Marco Antonio Torres
Innovative Educator
Marco Antonio Torres
Innovative Educator
Marco Antonio Torres is a 10-year high school teacher, media coach, and education technology director for San Fernando High School, one of the nation's largest urban schools in Los Angeles. He is also a professional filmmaker and photographer who uses these digital storytelling skills to add value to his curriculum.
Torres has been recognized locally and internationally, including honored as a California Teacher of the Year, for his accomplishments in the classroom, creative program building, administering complex budgets, and for the use of technology to empower minority students. He has received honors and awards from the US government, educational leadership organizations, the creative arts community, business groups, and also from his students.
Once referred to as "Jaime Escalante.com" by Escalante himself, Torres is empowering students, teaches them how to celebrate their culture, build communities, and how (and why) to use multimedia tools to share their very special stories and ideas with the world. Consequently, his students are regularly recruited by some of the nation's finest universities and businesses. As a teacher and media professional artist, Torres is involved with many professional organizations where he is an advocate for more collaboration between the media arts world and education. He was recruited to serve as a board member for the George Lucas Educational Foundation--a foundation created by filmmaker George Lucas -- to promote digital technology, change, community, and learning everywhere. He also is an Apple Distinguished Educator, an honor sponsored by Apple computer that recognizes innovators in today's classrooms.
Torres has keynoted and presented at numerous conferences throughout the world and his practical workshops help teachers push their teaching and learning to new exciting levels. In addition, many television, radio, online, magazines, books, and news periodicals have highlighted his media rich program.