Katty Kay
U.S. Special Correspondent for BBC Studios, Award-Winning Journalist & Bestselling Author
Katty Kay
U.S. Special Correspondent for BBC Studios, Award-Winning Journalist & Bestselling Author
Katty Kay is an award-winning journalist whose instinctively global perspective on American politics and global affairs comes from having lived and worked in the Middle East, South Africa, Japan, Europe, and the U.S. throughout her career. Now Washington-based, Katty has been with the BBC for nearly 30 years as a reporter and lead anchor, reporting on six U.S. presidential elections, Washington politics, financial crashes, world trouble spots, sex scandals, global affairs, and much more. She is currently U.S. special correspondent for BBC Studios – where she creates and hosts TV documentaries from both the U.S. and Europe. Katty is a regular contributor and substitute host of Morning Joe on MSNBC and also writes on the art and science of self-assurance in women and girls. She is co-author, with Claire Shipman, of six books, four of which are New York Times’ bestsellers: Womenomics, The Confidence Code, The Confidence Code for Girls, Living the Confidence Code, The Confidence Code for Girls Journal, and The Power Code. Katty is an engaging keynote speaker on a wide range of topics as well as a brilliant moderator, interviewer, and event host.
Currently the U.S. special correspondent for BBC Studios – Katty hosts TV documentaries, presents her own podcast series, and writes a weekly news column for BBC News. Her first TV documentary, Trump: The Comeback? (2022), takes a closer look at the fate of American democracy and provides insight on what may come in the 2024 presidential election. Katty is also a regular contributor on MSNBC’s Morning Joe as well as serves as a guest-host for the program on occasion.
Helping women turn thoughts into action and master a more confident mindset is one of Katty’s passions. She is co-author of six books with Claire Shipman, including four New York Times bestsellers – two were #1. Their first two bestsellers focus on women, success, and work. Womenomics examined the workplace revolution and inspired women to take control, dream big and discover a different way of weaving work into their lives – and in the process create more profitable companies with happier and more productive employees. They followed up with The Confidence Code, which inspired women to understand that confidence – the lynchpin of success – is a choice.
After The Confidence Code was released, parents everywhere asked about confidence and girls. That led to three more books co-authored by Katty with Claire Shipman and JillEllyn Riley. The Confidence Code for Girls debuted at the #1 spot on The New York Times bestseller list. The empowering, entertaining guide gives girls the essential yet elusive code to becoming bold, brave, and fearless. The follow-up, The Confidence Code for Girls Journal, is based on their in-depth research and helps teens and tweens tackle any challenge. Living the Confidence Code also debuted at #1 on The New York Times bestseller list (Children’s Middle Grade) and is a collection of 30 true stories of real girls pursuing their passions, struggling and stumbling, but along the way figuring out how to build their own special brand of confidence. Katty and Claire’s sixth book, The Power Code, explores the nature of women’s power – in the workplace, in politics, and at home. It reveals how a new model, one designed by and for women, can empower them to become their most powerful selves and lead fuller and more satisfying lives, and help men do the same.
On the fun side, Katty had the distinction of being immortalized in pop culture in 2018 when her name was the answer to a question on the Jeopardy game show. In the same week, she was portrayed in a skit on Saturday Night Live which satirized a moment from MSNBC’s Morning Joe program.
Katty Kay settled in Washington, DC in the mid-90s where she lives with her husband, two cats, and a dog. They have four grown children.
Speaker Videos
Video Profile
Virtual Events Reel
The Confidence Code: What Creates the Confidence Gap?
Virtual Moderating Sample
What is Confidence & How Do You Get More
A Good Time to be a Woman in the Workplace
Womanomics: Pink Profits
Outside Interference in Elections
Global Affairs: America's Role In The World
Confidence Code: What Matters Most, Competence or Confidence
Healing Dysfunction In Washington
Speech Topics
Washington From a Different Angle
America has been rocked by COVID-19, the economic shock it created, and political polarization so deep it’s hard to imagine coming together on a way forward. The Biden administration will have a decidedly different approach to these challenges than Donald Trump. What are the odds President Biden will bridge the gap and make progress on the most important issues: jobs, the environment, trade, immigration, healthcare, and more? Will traditional allies consider America to be trustworthy after four years of foreign policy uncertainty? Can Congress and the new administration find a way to work together for the common good of America? As a British journalist living in Washington, DC since 1996, Katty Kay instinctively looks at these stories through a different lens than her American counterparts. The insights she provides audiences are fresh and impartial – in keeping with the standards of the BBC World News organization where she’s an anchor.
A Global Update
The pandemic arrived three years after America began pulling back its global influence. New alliances formed in the vacuum and then the virus further reset relations between nations and within nations. The shift in global power structure caused by COVID-19 cannot be overestimated. Nationalism, already a force before the pandemic, increased not just in America but in most developed nations. Leaders and political systems were under the spotlight and authoritarian politicians used the crisis to seize control. It also accelerated the tense trade stand-off between China and America. Meanwhile, Russia was Europe’s biggest concern. Katty Kay has covered the drivers of global political change for her BBC broadcast audience for over two decades. She regularly interviews policymakers, business leaders, and other experts from around the world. This talk unpacks insights that help audiences understand more clearly the forces at play around the world and how they will impact their future.
The Confidence Code
Confidence! With it, we can take on the world; without it, we don’t ask for raises, request that important meeting or take risks. In the success equation, research shows that confidence is even more critical than competence. But what is confidence? Where does it come from? Are we born with it or do we acquire it? And why do women have less of it than their talents deserve? This speech can be tailored to women or girls/parents and is based on Katty’s two bestselling books on the subject. Katty Kay inspires audiences with the latest scientific research and anecdotes from her own career and the many women and girls she interviewed. “Neurologists have isolated a ‘confidence gene,’” says Katty “and when I was tested, I learned I am not genetically predisposed to being confident.” Her experience is like that of so many women, even senior women, whose lack of confidence is what really holds them back. But confidence is also art – impacted by how we choose to live with our genes. The good news then is that being confident is a choice. Katty’s talk inspires audiences to take action – to go outside their comfort zones, to try new hard things, to take risks, to be prepared to fail and to discover the secret to success.
At the World Economic Forum in Davos, IMF Chief Christine Lagarde called the advancement of women the greatest economic opportunity of our time. She was recognizing what Katty Kay calls Womenomics, the extraordinary value of women in the workforce. Global studies show that companies who employ more senior women make more money. But too many women in their mid-thirties hit the brick wall of kids vs. career and decide to leave the workforce. We can’t afford to keep losing them. Katty marshals evidence from employers large and small to show how it’s possible to help women meet the demands of family and career and keep these valuable contributors in the workforce. What starts as talent retention initiative becomes a profit bonus any company would be happy to have. Katty’s talk inspires women and provides a practical guide to employers.
Moderator, Discussion Leader & Interviewer
Katty Kay has interviewed scores of political dignitaries and business leaders for her news broadcasts and at top live events. The skills, grace and humor she brings to the live stage as a panel moderator, discussion leader and interviewer help create memorable experience for the audience.