Janet Lapp
Psychologist, Author & Motivator
Janet Lapp
Psychologist, Author & Motivator
Former professor, researcher, clinician, and registered nurse, Dr. Janet Lapp was born and raised in Québec, Canada; her PhD is from McGill University in Montreal. Over the past 25 years, she has inspired over 2,000 audiences around the world from Russia to Argentina to Hong Kong–with clients such as IBM, AT&T, Allstate, New York Life, Toyota, and Kawasaki – to adopt a ChangeFit™ leadership mindset skilled in leading others through disruptive change. She is a dual citizen, presents in three languages, and regularly consults throughout Europe and the Americas.
Now a licensed clinical psychologist and author of five books, she is founder of ChangeFit™ Leadership Boot Camps/ChangeFit™ Labs, has been admitted to the Speaker Hall of Fame, and one year was rated by Toastmasters as one of the top three speakers worldwide. She is the creator and host of the Emmy-nominated CBS series Keep Well, and has appeared regularly on INN, ABC, CNN, and NBC affiliates.
The Ritz-Carlton team and IBM sales used her best-selling book Plant Your Feet Firmly in Mid-Air to help create their successful transformations. She is author of four other books: Dancing with Tigers, Positive Spin, Why Won’t They Listen to Me? (pack leadership), and the recent release on personal transformation The Four Elements of Transformation. Her forthcoming book (Wiley, 2020) highlights the disruptive leadership mindset needed to guide others through disruptive change.
Pilot and flight instructor, Janet has flown her airplane throughout South America and Africa on medical and rescue missions and is a long-time member of the Flying Doctors of Mercy volunteering in central México. She currently lives in southern California.
Speaker Videos
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Speech Topics
Plant Your Feet Firmly in Midair: Lead Through Change
What would happen if everyone in your organization saw the positive aspect of change instead of the negative? What would it look like if people broke out of their molds, pushed their boundaries, and developed a new set of skills?
Research indicates that 69 percent of the workplace is not fully engaged. How much time and money would be saved if everyone rekindled their passion, became fully engaged, and took daily and consistent action toward reaching their own goals and the goals of the organization?
In this humorous and energetic presentation, speaker Janet Lapp equips audiences with a positive mindset that will make them open to change and opportunity. Audiences will learn how to:
- Guide themselves and others through ambiguity and uncertainty in a positive and productive way
- Keep morale high to retain the best and encourage the rest
- Develop the courage to face new obstacles and challenges with a strong forward momentum
Academia! Healthcare! It's Catch-Up Time...Let's Go!
For so long, you were 'different.' It couldn't happen to you. then disruptors from other industries appeared on your horizon and you started to play catch up.
ARE YOU overdoing it? are you moving too fast without your rudder deep enough in the water?
Do your leaders have what it takes to move boldly and quickly enough?
We're past the tipping point of the 4th Industrial Revolution! Although you know the hard trends that are impacting your organization, do you know how to stay ahead of the curve? Do you know how to navigate through change, and move beyond fear to courage?
- What are the hard trends that are here now, and ones we can anticipate in the next year?
- What are forward-leaning systems and leaders doing to stay ahead of the curve?
- What new skills and mindsets are needed?
You begin with a complimentary assessment of your agility and change-readiness. Then during your keynote, half-or full-day session we will relate the top trends and the mindset of disruptors to your own situation; learn how disruptors think and what they do. Learn the skills you'll need, and begin to apply them before you leave the meeting. Take out a plan to tackle the top blocks holding you back.
Fly High! Get Change Fit & Future-Ready
What do people do and what do they think to not only survive change, but to thrive?
Learn what people do who improve after disruptive change. Develop a personal Change Airbag, ready for anything. With flexibility, optimism and courage/perseverance, nothing will get you down.
This is a results-focused program, holding attendees accountable for their own change readiness even during the session.
The Purpose of This Keynote:
- Anticipate what's coming and let go of what's in the past. Accept what is or "ride the horse in the direction it's going"
- Trade in your analog brain for an upgraded digital one. Know what skills you'll need. Learn to think like, and get along with, millennials/Gen Z
- Discover opportunities in change ... not just problems. Know how to have hard conversations with strugglers
- Keep morale high in oneself and one’s team
- Increase boldness and courage to act, innovate, and take charge - no excuses
What Bold Leaders Do. Are you Leading the Way?
This is a future-focused high-energy keynote for leaders from the mid-level to the C-level.
Are you prepared to lead others into the future?
Do you know the six most forgotten leadership skills (that might be taking you down?)
Do you know the new, must-have 2020 skills for the future of work?
Despite uncertainty, can you guide with confidence and courage?
Do you like to laugh, be inspired and encouraged, have the courage to stretch?
What you Will Learn and be Able to do:
- Why organizations get stuck, how to get things moving again
- Don't just be agile, be predictive
- Reinvent yourself, or “teach an old dog new tricks” ... and get others to do the same
- Learn how to create a vision that works and drive it down to the front line
- Find out why “Blocks, Triangles and Tangles” are the #1 killer of change and innovation and what to do about them
- Be able to teach their teams skills for growth: optimism, emotional flexibility and courage/mental toughness
The Psychology of Customer Experience: Why People Buy Stuff
What research is used by name brands such as Coca Cola, Apple, Starbucks, Amazon and Lexus to increase buying behavior and loyalty? Can you use their findings? Can you tap into the non-conscious needs of your buyers?
Drawing on current research, this breakthrough program sheds light on how brands are really built, and marketing programs created. It offers strategies you can use to immediately differentiate your products and services.
The front line will learn what specific actions they need to take on a daily basis to create experiences that capture the hearts of their customers, salespeople can use the strategies to help clients make decisions, and leaders can apply the tools to create team loyalty.
Takeaway How-To’s:
- Help shape buying behavior with your clients
- Use the top four psychological needs to encourage your customers to return for life
- 12 Psychological Strategies to increase buying behavior
- The Six Top Influence Strategies
Change Leader Skill Drill-Down: One-to-One with Dr. Janet
As an added workshop, take advantage of Dr. Lapp’s clinical skill in helping create personal change. This is a personal program, intended to be intimate and inspiring.
The exact content will depend on mutual agreement of needs.
- Burnout assessment and prevention; re-sparking passion, self-care
- Increasing Emotional Resilience
- Jump-start a Culture of Optimism
- Handling difficult conversations and dealing successfully with the resistant