Janet Rosenzweig
Child Health, Safety & Welfare Expert
Janet Rosenzweig
Child Health, Safety & Welfare Expert
Dr. Rosenzweig holds a BS in Family Studies and an MS in Health Education from The Pennsylvania State University. She earned certification as a sex educator and in 1978 brought that perspective to one of the first child sexual abuse programs in the country located in East Tennessee. Dr. Rosenzweig managed child welfare programs in Tennessee and Texas before moving to New Jersey in 1984. She earned a PhD in Social Work from Rutgers University, was the first social work doctoral candidate to take a minor at Rutgers’ Eagleton Institute of Politics and focused on public policy research in child protection. She served in the policy research unit of the New Jersey Department of Human Services, founded one of the first County Commissions on Child Abuse in New Jersey, and served for nine years as the cabinet level Mercer County Director of Human Services. Dr. Rosenzweig left government for Prevent Child Abuse - New Jersey and served as Executive Director from 2001 - 2007. She earned an MPA from Harvard's Kennedy School of Government in 2008, and then joined the faculty of Montclair State University as a Visiting Associate Professor of Child Advocacy.
In 2011, she drew on her experiences as a sex educator working with child abuse prevention to write The Sex-Wise Parent: The Parent's Guide Protecting Your Child, Strengthening Your Family, and Talking to Kids about Sex, Abuse, and Bullying (Skyhorse Publishing, 2012). She has been presenting workshops to parent and professional groups promoting the ideal that parents must be the primary sex educators of their children, learning how to support their overall sexual health and safety in the home, school and community.
Rosenzweig has held teaching appointments at Rider University, The College of New Jersey, Rutgers University, and Temple University. She has held progressively responsible positions in the non-profit and public human services sector.
As an alumnus of The Pennsylvania State University, she returned multiple times in 2012 and 2013 to conduct workshops for faculty, staff, students and families and helped write and is featured in the University's required online training program in sexual abuse prevention.
She currently serves a national constituency as Executive Director of the American Professional Society on the Abuse of Children (APSAC) and as a member of The National Coalition to Prevent Sexual Abuse and Exploitation of Children, Dr. Rosenzweig offers practical and inspirational insights into child welfare, sex education, child protection, and juvenile justice.
Speaker Videos
Dr. Janet Rosenzweig keynotes a Child Advocacy Center Conference
Speech Topics
The Sex-Wise Parent
There is no greater influence on a child's sexual health and safety than their parents, and too many parents underestimate their power! Parents can inoculate their children against sexual exploitation and support their sexual health, but most parents feel woefully unprepared to do so. As an expert in family relations and sex education, Dr. Janet Rosenzweig can share the single most important lesson parents must teach their children, and offers tools and support to help them do so.
Protecting Our Children
From juvenile jails to suburban classrooms, from rural child abuse investigations to statewide service systems, Dr. Janet Rosenzweig has served children and families from a host of perspectives. She combines the expertise developed through impeccable academic credentials with boots-on-the-ground experience to offer practical and inspirational insights into child welfare, child protection, and juvenile justice.
Monitoring School Climate: Sex & Bullying
Educators know that a healthy school climate is associated with positive outcomes ranging from reduced violence to higher academic achievement. Dr. Janet Rosenzweig adapts the science of school climate to help schools develop and maintain a healthy sexual climate. With as many as 5% of graduates reporting a sexual contact with school personnel before graduation and high-profile stories in the news daily, this is a topic filled with advice that school districts can't afford to ignore!
The Power of Parenting
Even the most confident and successful professional can take a blow to their self-confidence when they don’t know what to do with or for their child. From soothing a crying baby to setting the right limits for teens, parents need information and support to unleash their power to raise safe and healthy children and Dr. Janet Rosenzweig is ready to provide it in a comforting and understandable way, with a special emphasis on psychosexual development.
Sexual Health & Safety for Families, Organizations & Communities
The flood of high-profile cases of sexual abuse is a constant reminder that there is much to be done in prevention. As one example, how many people know that a great deal of child sexual abuse is perpetrated by other young people? Dr. Rosenzweig does and offers advice and tools for parents, public officials, social and civic organizations, and organizations serving youth for recreation and athletics on reducing liability and keeping children safe.