Jason A. Wolf, PhD
President, The Beryl Institute, Founding Editor, Patient Experience Journal & Recognized Expert on Patient Experience Excellence
Jason A. Wolf, PhD
President, The Beryl Institute, Founding Editor, Patient Experience Journal & Recognized Expert on Patient Experience Excellence
Jason is a passionate champion and recognized expert on patient experience improvement, organization culture and change, and sustaining high performance in healthcare. Jason has led the growth of The Beryl Institute into the leading global community of practice and thought leader on improving the patient experience, establishing the framework for the emerging profession of patient experience.
Jason is the Founding Editor of the Patient Experience Journal, the first open-access, peer-reviewed journal committed to research and practice in patient experience improvement. He also established and currently serves as President of Patient Experience Institute, an independent, non-profit, committed to the improvement of patient experience through evidence-based research, continuing education and professional certification.
Jason is a sought after speaker, provocative commentator, and respected author of numerous publications and academic articles on culture, organization change and performance in healthcare, including two books on Organization Development in Healthcare and over 50 white papers and articles on patient experience excellence and improvement. Jason also received the American College of Healthcare Executives (ACHE) 2018 Dean Conley Award for his article "Patient Experience: The New Heart of Healthcare Leadership," published in the spring 2017 issue of Frontiers of Health Services Management.
A recovering marathoner – having run seven – Jason's proudest "accomplishment” remains his family. He currently resides in Nashville, TN with his wife, Beth and sons Samuel and Ian.
Speaker Videos
Passionate Champion on Patient Experience
Ripples of Hope in Healthcare
Speech Topics
To Care is Human: Patient Experience the New Strategic Heart of Healthcare
It is time to reframe our thinking on patient experience and reinforce the core strategies driving the human experience excellence at the heart of healthcare today. In acknowledging that every person has the potential to impact the human experience in healthcare, we will look at the foundational concepts of experience, what it matters and the impact it can have. We will identify the common themes and opportunities found in looking at the patient experience movement from a global perspective, the implications for action and the opportunities for leadership will be revealed. This will reinforce the connection of quality, safety and service in driving the best in overall experience for all who serve in and are served by healthcare. Be prepared to challenge your thinking, explore new ideas and walk away reignited to engage in the global effort to achieve patient experience excellence.
Consumer Perspective on Patient Experience: A Call to Action
Engage with the findings of The Beryl Institute’s 2018 Consumer Study and the implications for patient experience efforts reflected through the insights of 2000 consumers from across four continents. In understanding what consumers expect from healthcare and how they will make healthcare decisions, organizations can begin to build true strategies to meet the needs of those they serve and ultimately achieve the outcomes they aspire to.
Patient Experience: The Power of "&"
Explore the framing of patient experience and why now more than ever it must be a critical focus for healthcare leaders. In clarifying the broad and integrated nature of experience and understanding what a focus on experience can help achieve, participants will reinforce the opportunities present in the experience era healthcare now finds itself. The critical idea is that experience is not about a series of either/or, but rather found in the power of “&”. Through reviewing the most recent state of patient experience and hearing from the voices of patients and providers themselves, participants will take away new insights and inspirations for how they will lead and engage with others.