Kathy Dempsey
President of Keep Shedding! Inc. & Change Expert
Kathy Dempsey
President of Keep Shedding! Inc. & Change Expert
Kathy B. Dempsey, award winning author, keynote speaker and change expert, is President of Keep Shedding! Inc. As a former hospital executive, she strategically led Memorial Health Care System’s organizational development efforts to become one of top 100 hospitals in America. She has achieved the highest earned speaker’s designation in the world, the Certified Speaking Professional (CSP). Dempsey ignites people and organizations with the skills and motivation to lead and manage change.
Her 'signature story' is her transformation as an ER/trauma nurse who became the first health care worker in America to be diagnosed positive for AIDS as a result of workplace exposure. She received national attention as a result of this life-altering hospital-based event that 'made her a poster child’ for the Center for Disease Control (CDC). The diagnosis, a death sentence in the mid-80s, was confirmed with multiple positive tests. Months later, all tests returned negative. A miracle or medical error? No one is able to explain. The 3 months that Dempsey lived with that traumatic diagnosis was a life-altering experience.
Dempsey’s most popular book, Shed or You’re Dead®: 31 Unconventional Strategies for Growth and Change, is the recipient of a Writer's Digest International Book Award. Her survival guide books, including A Fast Acting Change RX for Every Employee and Manager & Healthcare Professional, have been utilized as guides for change by hundreds of individuals and organizations. She is also a contributing author for two of the New York Times bestselling Chicken Soup for the Soul books. Dempsey is the editor of 60 Seconds of Shedding, a monthly e-newsletter read by over 14,000 people around the world.
Dempsey ignites professionals and organizations to SHED for Success by infusing them with timely change management tools, innovative employee engagement strategies and accelerated methods for building traction and accountability. Her presentations build a touchstone with each member of the audience. Dempsey provides focus, inspiration and practical tools for people to lead and master change in their personal and professional lives.
Speaker Videos
Fear: The Biggest Barrier
Shedding Philosophy
Speech Topics
SHED® 2.0 How to Lead Change When You Don’t Agree With it Yourself
Are you having trouble keeping up? Feel like the pace of change is accelerating? Have you ever been asked to change or lead change when you didn’t agree with it yourself? If you haven’t experienced it so far, this will be an essential skill to be successful in the future.
Effectively dealing with change is learning how to SHED -- to let go of the old and embrace the new.
- Embrace the SHED Philosophy as a daily part of your work and life.
- Apply the SHED Scale to evaluate your degree of control over a change.
- Learn the six step process for leading change you don’t agree with.
- Utilize the SHED Communication checklist to ensure you are planning and communicating in the most effect way.
- Incorporate the five proven strategies to seize the power of change and help others SHED.
SuperSHED! Live Well. Die Well. Choose Well.
Are you living your life fully alive? Do you jump out of bed every day full of energy and can’t wait to get to work? Do you feel like you’re really living ever day to the best? Most of us struggle at times with many of these. What is a healthy SHED? We know what we should be doing different but we can’t seem to APPLY these changes consistently to our daily lives.
Most of us give up before we hardly start. SHED the idea that many experts have told us - it takes 21 days to change a habit or 66 days to develop a new one.
- Implement the SHED NOW technique to immediately make healthy decisions.
- Learn how to SuperSHED any negative limiting beliefs that maybe holding you back.
- Capture the secret to live your life more fully alive, choosing wisely on a moment to moment basis. (conscious awareness)
- Exercise your ability to harness change and use it to empower you forward.
- Overcome fear by understand the cycle of life, stay in the here and now, and take courageous action steps.
SHED® for Success: Seven New Skills Every Healthcare Worker Needs (for Healthcare Clients)
Healthcare has imploded. All the rules have changed. Do you have the right people on your team? SHED the old interview questions. Where did you go to school? What is your work history? Do you know how to take a blood pressure? The healthcare worker of the past won’t work today or in the future.
Let’s take your nurses, doctors, leaders, new hires and full staff to a new level!
- Embrace the SHED Philosophy as a daily part of your work and life
- Learn the seven new skills ever healthcare worker needs to be successful now and in the future
- Incorporate the new interview questions to assess whether you are hiring the right person
- Train current team members with 21 new strategies to anchor the new skills of the future
- Super power your team’s success by 75% by incorporating the SHED Style Assessment Tool
SHED® for Success: Seven New Skills Every Worker Needs (for Corporate Clients)
The workplace has drastically shifted. The rules have changed. Do you have the right people on your team? SHED the old interview questions. Where did you go to school? What is your work history? Do you know Excel? The worker of the past won’t work now or in the future.
In this interactive and empowering session, participants will learn how to:
- Embrace the SHED Philosophy as a daily part of your work and life
- Apply the seven new skills ever worker needs to be successful in the future
- Incorporate the new interview questions to assess whether you hare hiring the right person
- Train current team members with 21 new strategies to anchor the new skills of the future
- Super power your team’s success by 75% by incorporating the SHED Style Assessment Tool