Kate Davis
Comedian & Resiliency Expert
Kate Davis
Comedian & Resiliency Expert
A comedian, writer, speaker, mother of 3 and actress, Kate Davis has the unique ability to find humor in any situation. Kate’s generous insight and outspoken character provides a powerful combination to help organizations empower their staff with effective tools for managing stress and sustaining motivation. Theatrically trained in England, Kate returned to Canada to a successful run on the Canadian stage.
From the theatrical stage to the many stages of motherhood, Kate found her newest passion at an open mic one night at a local comedy club. Now, a twelve-time nominee at the Canadian Comedy Awards including the prestigious Phil Hartman Award and the star of her own hour-long comedy special on CTV and the Comedy Network. Kate stars, writes and produces the web series, “Best Before” which also won at the Canadian Comedy Awards and was chosen for Standup and Pitch at Just For Laughs Comedy Pro. Kate has appeared on Breakfast Television, Star TV, Toronto 1, Prime, WTN, TVO and is on Sirius XM radio. Kate can also be heard on CBC Radio One, “The Debaters,” which she also wrote and was grateful to be a part of the Debaters Live theatre tour in 2018 with Live Nation.
As well Kate taped a gala at the Winnipeg Comedy Festival, The Hubcap Comedy Festival and the Kitchener Waterloo Comedy Festival and headlines across the country. Kate has shared the stage with Lewis Black and Seth Meyers and is also a favorite at corporate events. Kate tours globally with her comedy and speaking which has allowed her to open for President Bill Clinton and Barbara Walters to name a few. During the 2008 season of Last Comic Standing, Kate’s sense of humor endured and carried her into the finals in Canada.
Kate teaches people how to lighten up so they can bring balance, connection and mindfulness into their busy life which demands a strong sense of personal development and most importantly a Sense of Humor. Kate is the comic relief perfect for making any conference memorable bringing people together by speaking on stress management which are grounded in 2 decades of researched and developed. Kate has spoken at thousands shows and conferences which include The Power Within Events, The YPO and Deloitte. This award-winning comic has shared the stage with former President Bill Clinton, the late Barbara Walters, and Lewis Black to name a few.
Kate has a new Comedy Album out called “House Arrest” available on all platforms. Kate has been published in Today’s parent magazine and the Mom and Caregiver Magazine. Her first book the Breast Feeding Diaries won the iparent media award and her second book which came out in April 2019 called Second Best Mom - Stories, Tips and Okay Advice is now available on all platforms.
Speaker Videos
Most Authentic Way to be Mindful
Creating Inclusivity
A Connection is Made
Doing What You Love
Sizzle Reel
Humor in the Workplace
Balancing Life with Humor
Speech Topics
Balancing Life with Humor
We’re jugglers and the first ball to drop is usually our own
Kate Davis has the unique ability to find humor in any situation and to offer creative solutions to defuse the frustrations in the home and workplace. Kate’s generous insight and outspoken character, provide a powerful combination to help organizations empower their staff with effective tools for managing stress and sustaining motivation.
Between our jobs, home, relationships with family, friends and co-workers learning how to balance our busy life demands a strong sense of Personal Development and most importantly a Sense of Humor.
People, who attend Kate’s “Balancing Life with Humor” lecture, leave with an understanding of practical techniques for refueling, rediscovering and reengaging their true selves. Learning to use humor as an instrument of communication creates an atmosphere of compassion, caring and productivity.
Connecting with Humor
We want the fastest most stable connection possible in all areas of our lives
In “Connectivity,” Kate Davis shows the audience how to establish, cultivate, and keep connections that lead to productivity and success both in business and our personal lives. Whether it’s a CEO connecting with their staff, a client connecting with their customer, or departments connecting with other departments, good communication and rapport within an organization is the source of a flow that leads to creativity, quick resolutions, and a deeper understanding among staff of the overall business purpose. Staying connected to colleagues keeps things on track and is one of the most important elements to an organization’s success.
Mind Over Laughter
How our thoughts are affecting our reality
Kate’s keynote on “Mind over Laughter” explores how mindfulness through humor can help us achieve self-awareness that has the power to affect all areas of our lives in a positive manner. By focusing on the present moment and therefore letting go of negativity we are able to be more present to the life we are in and that is how we expand and create affirmative change.
Kate teaches practical methods of how to achieve mindfulness through an entertaining, funny journey that leaves her clients with authentic ways of getting in touch with oneself through visualization, playfulness and storytelling.
For over a decade Kate has explored techniques of how lightening up and
Out of My Mind Back in 5 Minutes
A journey from depression to expression
Kate’s Keynote “Out of My Mind…Back In Five” explores techniques of managing our mental health and gives practical ways of staying healthy and positive even through the toughest times. Kate’s inspiring, humorous and sometimes touching stories take us on a journey from Depression to Expression. How she found comedy and how it helped her discover self-worth, confidence and to fight the negativity in her own mind that was keeping her from living the life she deserved.
“Back In Five” explores the way we feel about ourselves and others, as well as our ability to manage our feelings and deal with everyday difficulties.
From practical methods like learning one- minute stress strategies that you can do at the office or home or breaking up the monotony with Rejuvenation 101 (That’s a long list). To the methods available to us for taking charge of our own mental health including: How we think about ourselves, being grateful, being in the present, sleep, diet, exercise to name a few. All these methods can ultimately boost our mood, build resilience and add to our overall enjoyment of life.
Audiences leave this keynote with the feeling that knowledge is power and that we all play a role in our mental health.
Parenting with Humor
Your Leisure Time Should not be Folding Laundry
This Keynote gives parents, caregivers, educators, social service providers the tools to help defuse the chaos and stress of their lives through humor. Kate helps them to remember themselves, accept where they are and not feeling guilty about where they are not. It combines stand-up comedy with practical techniques to raise children.
“Fun cancels out stress and brings everyone into the moment.” This is the recipe for a healthy relationship when it comes to raising our children. Everything changes when we become parents, I think the show “Survivor” shouldn’t take place on an island but a new parents’ home.
It’s challenging not losing yourself in the process but with a few techniques likes being more playful and using your intuition life can be more joyful and relaxing. Discover the different ways that men and women deal with stress, techniques of dealing with siblings fighting and how to truly take care of yourself so you are able to be more present to the life you are living now.
This keynote blends techniques of improvisation, visualization and affirmations. Parenting is a great lesson in letting go. You give birth, you let go. You nurse, you stop, you let go. They s tart school you, let go. They move out, you let go. That lesson of “Letting Go” is way easier with you in tacked.
Bringing Levity into the Topics that Need it Most
Through her interactive keynotes and customized workshops Kate teaches people how to lighten up so they can bring balance, connection and resilience into their busy lives. Speaking on stress management through stand-up, storytelling and practical techniques she has researched and developed. With over 2 decades of experience, thousands shows and conferences, this award-winning comedian leaves people feeling energized, optimistic and motivated.