Justin Jones-Fosu
Diversity & Inclusion Specialist and Author
Justin Jones-Fosu
Diversity & Inclusion Specialist and Author
Justin Jones-Fosu MBA, CSP is a full-time dad-e who also happens to be an international speaker, a social entrepreneur, and author. He is the Founder and CEO of Work. Meaningful. where he speaks 50-60 times a year for professionals, corporations, organizations, and associations. His clients include some of the biggest names in The Fortune 500 to the best spelled names in Fourth Grades across the country.
He is the author of I Respectfully Disagree, The Inclusive Mindset: How to Cultivate Diversity in Your Everyday Life and Your Why Matters Now. Justin is a former HR Professional who obtained his MBA specializing in Leadership and Organizational Change and undertook further graduate studies in Human Resource Development. He has also gained valuable leadership experience with three Fortune 500 companies as well as by consulting on strategy, leadership, diversity/inclusion and organizational development. Justin was named as one of EBONY Magazines “30 Young Leaders on the Rise.”
He is a former radio host and a former workplace contributor to NPR's "The Takeaway." If you only remember a few things about Justin, it’s that he loves being a dad-e and giving to educational initiatives on the continent of Africa. He believes that these are more important than any accomplishments, recognition, or accolades!
Speaker Videos
Demo Video
Lead To a Different Beat by Being Humble
The Drum Experience: Bringing Meaning to Your Work
Moving From DiversiMe to Diversity
Speech Topics
I Respectfully Disagree: How to Have Difficult Conversations in a Divided World
Divisions are on the rise around the world, and 2024 may well be a peak year. We’re losing the ability to disagree without dehumanizing. There is a deep need for this practical and accessible guide to having challenging conversations in any situation, from the workplace to the classroom to the dinner table.
It’s not about saying the right words at the right time but something vastly deeper. In this book, you’ll discover the 5 pillars of respectfully disagreeing:
- Challenge your perspective
- Be the student
- Cultivate your curiosity
- Seek the gray
- Agree to respect
WORK! Like You Mean It: How to Work Hard, Achieve More & Get Better Results
It’s not about finding meaning in your work, it’s about bringing meaning to your work. It’s not about doing work that you love, but rather loving the work that you do. One is external and the other internal. Across our society professionals have been spending too much time focused on external meaning vs bringing meaning to their work, even in the most challenging of circumstances.
Justin shares practical research on the intersection of meaning and personal responsibility to help professionals bring their best to work, even when the environment around them isn’t the best. Learn the 4 types of people based on the Work Meaningful Quadrant in order to work more effectively, maximize the day, and give their best to their role’s day in and day out. You will never see meaningful work the same again!
Your Why Matters Now: How Some Achieve More & Others Don’t
In this inspiring and personal keynote, Justin will challenge you to identify or reconnect with your why (purpose) and to live it out now (passion) in order to achieve meaningful success. Too much focus on the “why” can lead to being stymied by indecision leading to little or no action. Too much focus on the “now” can lead to increasing impulsivity and bad decisions. Learn how a clarifying blend of both the “why” and the “now” can help you to ultimately achieve more.
As a result of attending this program, you will:
- Understand your position in the Why Now Quadrant and how to grow in pursuing what matters in your personal and professional life.
- Grow in your ability to courageously combat the distracters of your “why” and “now”, and learn how to have intentional accountability to increase your goal achievement.
- Commit to suggested small opportunities to take initiative and ownership of your journey to be a better professional, leader, and world-citizen.
LEAD! Like You Mean It: 4 Traits of High-Performing Leaders
Organizations and leaders do NOT create employee engagement – they simply control the temperature with which people can thrive or struggle to bring their meaning to and best work everyday. It’s time to get out of the way of your awesome talent and inspire them to work with meaning. In this presentation you learn how to stop moving your employees and start motivating them. You will learn why you should see the best in your people (based on powerful 1968 study that still holds true today). You will also learn why most employee engagements strategies don’t work and to create a true culture of engagement. High-performing leaders are remembered, not because they focused on themselves, but because they focused on something bigger than themselves. Justin shares his research, practical tips and his experiences (successes and failures) to help you to LEAD! Like You Mean It.
The 4 Traits:
Trait 1: The Humility Trait - You have begun to lead when you realize it’s not about you
Trait 2: The Empowering Trait - Seek to be more interested than interesting
Trait 3: The Relational Trait - Focus on giving more than getting more from others
Trait 4: The Optimistic Trait - Use authentic optimism to embrace practical chang
Embracing EVERYDAY Diversity: Moving from Head to HEART
We’ve been talking about “diversity” for the last two decades, and it’s lost its meaning. I have pondered how we can hit some of the basics while still honoring the complexity of today’s conversation, and I have discovered it’s all about learning to embrace everyday diversity and moving the conversation from Head to HEART! This diversity conversation is much better with Justin’s unique blend of high-energy, humor, practical content, and in-depth vulnerability. It’s time to inspire people toward EVERYDAY DIVERSITY!
As a result of attending this presentation, you will:
- Have an increased willingness to embrace the benefits of a highly diverse workplace community by understanding the Circles of Grace
- An understanding of how each person can take an active role in creating an inclusive workplace and communicate differences respectfully
- Understand the difference between macro and micro diversity and move from DiversiME to Diversity through the Power of 3 communication style