Jack Uldrich
Business Futurist & Author
Jack Uldrich
Business Futurist & Author
Jack Uldrich provides compelling, upbeat and practical insights on future trends, emerging technologies, innovation, change management and leadership. Uldrich is highly regarded for his ability to present complex technological and innovative information in an entertaining, understandable and practical manner. As a futurist, Jack is frequently asked, “What will the future look like?” And his response is: “Predictably unpredictable.” So, “How does a person prepare for such a paradoxical future?” The answer lies in embracing other paradoxes such as learning to unlearn, thinking about the unthinkable, embracing failure as a key component of success, and acknowledging that an awareness of one’s ignorance is a key component of wisdom.
Jack Uldrich is a well-recognized global futurist, speaker, and author of 13 books, including award-winning best sellers. He is a frequent speaker on technology, change management and leadership and has addressed hundreds of corporations, associations and not-for-profit organizations on five continents. He is a frequent guest on major media outlets, including CNN, CNBC and National Public Radio.
Jack is also an ongoing contributor on emerging technologies and future trends for a number of publications, including The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Wired Magazine and BusinessWeek.
Jack is a former naval intelligence officer and Defense Department official. He served as the director of the Minnesota Office of Strategic and Long-Range Planning under Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura. His most recent book, Business as Unusual: A Futurist’s Unorthodox, Unconventional, and Uncomfortable Guide to Doing Business was an instant best seller in October 2020 and his forthcoming book in early 2022 is The Rise of Generation RE.
Speaker Videos
Speaking Reel
What Does a Futurist Do?
New Reality. New Opportunity.
The Big AHA: Tomorrow’s Transformational Energy Trends Today
The Future is Now
Future Trends in Health Care
Speech Topics
Business as Unusual: How to Future-Proof Your Business in Transformational Times
The pandemic has catapulted the world into a future of deep change. In this engaging, provocative, and insightful keynote session acclaimed global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich will not only discuss how coronavirus is transforming the world of tomorrow, he explains why it is accelerating many of the trends that were already at work prior to the epidemic. History reminds us that great crises produce great change--as well as great opportunities. To take advantage of these extraordinary opportunities, businesses must position themselves now to operate in a world where “business as unusual” is the new “usual.” This session will help leaders at every level of an organization leverage ten “unconventional” techniques to succeed in today’s--and tomorrow’s--transformational times.
The Great Reset: The Emerging Age of Reimagination, Renewal & Reconnection with Generation RE
A great reset is now upon us. Less obvious is the reality that the world was quietly being reset prior to the pandemic. The rules of business were being rewritten by an extraordinary cadre of individuals, enterprises, and organizations willing to rethink long-held assumptions, reinvent products and processes; and reestablish new and innovative ways to re-engage with both their employees and the wider world. These leaders are at the vanguard Generation RE--an ageless cohort of change agents working to recreate the world anew.
In this refreshing, entertaining, and insightful keynote presentation, global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich shares key insights from his forthcoming book, The Great Reset: The Emerging Age of Reimagination, Restoration, and Reconnection (Greenleaf Book Group, 2021). He also explains how leaders can embrace and leverage the principles of “Generation RE” in order to reframe problems into opportunities, restore communities and our natural world, reconnect with employees and customers at a deeper, more meaningful level, and reimagine a better, bolder and more beautiful.
Vuja De: A Futurist Takes a Backwards Stroll into Your World of Tomorrow
”The perfect keynote for any company, organization or association celebrating a milestone anniversary!”
Winston Churchill once said, “The farther back one can look, the farther ahead one can see.” He was right. And what better time for any organization to look into the future than when celebrating 25, 50 or 100 years of success? Global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich has the unique ability to use yesterday’s history lessons as a prism for helping his clients and his audiences understand how the world of tomorrow will be transformed. He has created dozens of customized keynote presentations for centennial celebrations as well as diamond, golden and silver anniversaries. From organizations as diverse as the Casualty Actuarial Society and Stiles Machinery to the Cleveland Community College, TD Bank and the International Card Manufacturers Association, Jack always leaves his audiences proud of their rich tradition and past accomplishments but poised to confidently create their new future. Find out how he can do the same for your organization or company.
Question the Future
Today, the greatest change is the rate of change itself. Put another way, society is transitioning to a period of constant transition. The net effect is that “answers” about the future are decreasing in value. This reality is, paradoxically, placing greater emphasis on the need to ask better questions.
In this thought-provoking but practical presentation, global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich shares with his audience how the art and science of framing and asking better questions cannot only help individuals and organizations survive tomorrow’s rapidly changing environment but thrive by providing the key insights necessary for confidently creating their own future.
How the Internet of Things Will Open Up a Future of Opportunity
In this speech, Jack Uldrich explains a common and popular vision of the Internet of Things (IoT). He loosely defines this as the connection of billions of physical objects to the Internet through the use of low-cost sensors. He presents audiences with an example of an alarm clock, which is smart enough to read your daily schedule, review the latest traffic and weather reports, and then communicate this information to your coffee maker in such a way that you’ll be able to maximize your sleep while still getting to work on time with a piping hot cup of java in your hands.
This vision of the future is entirely possible, but it sells short the true potential of the Internet of Thing. Here are nine additional and unexpected ways the IoT may modify the future:
- A New Literacy for the 21st Century.
- A Plethora of New Business Models.
- A “Smarter” Transportation Debate.
- You Will Care More About the Little Things.
- Goodbye “Senior Moments,” Hello Increased Independence.
- 85 Will Become the New 65 as Boomers Stave Off Aging.
- Seeing Water and Carbon Everywhere.
- Better Wine.
- Shorter Lines and No More Crying Over Spoiled Milk.
The Exponential Executive
Based on Jack Uldrich’s forthcoming book of the same name, this fast-paced, entertaining, and enlightening presentation (which is also available as either a full or half day seminar) introduces his audience to the reality of exponential technological change and provides 11 tangible leadership characteristics designed to help executives and managers navigate and lead their organizations through this era of accelerating change.
The Future Requires Unlearning
The pace of technological change is accelerating. Today’s organizations are living in a world where “constant change is the only constant.” New advances in biotechnology, nanotechnology, and information technology are bringing forth exciting and unexpected discoveries every day, while the expansive and growing power of the Internet, social networking, and the open source movement are fueling the fires which threaten to consume much of today’s existing business landscape.
Lifelong learning will obviously be more essential than ever in this chaotic and churning environment; but often lost in this new emerging reality of exponential change is the fact that before an organization can seize tomorrow’s opportunities, it must first unlearn old, obsolete knowledge as well as unlearn the old ways of doing business.
In this fascinating, informative, entertaining, interactive, and enlightening presentation (which is also available as a half or full day seminar), noted global futurist and best-selling author Jack Uldrich, who has been hailed by Businessweek as “America’s Chief Unlearning Officer,” not only explains why unlearning is a critical skill for your company and your organization’s employees but also demonstrates how unlearning can help you:
- Successfully navigate a future where the pace of scientific and technological knowledge is doubling every seven years;
- Prepare for competition that doesn’t yet exist;
- Seize opportunities that are only on the periphery of your imagination today.
These presentations draw heavily on Ulrich’s two books on unlearning: Unlearning 101: 50 Lessons for Thinking InsideOut the Box and Higher Unlearning: 39 Post Requisite Lessons for Achieving a Successful Future.
Unlearning Applications for the Agriculture, Education, Energy, Financial, Healthcare, Insurance, Technology, Retail & Other Industries
Jack Uldrich speaks on future trends for specific industries and then relates why unlearning will be a vital ingredient for achieving future success.
How to Think Like a Futurist
The average lifespan of a Fortune 1000 company is 15 years–and dropping. Why is this happening? Primarily, it’s because companies are so focused on the present, they fail to appreciate how the world of tomorrow is changing. Smart companies hire futurists to survive. Wise companies learn how to think like a futurist and instill a “future mindset” throughout their organization.
In this interactive, engaging and educational seminar, best-selling author and renowned global futurist Jack Uldrich will instruct you and your team on how to “think like a futurist” and “future-proof” your organization in the process.
Specifically, audiences will:
- Understand the trends transforming the world of tomorrow and learn how to become aware of what is coming next before your competitors;
- Develop an appreciation for both why humility is critical in navigating the uncharted waters of tomorrow and why unlearning will be as important as learning in the future;
- Learn how to take action in the face of uncertainty, ambiguity, and rapidly changing conditions;
- Most importantly, you will adopt the mindset and acquire the tools to begin creating the future yourself.