Joe Walsh
Former United States Representative, Author & Political Commentator
Joe Walsh
Former United States Representative, Author & Political Commentator
Joe Walsh is a former Illinois Congressman elected to Congress in the TEA Party wave of 2010. Following his service in Congress, Walsh became one of the most popular conservative talk radio hosts in the country, syndicated in major markets throughout the U.S.
In August of 2019 Joe became a candidate for President of the United States, waging a Republican primary challenge against Donald Trump.
Joe is the author of F*CK SILENCE: Calling Trump Out for the Cultish, Moronic, Authoritarian Con Man He Is released in February of 2020.
Joe was the host of the “F*CK SiLENCE” podcast and was on GAB Radio Network everyMonday through Friday. Joe is currently the host of a brand new podcast called, “White Flag With Joe Walsh” where Joe has weekly conversations with other well-known people to model how to have respectful conversations with those you disagree with. In addition to other networks, Joe is seen regularly on CNN and MSNBC for his political commentary
Speaker Videos
on Congress New COVID-19 Relief Package | Larry King
Joe Walsh Acted Like Trump for Years. Now He’s Trying to Take Him Down | VICE
What Joe Walsh Thinks About Immigration, Climate Change and Trump | PBS NewsHour
Joe Walsh Says He’s ‘Partly Responsible’ for President Donald Trump | Morning Joe
Speech Topics
Decision 2024: Analyzing the Impact of the Election on America's Future
There’s no doubt about it: Our upcoming national election will be a pivotal moment in American history, and its ramifications will shape our political landscape for years to come. In this talk, Joe Walsh, Former United States Representative, Author and Political Commentator, dives into the electoral landscape, from the dangers to our democracy to climate change to healthcare to economic and cultural issues to how a second Trump term or the election of Kamala Harris will affect us all. The choices we make today will shape our future. Joe will keep you informed by unpacking the outcomes and the impact on America’s future.