Neha Sangwan, M.D., an internal medicine physician, corporate communication expert and CEO and physician coach, will empower you and your teams with practical tools that expand your capacity for both individual and team performance. By understanding how to identify your body’s earliest signals, then how to decipher them and know how to express them clearly and directly to one another, you will be able to navigate conflict with trust, respect and strengthen your relationships. You’ll learn how to upgrade you and your team’s human software to not only meet the challenges of our complex world but to also excel under pressure!
Talk Rx: Five Steps to Honest Conversations That Create Connection, Health & Happiness
Whether it’s a managerial exchange with a team member, a conversation with a client or a healthcare provider navigating a challenging conversation with a patient, favorable outcomes depend on the quality of our interpersonal exchanges. Drawing upon her book, Talk Rx, which Dr. Wayne Dyer called “priceless information from a medical doctor who is the real deal,” Neha Sangwan, M.D., reveals practical, yet profound communication tools that will strengthen personal and professional relationships, elevate performance, reduce stress levels and save you time!
Self-Care in Healthcare: Burnout Solutions to Protect Our Healers
Have you ever noticed that when communication breaks down, your heart rate speeds up? If conflict goes on long enough—at home or at work—you’ll find yourself stressed out and up at night with increasing anxiety, digestive discomfort or headaches.
As healers, we’ve been taught to identify and alleviate physical symptoms, but we often don’t have the time or the training to identify the root causes of mental, emotional and social stresses that sometimes cause these physical symptoms. As a profession, this is evidenced by more than 50% of us reporting signs of burnout—undermining our own wellbeing as we attempt to serve and heal others.
Neha Sangwan, M.D., has a different kind of prescription. By illuminating the ways that physical ailments can connect to our mental, emotional, social and spiritual health, she provides insights and practical tools that empower healthy communication, stronger relationships, more collaborative workplaces, higher productivity and greater effectiveness.
Empowering Women: Ushering in A New Type of Leadership
When women are provided with the freedom to express their unique capabilities and perspectives, we elevate us all. That’s why women often make great leaders. We have unique societal and workplace expectations. Feminine characteristics of leadership are those that build strong cultures based on shared purpose and create the trust and collaboration that sparks innovation. They also create cultures of caring, connection and balance that are geared toward purposeful action in society—exactly what the next generation seeks.
In this experiential talk, Dr. Neha Sangwan, an internal medicine physician, corporate communication expert and CEO and physician coach, shares the importance of elevating women leaders and provides the tools for them to be their best, including self-care, overcoming self-doubt and developing self-trust in order to elevate performance and realize their full potential.
Digital Doctor
In a world where change is the constant, we must elevate our ability to adapt and do more with less each year. For many of us, the interpersonal exchanges with our patients were sacred and energy-giving. In recent years, the introduction of electronic health records and pervasiveness of telemedicine have transformed our patient interactions.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed trying to integrate the science of medicine with the art of telecommunication—you’re in the right place. It’s time to equip yourself with the powerful tools that will allow you to connect deeply and effectively manage your time.
Neha Sangwan, M.D., an internal medicine physician, corporate communication expert and CEO and physician coach, empowers healthcare leaders and their teams to master effective communication in our digital, socially distanced and in-person masked world. Under high pressure, these practical tools will reduce stress, resolve conflict and build rapport with ease—not just with patients and their families but also with each other.