Jack Shaw
Emerging Technology Strategist & AI and Blockchain Specialist
Jack Shaw
Emerging Technology Strategist & AI and Blockchain Specialist
Jack Shaw is an Innovation and Change Management Strategist with more than 30 years' experience helping leaders transform their organizations' digital ecosystems amid new waves of technology.
A Global Thought Leader, he was voted one of the World's Top 25 Speakers and one of the Top Five Technology Futurists in polls conducted by Speaking.com. Jack has shared his insights and advice with nearly 300,000 of the world's top leaders and professionals.
Having a sensible, practical approach to how tomorrow's new technologies will drive change and spur innovation, Jack has advised key decision-makers at such Fortune 500 organizations as Mercedes Benz, Bosch, GE, Coca-Cola, Johnson & Johnson, IBM, Oracle, and SAP.
Jack integrates his executive experience in Industry, technology, and consulting to speak on Innovation, Change Management, and Transformational Leadership. And, he has decades of experience designing, developing, and implementing emerging technologies and how these will impact business and society.
This experience enables him to speak with unique perspective and a deep understanding of such current leading-edge technologies as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, 5G, and the Internet of Things.
Jack has delivered over 1,000 keynote presentations and executive forums in 26 countries and every state across the U.S. He is a Yale University graduate, and he holds a Kellogg MBA degree specializing in Finance and Marketing.
Speaker Videos
Speaking Reel
Thinking Strategically -- How Big Is Big Data by TOP 5 Technology Futurist and Speaker Jack Shaw
Impact of Emerging Technologies
The Power of Blockchain
The Future of Business Technology
A.I. & Machine Learning
Change is Your Friend
Speech Topics
The Metaverse: What Does It Mean for Me & My Organization? How Extended Reality, AI & Blockchain Are Creating A New Paradigm for Business & Society
New, game-changing technologies used to come along about once a decade. Now they come in bunches! Currently, Extended Reality (XR: integrating Virtual Reality, VR, and Augmented Reality, AR), Artificial Intelligence (AI), and Blockchain-enabled artifacts such as NFT’s and Distributed Autonomous Organizations (DAO’s), each are already having profound impacts. Combined, their synergies are creating the exponential change agent many refer to as the Metaverse.
A generation ago few could see the potential long-term effects of the Internet. But leading edge technology futurists like Jack Shaw were remarkably prescient in describing how the Internet would change business, commerce, and society.
Similarly, today, no one can say exactly how the Metaverse will manifest. Technology firms such as Google, Microsoft, and Amazon are already planning to deliver Metaverse capabilities; and Facebook’s recent name change to Meta has received huge publicity. But leading companies who are not primarily technology solutions providers, such as Walmart, are also working on plans to do business in the Metaverse.
As with the Internet and eCommerce, it will likely take 10 – 15 years for the Metaverse vision to be fully fleshed out. But it will almost certainly have as much effect on retailing, manufacturing, distribution, healthcare, and society in general as the Internet has. And we learned during the emergence of the Internet that those who proactively plan for the impact of emerging technologies inevitably gain tremendous strategic and competitive advantages over those who sit back to “wait and see”.
In this presentation, Jack Shaw will explain how Extended Reality, Blockchain, and AI will combine to enable the Metaverse. And he’ll show how people and organizations can visualize, plan for, and execute their Metaverse strategies.
Jack integrates his executive experience in industry, technology, and consulting to speak on Innovation, Change Management, and Transformational Leadership. And, he brings decades of experience designing, developing, and implementing emerging technologies to speak with a deep understanding of such current leading-edge technologies as Artificial Intelligence, AR/VR, Blockchain, 5G, and the Internet of Things and how these will impact business and society.
Blockchain, Bitcoin, Cryptocurrency & Decentralized Finance (DeFi): How Emerging Technologies Will Change the Landscape for Payments & Financial Services
New, game-changing technologies used to come along about once a decade. Now they come in bunches! Currently, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, and Cryptocurrencies are each driving accelerated rates of change for payments processors and Financial Services organizations. Combined, their synergies are creating exponential change. The results include real-time payments, anticipatory fraud prevention, and enhanced credit and collections.
Blockchain technology has enabled digital currencies, such as Bitcoin, for over a decade now; but with nations now starting to officially adopt CBDC's (Central Bank Digital Currencies ‒ digital versions of their traditional fiat currencies), digital, real time payments (RTP) are rapidly moving into the mainstream. And it’s not just payments. Blockchain-powered DeFi (Decentralized Finance) promises to disrupt everything financial from borrowing and lending to securities trading to fraud prevention.
Biometrics and Blockchain are already being used to create unhackable, immutable self-sovereign, or personally managed, records of identity. This allows data to be uniquely linked to a single individual. Rapidly evolving AI technologies can now identify the precursors of fraud enabling automated systems to proactively prevent it rather than simply identify it after the fact.
In this presentation, Jack Shaw will show how your organization can visualize and plan for the impacts of these changes and deliver economic benefits to customers and other stakeholders.
Blockchain in the Enterprise: How Blockchain Technologies Are Redefining Business Models & Processes in Your Industry
It’s still a common misconception that Blockchain technology is all about crypto-currencies and multimillion dollar Non-Fungible Token (NFT) artworks. And while these applications do garner the headlines, the real action is behind the scenes – where enterprises large and small are leveraging Blockchain technology to reimagine how they do business.
Just as the Internet forced enterprises to transform their systems and processes a quarter-century ago, now Blockchain is driving an analogous transformation. Only this time it will go even deeper and happen much faster.
In industries from manufacturing and distribution to retail and consumer goods, from healthcare and pharmaceuticals to transportation and logistics, and from government agencies to not-for-profits, leading edge organizations have already implemented production Blockchain-based systems that have allowed them to reimagine mission-critical business processes.
The Blockchain applications already being used include everything from supply chain transparency to sourcing and provenance of food and luxury items such as diamonds, artworks, and wines to insurance claims management and educational credentialing.
In this presentation, Jack Shaw will show how Blockchain is already being used in your industry. And he’ll show you how your organization can visualize and plan for the impacts Blockchain and the changes it’s helping to create will have on your business.
Extracting Real Value from Artificial Intelligence: How Integrating AI with Blockchain, IoT & Other Emerging Technologies Will Drive Disruptive Change & Enable Innovation in Our Lives & Our World
AI is already transforming business, society, and the world, but so far it has only scratched the surface. As we move from self-driving vehicles to self-optimizing systems to self-configuring business landscapes, we’ll see changes that dwarf what we’ve experienced to date. Jack shares real-world examples and company wins revealing how cutting-edge businesses’ AI implementations will reduce costs, improve service, and spark innovation.
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
Extracting Real Value from Artificial Intelligence in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Extracting Real Value from Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing and Distribution
Extracting Real Value from Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing
Transformational Leadership
Motivating people and achieving established goals are worthwhile. But these are management, not leadership.
A transformational leader must drive radically innovative changes in their organization’s mindset, processes, and business model. And they must actively participate in the leadership of equally transformative changes in the business and social ecosystems of which their organization is a part.
To do so they must clearly visualize their transformational outcomes, gain the commitment of their team, and lead the drive to achieve their objectives. In this presentation, Jack Shaw outlines the five characteristics of transformational leaders and lays out the key steps managers and executives must take to become one.
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
Transformational Leadership in Manufacturing
Transformational Leadership in Accounting and Auditing
Managing Change in Disruptive Times
There an old military aphorism, “The first casualty of war is the plan.” By definition, living in disruptive times seems to defy an organization’s ability to manage change.
Emerging technologies like AI and Blockchain can quickly redefine long-established industries. A few tweets from powerful politicians can stand markets and supply chains on their heads in a matter of days. What else is there to do but wait – and react as well as possible? Quite a bit it turns out!
In this presentation, Jack Shaw lays out a proven methodology for managing change in disruptive times. One that allows current operations to continue smoothly, lets organizations respond to short-term disruptions, and keeps the long-term strategic objectives on track. Come learn how to effectively manage change in your organization – despite the disruptions!
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
Managing Disruptive Change in Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Managing Disruptive Change in Manufacturing and Distribution
Managing Disruptive Change in Accounting and Auditing
Innovation, Technology & the Future
Major, game-changing technologies used to come along about once a decade, and one at a time. Now they come every year or two, and they come in bunches! Currently, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Blockchain, 5G Wireless, Internet of Things (IoT), Augmented / Virtual Reality, and 3D Printing are each driving accelerated rates of changes. Combined, their synergies are making change go exponential.
The only way for organizations to survive these exponential changes is through radical innovation. And fortunately, the same technologies that are driving these changes are enabling innovation.
In this presentation, Jack Shaw will describe how organizations can most effectively visualize, plan and execute on the radical innovations needed to change from responding to change to initiating it, and turn a future of threats into a future of opportunities!
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
Innovation, Technology, and the Future of Healthcare
Innovation, Technology, and the Future of Accounting and Auditing
Innovation, Technology, and the Future of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Creating Your Digital Transformation Strategy
Many executives think Digital Transformation means using digital technologies to reduce time, errors, and costs in their business processes. And these are certainly worthwhile objectives. But they are not Digital Transformation.
As Jack Shaw demonstrates, Digital Transformation means reevaluating the role your organization plays in the business and social ecosystems of which you are a part. It means rethinking your business model, and then redesigning your business processes using leading edge digital technologies as needed now and in the future.
In this presentation, Shaw will share examples of organizations that have done exactly that. And he’ll share a time-tested approach for creating and executing a successful Digital Transformation strategy.
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
Creating Your Digital Transformation Strategy for Healthcare
Creating Your Digital Transformation Strategy for Accounting and Auditing
Creating Your Digital Transformation Strategy for Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The Blockchain Transformation
Blockchain technology impacts businesses across every industry. Decision-makers now recognize that blockchain extends far beyond cryptocurrencies, but are still challenged to understand how it works and its impact on their business today and tomorrow. Mr. Shaw will explain the four capabilities of Blockchains that make them uniquely able to transform business and social ecosystems.
He'll also show how to design a future-proof plan incorporating Blockchain into your business's continued success. Ideal audiences for this program include Company Executives, Business Decision Makers, Strategic Planners, Senior IT Management, Accountants, Auditors, and Attorneys in every industry.
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
The Blockchain Transformation of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
The Blockchain Transformation of Manufacturing and Distribution
The Blockchain Transformation of Accounting and Auditing
5G & IoT: The New Internet of Everything
5G. The Internet of Things. Everyone's heard of them. But what makes them different from what we already have? Sure, it’d be nice to download videos faster, but do my forks and spoons need to talk to each other? What can these new technologies really do for my business?
Turns out, quite a bit! Imagine smart energy applications that can cut power instantly on detection of a local disruption – virtually eliminating blackouts. What about robotic surgery? Not from the next room over, but from the other side of the globe – by the world's best. Or autonomous vehicles that don't merely navigate on their own, but continuously communicate with other vehicles and even the roadway infrastructure itself to minimize travel times and increase safety.
And, combining 5G & IoT with other emerging technologies such as AI and blockchain leads to even more astounding capabilities. For example, picture a manufacturing plant that reroutes material flows on the factory floor and reprograms production machines in real time in response to changes in demand for various products at retail – several tiers down the supply chain!
5G and IoT will deeply disrupt your business and your industry. But it will also enable powerful innovation. Jack shows you how to design your 5G/IoT strategy for a sustainable competitive advantage.
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
5G & IoT: The New Internet of Logistics and Supply Chain Management
5G & IoT: The New Internet of Manufacturing and Distribution
3D Printing
As the newest, most powerful manufacturing technique, 3D printing is driving the next industrial revolution. It's creating disruptive change, but it's also enabling remarkable innovations.
And, when integrated with other emerging technologies, it makes a huge economic impact – and not just on manufacturers. Explore its role in the digital economy and where it is headed across society as a whole in the next decade of digital transformation.
In this program, Jack describes not only what 3D Printing is and how it's being used, he shows how your organization can implement a strategy to take advantage of how 3D Printing will affect your Industry.
Jack will customize this program for specific industry verticals or business functions on request. Examples include:
3D Printing's Impact on Manufacturing and Distribution
3D Printing's Impact on Healthcare
3D Printing's Impact on Logistics and Supply Chain Management