Megan Greene
Global Chief Economist at Kroll, Financial Times Columnist, Senior Fellow, Brown University & Policy Advisor
Megan Greene
Global Chief Economist at Kroll, Financial Times Columnist, Senior Fellow, Brown University & Policy Advisor
Renowned for her accurate, early economic predictions, global economist Megan Greene examines the intersection of macroeconomics, financial markets and politics—providing illuminating insights and forecasts for your industry, business and the future of the global geoeconomic and geopolitical landscape. Simplifying complex economic concepts into plain English, Greene combines her extensive background in policy, academia, finance and the corporate sector. With wit and clarity, her audience-tailored talks challenge conventional (and consensus) thinking, boil down the data, take on old economic models, and win rave reviews from expert to general audiences.
Greene is the Global Chief Economist at Kroll, providing macroeconomic and policy analysis both internally and for Kroll clients. She is also a Senior Fellow at the Watson Institute for International and Public Affairs at Brown University, where she is teaching and writing a book on the drivers of income and wealth inequality and how to address them. Ms. Greene teaches courses at Tsinghua University (Beijing) and the European University Institute (Florence) as well. She serves on the Economic Advisory Panel at the San Francisco Federal Reserve and is among a small group of private sector economists regularly invited to discuss recent market and macroeconomic developments with the markets desk at the New York Federal Reserve. She also serves on the International Advisory Committee of the board of the Hong Kong stock exchange.
Ms. Greene is a Contributing Editor and regular columnist at the Financial Times, writing on global macroeconomics and policy. She is also the Dame DeAnne Julius Senior Fellow in International Economics at Chatham House in London and an advisory board member for the Parliamentary Budget Office in Ireland, Rebuilding Macroeconomics and Econofact. In addition, Megan is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and the Bretton Woods Committee. She regularly advises governments and central banks in the US, UK, eurozone, and Japan.
Previously, she was a Senior Fellow at the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard Kennedy School and the Global Chief Economist at John Hancock Asset Management. She holds a BA from Princeton University and a MSc from Nuffield College, Oxford University.
Speaker Videos
Economist Megan Greene's Path to Becoming an 'Accidental Economist'
CNBC: on Global Growth
Delphi Economic Forum: on Greece's Economy
Speech Topics
A Global Macroeconomic Update
The economic data these days offers something for everyone; you can paint whatever picture you want for the global economy depending on which data you give the most weight to. Off the back of a pandemic, lockdowns, stimulus measures, supply chain snafus, a war in Europe and persistently high inflation, many things in economics aren’t working as the textbooks suggest they should. Megan Greene will provide the data for where we are in the global economy and explain where we are going from here for the next year and also structurally in the longer-term.
Top 10 Geopolitical Risks
Geopolitics haven’t really moved markets since the Global Financial Crisis—until Russia invaded Ukraine. Now geopolitical risk is impacting markets, inflation and growth across the globe. Megan Greene will go through the top ten geopolitical risks we are facing globally and will discuss their likelihood and also the impact they will have on the global economy, your sector and your business.
Is Recession Nigh? Cyclical & Structural Risks & Opportunities
When economists find consensus on when a recession will hit, it usually doesn’t fall then. They say the key to success in economic forecasting is to forecast often. Megan Greene is unafraid to have out of consensus views and has a fantastic forecasting track record. She examines high frequency economic data, structural trends, global flows, political factors and policy developments to determine the state of the global recovery and to highlight risks and opportunities for businesses and markets.
Revamping Economics to Address Inequality
Wealth and income inequality is one of the greatest economic, social and political challenges of our time. Increasing gaps between the haves and have-nots have eroded the social contract in a number of developed countries and caused many to question whether capitalism is really working for them. New disruptors such as technology and new market participants have changed the drivers of wealth, wages and growth, but economists are still clinging on to old frameworks to understand these factors. The territory and the map are far apart—it’s no wonder economists have been getting lost. Megan Greene explains why the maps are outdated and updates them to provide some ideas on how policymakers and businesses can address inequality.