Jennifer S. Hirsch & Shamus R. Khan
Bestselling Authors of Sexual Citizens
Jennifer S. Hirsch & Shamus R. Khan
Bestselling Authors of Sexual Citizens
Although they didn’t know each other when they first started working together, you won’t find a more perfect pairing than Columbia University Professor Jennifer S. Hirsch and Princeton University Professor Shamus Khan. Their bestselling book — Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power and Assault on Campus — has transformed how we understand and address sexual assault. Their work is so important that NPR named it a Best Book of 2020. “This is the book to read to help lead conversations about sex,” said Justine Kenin, editor of All Things Considered. “It reframes the dialogue and helps prepare young people for sexual relationships. Read it, share it. Empower the young folks in your life.”
Jennifer is a professor of Sociomedical Sciences at Columbia University and Shamus is a professor of Sociology and American Studies at Princeton University. Jennifer knew she’d need a partner to do deep-dive, immersive research into sexual assault among Columbia and Barnard undergraduates, and Shamus was recommended to her. It was kismet. In 2014, they sat down to chat over coffee. They’ve spoken nearly every day since — with such a strong partnership and friendship that they celebrate their workiversary every year.
The duo led a team that interviewed more than 150 Columbia and Barnard students, some up to three times because they’d experienced so much sexual violence. But what set the research apart was the hundreds of hours of hanging out — not only going to parties but also playing Catan and attending church — to understand the joys and struggles of college life and how many aspects of campus life produce situations in which assaults occur. Their work presents an entirely new way to understand sexual assault. Their insights transcend current debates about consent, predators in a “hunting ground” or the dangers of hooking up.
Sexual Citizens emerged out of a much larger sexual assault research project: the Sexual Health Initiative to Foster Transformation, or SHIFT, which Jennifer co-directed. Sexual Citizens primarily draws on the ethnographic component of the SHIFT research — the part that Jennifer and Shamus led together.
Jennifer’s four prior books examine love, sex and gender inequality (including the surprising public health consequences of modern ideas about marital companionship). She has also published more than 120 articles, book chapters and essays (in both scholarly and popular venues) on health and inequality, sexual, reproductive and HIV risk practices, and sexual assault and undergraduate well-being. Her research on sexual violence, for which she was selected as one of New York City’s 16 “Heroes in the Fight Against Gender-Based Violence” in 2017, builds on three decades spent studying sexual intimacy and social inequality — almost always with a focus on generating actionable strategies.
Shamus (who was at Columbia, where he and Jennifer met, before joining Princeton’s faculty in 2021) is the author or editor of five books and over 100 articles and essays, including Privilege: The Making of an Adolescent Elite at St. Paul’s School (Princeton). He directed the working group on the political influence of economic elites at the Russell Sage Foundation, was the series editor of The Middle Range at Columbia University Press and served as the editor of the journal Public Culture. He writes regularly for the popular press, such as The New Yorker, The New York Times and The Washington Post, and has served as a columnist for TIME magazine. In 2016, he was awarded Columbia University’s highest teaching honor, the Presidential Teaching Award, and in 2018 he was awarded the Hans L. Zetterberg Prize from Upsala University for “the best sociologist under 40.”
Speaker Videos
Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan | Sexual Citizens
Jennifer Hirsch and Shamus Khan: "Sexual Citizens"
Speech Topics
Sexual Citizens: Sex, Power & Assault on Campus
Why does campus sexual assault happen and what can we do about it? In this groundbreaking talk based on their bestselling book, Sexual Citizens, Professors Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan present an entirely new framework that emphasizes sexual assault’s social roots. Empathic, insightful and far-ranging, Hirsch and Khan transform our understanding of sexual assault and offer a roadmap for how to address it.
How Your Community Can Prevent Sexual Assault
“What is sex for?” Most young people today can’t answer that question, in large part because few adults have talked to them about it. Sexual Projects is the answer to what sex is for (for example, for pleasure, to connect with another, to have children, etc.). In this enlightening and highly informative talk, Professors Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan give parents, organizations and communities the tools to be able to talk openly about the kind of sexual projects they hope that young people will pursue.
Preparing Kids for College & Beyond: Lessons From the Columbia Sexual Assault Study
People are “Sexual citizens” when they know they have the right to say “yes” and the right to say “no” to sex. They also must recognize that everyone else has the same rights. Sexual citizenship isn’t something we are born with. It is developed through education and supported by communities. Drawing on research from the Sexual Health Initiative to Foster Transformation (SHIFT) at Columbia University and bestselling book, Professors Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan present an entirely new way to understand sexual assault and a framework that emphasizes sexual assault’s social roots. Empathic, insightful, and far-ranging, they’ll transform your understanding of sexual assault and offer a roadmap for how to address it.
Beyond Fear: A Hopeful Vision for a World With Less Sexual Violence
The spaces people move through are essential to understanding both sex and sexual assault. Equality is a sexual assault prevention strategy. In this talk, Professors Jennifer S. Hirsch and Shamus Khan share how access to space and control over who can and cannot enter that space is a critical way power works and why power is critical for understanding assault.