Lloyd Bachrach
Author, Entrepreneur & Paralympian
Lloyd Bachrach
Author, Entrepreneur & Paralympian
Although physically challenged, Lloyd Bachrach has never let anything keep him from achieving his dreams. Lloyd faced a huge uphill battle from the day he was born. He turned his challenge into a strength, first by excelling in a variety of sports, then taking his confidence and insight to others seeking a positive message and life strategy.
As a motivational speaker, he has been wowing people aged 6 to 60 for over 13 years with a simple but powerful message: yes, you can!
Having overcome adversity in his own life and making dreams happen, Lloyd is the perfect keynote speaker for your next corporate meeting. Lloyd doesn’t sermonize or lecture. He offers an amazing life story, making connections that inspire people, with concrete examples and a clear, consistent recipe for success.
Lloyd was born in 1962 with a congenital bone deficiency which left his legs unusually small. Due to the severity of his disability, some doctors suggested there would be little or no hope for a normal life. Lloyd’s parents thought better. They took Lloyd home, nurtured and encouraged him.
At a young age his parents enrolled him in some sports programs — first swimming, then little league baseball. He excelled and this helped develop a positive self esteem. At age thirteen, Lloyd was faced with the challenge of wearing artificial limbs, and in high school and college Lloyd became a champion gymnast who competed against able bodied athletes. In 1996 he competed on the USA Paralympic sit volleyball squad. He is an avid downhill mono-skier and a certified SCUBA diver.
For over 10 years he worked on the trading floor of Chicago Mercantile Exchange, eventually reaching the position of a currency speculator. He has modeled for clients such as Sears, J. C. Penney, and Lands End. And for eight years Lloyd coached gymnastics for the Chicago Park District. He instructed all levels, from beginners to advanced, including the Special Olympic athletes.
Over the years, Lloyd discovered that people responded well to his encouragements. In 1995, he created Yes, You Can! Inc., an organization devoted to inspire and motivate others to reach their ultimate potential. Since its inception, Lloyd has delivered his message to a wide variety of audiences nationwide. Lloyd has also launched Premier Showcase and authored 50 Ways to Achieve Your Dreams and Desires.
Speaker Videos
Yes, Yes You Can!
On Artificial Limbs
Gymnastic Presentation
Speech Topics
Living “Differently-Abled” in an Inclusive World
As children, we are taught told to look away when we see a person who is different. In this speech, Lloyd Bachrach shares his unique experiences of living with a severe physical disability and the obstacles he faces. Audiences are able to see the world through an entirely new lens in this fascinating keynote address. Although many organizations and institutions are becoming much more accepting, there are few opportunities that allow us to have open dialogues in which we can explore our differences.
Lloyd’s inspirational program is extremely powerful on several levels. It allows audiences to understand his physical and emotional challenges, to consider the experiences of people who have other kinds of differences, and to examine the meaning of the term “differently-abled.” Lloyd reveals how, to some degree, we are all differently-abled.
Audiences see how comfortable Lloyd is with his own unique—though often challenging—body. He also helps audience members understand an array of challenges that many differently-able bodied people experience. And most importantly, Lloyd’s message strongly resonates with each individual and helps them to become empowered. After learning about Lloyd’s successes, listeners feel ready to overcome their own challenges!
Yes, You Can!
In this motivational keynote address, Lloyd Bachrach inspires others with his riveting story about living with a severe physical disability. Born with Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD), a rare congenital bone deficiency, Lloyd faces tremendous challenges on a daily basis. Lloyd’s humor, honestly, and open perspective put audiences at ease. As part of the Yes You Can! Program, Lloyd removes his prosthetic legs so that the audience can see his real legs, fully conceptualize his challenges, and gain an understanding of how the artificial limbs help him. Lloyd demonstrates how he achieved success in a variety of sports ranging from Little League Baseball to gymnastics—in which he excelled throughout high school in college— to Sitting Volleyball, the sport for which he competed at the 1996 Paralympics.
Lloyd also inspires audiences with his “five keys to success”:
- Build High Self-Esteem
- Focus with a Positive Attitude
- Set Powerful Goals
- Persevere
- Maintain a Healthy Mind, Body, and Spirit.
After hearing Lloyd’s uplifting Yes, You Can! message, audience members gain a new perspective on overcoming their own personal challenges, no matter what they might be.
B’zelem Elohim: “Created in G-d’s Image”
Born with a rare congenital bone deficiency, Lloyd Bachrach shares the story of his life from a “Jewish” perspective. In this keynote program, Lloyd describes his strong connection with his Jewish heritage. He explains how, around the age of 6, he had a kind of spiritual awakening when he grappled with the question “Why did G-d put me into this unique and challenging body?” Though quite young, Lloyd had a meaningful revelation when he thought “Perhaps I am the one created in G-d’s image.” He began to see his own personal challenges in a whole new light. He realized that his successes seemed to inspire others and this gave him a great sense of purpose in his life. Lloyd believes that we are all born with the ability to follow in G-d’s ways, to live as caring human beings. “Reaching out to others strengthens us and connects us with good. When we take on new responsibilities or challenges, we can work in partnership with others and be strengthened by their help. When our assistance is needed, we can offer it graciously, so others may be strengthened by us. Thus, helping us be more G-dly.”