APB is a Global Speaker, Celebrity & Entertainment Agency
Juliet  Funt

Juliet Funt

Author of A Minute To Think

Juliet Funt

Author of A Minute To Think


Featured in top media outlets such as Forbes, CNBC, Fast Company, and NPR, Juliet Funt is a globally renowned keynote speaker, tough-love advisor to the Fortune 500, founder and CEO of the efficiency training firm, Juliet Funt Group.

Juliet is the author of A Minute to Think, nominated for the Next Big Idea Club curated by Malcolm Gladwell, Adam Grant, Susan Cain, and Dan Pink.

She is an evangelist for freeing the potential of companies by unburdening their talent from busywork, and she has brought her powerful concepts to Spotify, National Geographic, Anthem, Vans, Abbott, Costco, Pepsi, Nike, Wells Fargo, Sephora, Sysco, and ESPN.

Speaker Videos

The Fire Story

Team Communication

Hands-Off Leadership

Finding Space

The White Space Math

The White Space Attack Chart

Email + The NYR

The Scissors Story

Speech Topics

The Great Headcount Unlock: Expand the Power of Your Team for a Fraction of the Cost

The American worker needs a witness. Two and a half years ago, there was a crisis. Like most good people do in a crisis, they dug in. Then, the sprint they signed up for changed. The race became a marathon in duration yet maintained the intensity of that sprint formonths and eventually years.

Now, as burnout has become latent and ingrained—where employees’ tanks are empty, the fumes are faint—it’s time for a recession-wary lockdown on headcount and resources. It’s no wonder people are quitting and disengaged; leaders are sandwiched between the teams they love and the goals they’re given.

The solution is to aggressively increase team prioritization skills; learn models and formulas for eliminating projects that don’t have direct benefits; and reduce wasteful work, emails, and meetings so that 10 workers can go back to doing the work of 10. In this session jam packed with tools, techniques, and usable frameworks, Juliet will show you how.


  • Adopt the powerful tool of the Reductive Mindset
  • De-crapify your workflow by reducing emails and meetings
  • Reallocate expensive talent time to high-value work
  • Learn models and techniques that keep quality work out in front

Feed The Fire: How Taking a Minute to Think Changes The Nature of Work

Do you wish you could stop the mayhem of work and life for a brief moment and just take a minute? Do you sense that you  could contribute more if there was a little more room in the day? Many people feel this way but taking a restorative pause has felt impossible—until now.

Today’s global workforce is so fried that it belongs in the food court of a county fair, and 3:00 a.m. insomnia provides the day’s only unscheduled time to think. What we need in our lives is the missing element of white space—short periods of open, unscheduled time that, when recaptured, change the very nature of work. White space is the stepping back, the strategic pause, and the oxygen that allow the sparks of our efforts to catch fire. It’s yours to reclaim, and this session based on Juliet Funt’s popular book A Minute to Think will show you how.


  • Reduce burnout and exhaustion
  • Increase time for creative, innovative, and meaningful work
  • Unify hybrid teams with mental models and shared language
  • Maximize talent capacity to do the right work

Virtual Sales Star: How to Consistently Nail Your Online Presentations

For those who sell, present, or represent a brand in any way, the future will now forever be a blend of in-person and virtual relationship building and selling. We must learn to both charm in the room and charm on camera—and the latter is tough. When forced to present important material through the tiny lens of a webcam, many executives, sales teams, and other professionals still are making cringe worthy mistakes, even almost three years into using the medium.

It’s time to create a uniform standard of excellence—not just good-enough-ness—whether the goal is landing a client, building a relationship, or closing a sale. A content-rich first half of this session will segue into live coaching for three participants, allowing interactive learning to occur as the rest of the audience observes. Elevate your skills and you’ll  elevate your results.


  • Upgrade critical virtual presence and pitches
  • Stop embarrassing mistakes online that reduce your brand’s status
  • Reap the revenue rewards of increased online confidence
  • Improve production, tech support, and visuals
