Jason Chaffetz
Fox News Contributor, Best-Selling Author, Former U.S. Congressman (UT) and Chairman of Oversight & Government Reform Committee
Jason Chaffetz
Fox News Contributor, Best-Selling Author, Former U.S. Congressman (UT) and Chairman of Oversight & Government Reform Committee
Jason Chaffetz is a contributor for the Fox News Channel and the author of two New York Times best-sellers, Power Grab: The Liberal Scheme to Undermine Trump, the GOP, and Our Republic and The Deep State: How an Army of Bureaucrats Protected Barack Obama and Is Working to Destroy the Trump Agenda.
Chaffetz was elected to Congress in 2008 and served until 2017. He was selected by his peers to be Chairman of the powerful Oversight & Government Reform Committee, where he led investigations into the United States Secret Service, the Department of Education I.T. vulnerabilities, the Drug Enforcement Agency, the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) data breach, the Environmental Protection Agency, the Benghazi terrorist attack, Fast & Furious and the IRS scandal.
Prior to Congress, he was Chief of Staff to the Governor of Utah. A former placekicker on the Brigham Young University Football Team, he earned his BA in Communications in 1989 and then joined the local business community for 16 years before entering the public sector.
Speaker Videos
Closing Keynote Luncheon with The Hon. Jason Chaffetz
Speech Topics
Now What?
President Trump’s impact on the Republican Party is undeniable. He turned out record crowds – both at rallies and on Election Day. But his unorthodox methods and fiery personality have led to schisms within the GOP. So, where do conservatives go from here? Who will lead post-Trump Republicans? Will he continue to call the shots from outside of Washington? What coalition comes together in his wake? On the other side of the aisle, what do the Biden Administration’s policies – along with Democrat majorities in the House and Senate – mean for Americans from Wall Street to Main Street? Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz, who is still very much connected to the inner workings of Washington, assesses where the conservative movement goes in 2021 and beyond.
The American Spirit
The United States of America is the greatest country on the face of the planet. The generations before us made the sacrifices, did the work, overcame adversity, and beat the odds to build the USA into the superpower it is today. But its time for a new generation to step up and take the mantle of responsibility, face challenges unlike any before, and make the American Dream a possibility for everyone, no matter your background or station in life. Congressman Chaffetz shares the stories of inspiration and lays out the challenges ahead for our times.
The 3 Things You Need to Know (In the next 12 Months)
Former Congressman Jason Chaffetz shares insights from his experiences as Chairman of Oversight & Government Reform Committee. Deep conversations with non-partisan tech leaders, healthcare insiders, privacy experts and industry leaders have given Jason high-level knowledge on coming trends and changes.
Tomorrow's challenges will serve as catalysts for new opportunities in a wide range of areas. And, while politics inform DC's decision-making, Rep. Chaffetz shares his data and insights from a unique perspective above the political fray.
- How will the US government's aging tech infrastructure impact tech trends?
- What can we learn from drone implementation around the country?
- Can privacy exist in the digital age?
- Can a small pivot in government focus help eliminate cancer?
This keynote will be tailored to the needs of the attendees with direction from the event director.
IT & DC: The Government’s Role in Tech
I.T. does not understand D.C. and D.C. does not understand I.T. Congressman Chaffetz delivers a unique perspective on the state of I.T. in today's marketplace and how the federal government will play a much bigger role in your future than you ever thought possible.
The federal government spends nearly $90 billion annually on I.T. and it does not work. Congress and the administration will restructure this segment of the greater I.T. industry. But government, as it often does, will also likely implement legislation, executive orders, and governing practices via regulations that will dramatically effect the overall industry, opening new markets and closing the doors on others. It is happening now and you better understand it.
Congressman Chaffetz, as Chairman of the House Oversight & Government Reform Committee created the first I.T. subcommittee in Congress and had prime jurisdiction for I.T. throughout government. He will address procurement, regulations, privacy, emerging technologies, personnel/immigration, cyber security, and what is happening behind closed doors.
Oversight – What Really Happened
Benghazi, IRS, Fast & Furious, the Hillary Clinton email scandal, etc. Former Congressman Chaffetz, as the Chairman of the Oversight & Government Reform Committee in the House of Representatives gives the details, tells what happened behind the scenes, and lays out the case on the biggest cases you’ve heard of from Washington D.C. over the past eight years. He shares the rest of the story that needs to be told.