Lesley Moffat
Author, I Love My Job But It's Killing Me
Lesley Moffat
Author, I Love My Job But It's Killing Me
Prior to writing Love the Job, Lose the Stress, Lesley Moffat’s story of overcoming the myriad of health issues she’d faced for decades as a high school band director and wrote about in the book I Love My Job but It’s Killing Me: The Teacher’s Guide to Conquering Chronic Stress and Sickness resonated with teachers all over the world.
Lesley considers it a personal triumph to have overcome personal health issues that were the result of being an exhausted and worn-out band director who was on the verge of walking away from the career she loved. The responsibilities, time, and energy it took to run her music program left her struggling to balance her career with her family life. In order to stay in the job without continuing to struggle with burning the candle at both ends, she set out to figure out how she could be both the mom and badass band director she’d always dreamed of being.
Through the course of her own research, what she learned through trial and error, activities she’s used in teaching more than 30,000 classes, and her experience with how students best learn, she has created a simple yet brilliant protocol that has the potential to change how teachers teach and students learn.
Lesley has worked with thousands of people, helping them not only achieve musical goals (including repeated performances at Carnegie Hall, Disney Theme Parks, Royal Caribbean cruise ships, and competitions and festivals all over the US and Canada), but also teaching them how to develop the long-term life skills they need to help them achieve their goals.
Lesley has been a presenter at the National Association for Music Education (NAfME) and WMEA Conferences, served on the board for the Mount Pilchuck Music Educators Association, and has been an adjudicator and guest conductor in the Pacific Northwest and is a frequent guest on education and music education podcasts and webinars, sharing strategies from her personal and professional struggles and triumphs.
Lesley lives in the same Seattle suburb where she’s taught for most of her career, developing relationships with students and their families as their teacher and also as a fellow member of the same community.
After completing her undergraduate degree at Indiana University, she returned to her roots and moved back to the Pacific Northwest, where she and her husband, George, raised their three daughters, all of whom were students in her high school band program. Fun fact: Lesley, George, all three of their daughters, and Lesley’s dad have performed at Carnegie Hall.
Speech Topics
PAY ATTENTION! The Power of The First Four Minutes ™ Miracle
This training is the most requested as it teaches teachers how to teach their students to pay attention – and once our students have mastered that skill, we can teach them anything.
While lots of teachers talk about using mindfulness, Lesley has created a protocol and a way to teach it to students so they have buy-in that makes this one of the most impactful and effective teaching strategies out there.
Participants are provided with a template to help them customize The First Four Minute routine for their classes.
The mPowered Music Room
This class outlines the four components to a successful music classroom to help teachers support their own social and emotional needs so they can better support their students’ SEL needs. (Generally this is an overview plus four individual lessons focusing on each component.) Participants see how the template for planning becomes the anchor for providing engaging lessons for students that allows for easier planning and execution of lessons.
I Love My Job but It’s Killing Me!
This topic explores the mPower Method outlined in my first book, I Love My Job but It’s Killing Me, and how your approach to Meals, Movement, Music, and Mindfulness can significantly impact your mental, emotional, and physical health. The intent of this program is to help teachers identify key areas where they can make small changes for huge positive impacts so they have the stamina to continue in their teaching career and personal lives without burning out.
Participants will learn how to apply tried and true strategies for managing the stressors, practical tips for implementing the strategies, and a few other surprises.
Music Ed 2.0 – Read or Not, Here We Grow!
During the pandemic, not being able to play music in traditional ensemble settings has been devastating for student musicians and teachers around the world...and the music programs in our schools. The future of our programs depend on how we handle the next few months as our students are deciding what classes to take next year, but where do you start? Come to this session and get proven strategies for (re)building your program in a way that supports your own and your students' social and emotional needs so you can get back to making music. Without strong social and emotional connections, kids are far less likely to sign up for music classes, and they need music now more than ever! The content of this session is based on Lesley’s second book, Love the Job, Lose the Stress: Successful Social and Emotional Learning in the Modern Music Classroom. This bestselling book is the complete guide to identifying and addressing your students' social and emotional needs and gives you the tools you need to usher them into Music Ed 2.0 in spite of all the challenges ahead so you can rebuild your music program in a way that serves yours and your students’ needs.