Joe Mechlinski
New York Times Best-Selling Author & SHIFT CEO
Joe Mechlinski
New York Times Best-Selling Author & SHIFT CEO
Joe Mechlinski is a New York Times bestselling author, speaker, and social entrepreneur who believes that an engaged workforce is the key to unlocking human potential.
Driven by his deep-rooted passion for building mission-driven cultures, Joe founded SHIFT, a collective of businesses spanning consulting, executive membership, and venture capitalism united by their common mission to revolutionize workforce engagement and transform the world.
His latest book, Shift The Work, focuses on this very idea. Filled with actionable strategies and inspiring true stories, Shift The Work reveals the revolutionary science behind employee engagement and how readers can use the brains in their head, heart, and gut to transform their workplaces and lives, for the better.
Always embarking on new adventures, Joe launched his podcast, Shift Happens, which features inspiring icons and influencers such as New York Times bestselling author Dan Pink, and three-time New York Times bestselling author Tucker Max.
Speaker Videos
How to Create a Cult-Like Culture
Joe Mechlinski at SIG
Joe Mechlinski at DDA
Speech Topics
Shift The Work
Change. Commitment. Complacency. Most organizations struggle with at least one of those issues, while disengaged workforces often grapple with all three. Joe Mechlinski unlocks the secrets to employee engagement by tapping into the power and wisdom of the brains in the head, heart and gut. Discover how something as basic as the biology of our bodies shapes our motivation, behaviors, and decisions so we can inspire greater connections at work and revive personal competency, reliability and sincerity.
Work That's Worth It
French law mandates at least five weeks of vacation. Australia provides both paid maternal and paternal leave. Denmark breeds work-life balance into their culture. So why is American so out of touch? In stark contrast to these balanced regimes, Americans continue to pander through the workday. We extend our hours, devour sad desk lunches, and forgo vacation to get ahead. Joe Mechlinski reveals the fatal flaw in our system and how science can set us free from the rat race mentality that has left 70% of the American workforce disengaged.
Killing The Sunday Scaries
The Sunday blues, the fear, the shakes, the dread... whatever you call it, the anxiety that sets in on Sunday nights with the impending return to the office exists. Nearly 50% of employees worldwide attest to feeling work week dread before the week even begins. Yet leaders continue to believe they understand what motivates people. It’s time to shift our thinking from dogma to data, from story to science, and ultimately, from past experience to evolved intelligence to re-engage work and the world.
The Future of Work
The future is closer than we think. The standard 9 to 5 will soon be a relic, made obsolete by today’s advancing technology. In the next 3 years, we can expect a rapid burst of opportunities in robotics, AI, and automation that will engulf workplaces. Hiding behind the fear of being replaced by a machine is not the solution to addressing this tech boom though. The future is not cold-hearted and wrapped in a stainless steel bow, it’s flexible, creative, inspiring. It’s where leaders behind the implementations rise to the occasion, invest in technology, and transform their organizations. It’s where workers are empowered to find their purpose (regardless of historic limitations) and contribute to something bigger than themselves.