Mike Ryan
Head Athletic Trainer & Physical Therapist in the NFL
Mike Ryan
Head Athletic Trainer & Physical Therapist in the NFL
Nothing about Mike Ryan’s life has been slow or easy. Recently, he retired from the high-octane world of the National Football League where he shined as a Head Athletic Trainer and Physical Therapist for 20 years and an assistant for the previous 6 years.
Ryan is a life-long athlete and extreme sport enthusiast who is filled with revitalized passion for life with the opportunities he’s creating at the age of 51. For 26 years, he has grinded within the NFL schedule, where he worked 7 day per week for 6 straight months during the season taking care of $140+million dollar elite athletes each season. Since making the decision to step out of the NFL on his own terms, Ryan is now pulling back the sports medicine curtain of the NFL to share his skills to help athletes to stay healthy and active.
A graduate of the University of Connecticut in Physical Therapy and of Central Connecticut State University in Special Studies in Athletic Training, Ryan’s high-energy and positive view of this world isn’t limited to his rehab skills for world-class athletes. This 6-time Ironman triathlete finds great pleasure in travelling the world for an adrenaline rush and a view of life from a much different vantage point than most.
The many messages that Ryan has shared over the years are all about creating positive change in those that are listening. Story telling is his vehicle of choice to both entertain and educate his audience. Reflecting upon lessons learned from his youth growing up in New England, working “some of the worst jobs imaginable” to get through 7 years of college for two degrees and spending 26 years in the NFL, Ryan has come out the other side with powerful insights, which he shares in his customizable speeches.
Empowering others to “Take Your Health Back” is something that Mike Ryan believes in with all his heart. With today’s rising healthcare costs, NOW is the time to learn helpful tricks from an expert in the field to live a longer and healthier life.
Speaker Videos
Mike Ryan PFT
Speech Topics
Change Your Attitude & Change Your Life
Drawing upon his unique experience and accomplishments, Mike is an informative, down-to-earth speaker who knows how to get your group thinking, learning and achieving their best. He can teach your audience how to think differently about themselves and enhance productivity with information that is easy to understand, simple to apply and gets fast results. An average athlete talks to themselves at a rate of 1200 words per minute. How you think and what your mind says to yourself is so important. Let Mike teach you and your audience how professional athletes utilize VISUALIZATION and SELF-IMAGERY to overcome fear, doubt and injuries to perform at a world-class level. Mike’s well-researched presentation and priceless stories easily engage his audiences. He possesses the ability to simplify difficult topics into easy to understand, bite-sized pearls of information to help his customers. Mike’s fresh perspective breathes new life and vision into companies and individuals alike. Presentations can be customized for any organizational environment.
Top 5 Health & Fitness Secrets from the NFL
Keeping elite athletes healthy is no easy task. Learn how you too can benefit from the “inside scoop” on the latest advances in sports medicine techniques, safe conditioning, healthy nutrition and overcoming common injuries usually reserved for professional athletes.
Corporate Wellness Made Easy
Enhancing your health and wellness doesn’t have to be complicated. Mike Ryan can teach your employees how to think differently about themselves and enhance their health the “Mike Ryan way”: With information that is easy to understand, simple to apply and gets fast results.
Awake the Athlete Inside You in ONLY 32 ½ Days
Why does society assume if you’re over 30 years old you should just embrace getting old gracefully? No way! It’s time to re-embrace your title of “ATHLETE” and learn how to apply that mentality by training smarter, not harder.
Wellness 101: Change Your Attitude & Change Your Life
An average athlete talks to themselves at a rate of 1200 words per minute. How you think and what your mind says is very important. Let Mike Ryan teach you and your employees how professional athletes utilize VISUALIZATION and SELF-IMAGERY to overcome fear, doubt and injuries to perform at a world-class level.
Stronger For Longer: How to Get Better Every Day for the Rest of Your Life
Most investments take time. Meanwhile, compound interest flourishes with time. Mike Ryan can show you how to maximize your body’s return-on-investment (ROI) with simple tips to take control of your health by getting better every day in areas such as nutrition, Ab strength, lower body fat and proven conditioning plans.
Taking Ownership of Your Body & Mind Today…. & What it Means to You
Your body, mind, self-image and emotions belong to one person: YOU. Too often people hand the responsibility for their health and wellness over to their doctor, personal trainer and/or family member. Let Mike Ryan show you how your entire organization can quickly reap healthy rewards by regaining ownership of your bodies and minds.