Kevin M. Powell
Licensed Psychologist, Trainer, Consultant & Author
Kevin M. Powell
Licensed Psychologist, Trainer, Consultant & Author
Kevin M. Powell, Ph.D. is a licensed psychologist, trainer, consultant, and author who has provided assessment and treatment services to at-risk (or what he likes to call ‘at-promise’) children, adolescents, and their families for over 3 decades. He has worked in schools, community-based agencies, a hospital, and residential programs including 20+ years in a maximum-security detention center. He has provided clinical services addressing a variety of psychological issues including disruptive behaviors, anxiety and depression, adverse childhood experiences and trauma, and harmful sexual behavior problems.
Kevin is also an adjunct faculty member at Colorado State University in the Department of Psychology where he teaches, provides clinical supervision, and conducts research on protective factors associated with resilience in youth and adults (Arkfeld, Powell, Sturgess, & Conner, 2024; Powell, Rahm-Knigge, & Conner, 2021).
Dr. Powell has authored several publications focusing on strengths-based services including, Strengths-Based, Resilience-Enhancing Services: Key Components for Treating Youth Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences (2024) and A Strengths-Based Approach for Intervention with At-Risk Youth (2015). He also has a couple prevention-oriented children's books, Our Very Special Bodies (2014) and Jimmy & Invo’s Superpowers: Developing Children’s Character Strengths (2024).
Dr. Powell presents nationally and internationally on a variety of strengths-based topics to help promote healthy, prosocial development in youth and families.
Speech Topics
STRENGTHS-BASED APPROACH: Working Effectively with At- Risk (At-Promise) Youth & Families
This training will provide participants with a variety strengths-based interventions when working with youth and families with diverse service needs and sociocultural backgrounds. Information about promoting prosocial, non-violent homes, schools, residential facilities, and mental health settings will be highlighted.
Topics will include:
- Defining a Strengths-Based Approach
- 41 strengths-based interventions targeting six areas--Relationships, Optimistic attitude (hope), Assets, Prosocial behavior, Intellectual growth, and Provider health & well-being
- Protective Factors commonly associated with 'resilient' youth and adults
- Info about the Resilience Protective Factor Checklist (RPFC-2)
- Strategies for how to engage youth and families in youth services
- Strategies for how to enhance openness and honesty about sensitive topics
- Evidence-based support for a strengths-based approach
ADVERSITY-RESPONSIVE, RESILIENCE-ENHANCING (Trauma-Informed) SERVICES for Children & Adolescents: A Strengths-Based Approach
This training provides information about strengths-based interventions for working effectively with children & adolescents who have been victims of sexual abuse and other types of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).
Topics will include:
- Necessary Characteristics for ACE-Responsive Service Providers
- Reasons to remain optimistic when working with youth who have Adverse Childhood Experiences
- 20 Adversity-Responsive, Resilience-Enhancing Treatment Components organized into six categories--Relationship Development, Stabilization, Engagement, Assessment, Intervention, and Prevention.
This training provides information about strengths-based, sex offense-specific (SOS) interventions for working effectively with youth who have engaged in harmful sexual behaviors.
Topics will include:
- Adolescents ≠ the no cure model
- Necessary characteristics of the SOS provider
- How to begin SOS treatment
- Conducting a functional behavior analysis
- Distinguishing between prosocial & developmentally normal behaviors vs. abusive behaviors
- Giving neurophysiological explanations in SOS treatment (NEUROPLASTICITY!)
- Educating youth about healthy relationships & healthy sexuality
- Strategies for how to increase youth’s openness & honesty
This training highlights 18 key components for creating a healthy, effective youth services environment categorized into three areas--Organizational components, Milieu Stability components, and Program Service components.
PREVENTING BURNOUT when working in Human Services
Working with 'at-risk' youth and families can be challenging and emotionally taxing at times. This training provides information about how to take care of yourself & co-workers, and how to maintain your hope and resilience.
This training assists youth service providers in being informed-consumers about the evidence-based practice movement and treatment outcome research. The importance of incorporating evidence-based PRINCIPLES into youth service programs will be highlighted.
When youth are chronically disruptive & acting out, what should you do? This presentation provides specific interventions for how to effectively manage disruptive and aggressive behaviors and promote safe, prosocial environments.
Strengths-Based Assessment Reports & Case Management Plans
This training provides evaluators and community supervisors with information for how to interview, assess, and write about youth in a strengths-based manner.
Prevention & Proactive Intervention
Rather than be reactive and intervene after a problem has developed, we must be proactive and prevention-oriented whenever possible (public health perspective). This training will share key components that can help stop the intergenerational transmission of abuse and promote safe, stable, nurturing relationships that lead to positive life outcomes.
Training Orientation for the RPFC (Resilience Protective Factors Checklist) (Powell, 2015)
This training provides an introduction to how to utilize the RPFC with clients, in order to help identify protective factors linked to resilience. Content will include defining 'what is' resilience & protective factors; information about individual, family and community protective factors; administration and scoring instructions; and utilizing the RPFC as a clinical tool and a pre and post outcome measure.