Isabel Aguilera
President in Blue Chip Companies Such As GE, COO NH Hoteles, CEO Google Iberia, Dell Computer Spain, Italy & Portugal
Isabel Aguilera
President in Blue Chip Companies Such As GE, COO NH Hoteles, CEO Google Iberia, Dell Computer Spain, Italy & Portugal
Isabel Aguilera is a strategy, sustainability and innovation consultant with extensive management experience in the best valued multinationals worldwide (GE, Google, Dell Computer, Vodafone…). In addition to being a teacher and writer, and having started a business, she is a regular speaker at numerous forums, in which she stands out due to her proven experience guiding transformation processes and other areas of innovation and optimization in management.
Isabel Aguilera's conferences are a meeting point and exchange of experiences, mandatory for any high-performance manager who wants to excel in the most demanding global corporate environments.
Isabel Aguilera dominates the business spectrum in its entirety and from all its areas. She approaches topics such as internationalization and the technological future with cutting-edge knowledge.
In her conferences, she offers valuable insights from decades of experience as a leader of the most influential business organizations in the world in personalized, segmented talks aimed at senior management profiles that seek to optimize their management or confront disruptive ideas from any perspective, based on their experience in different continents and sectors.
In the academic field, Isabel Aguilera is a qualified architect specialized in building design and also an urban planner, from the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Seville, and with various master's degrees and postgraduate courses from IE and IESE. Additionally, she is an associate professor at ESADE.
Isabel is an independent director of several listed companies: the Mexican Cemex, the Spanish Lar España (Socimi), Oryzon Genomics (epigenetics), Clínica Baviera (80% owned by the Chinese group Aier), Making Science (advertising and digital technology) and the public entity Canal de Isabel II, a multinational specializing in water management.
Isabel belongs to the advisory boards of Deusto and Omnicom PR Group and to the Board of SM Ediciones.
Previously, she was President of the Social Council of the University of Seville, an independent member of the Boards of Directors of Indra, Banco Marenostrum (BMN), Aegón España, Emergia Contact Center, the Italian Bank Banca Farmafactoring, and the Moroccan company HPS (Hightech Payment Systems) payment solutions and the group of private universities, the American Laureate Inc., as well as the advisory councils of Oracle Iberia, the employers' association Farmaindustria, the Human Age Institute (part of Manpower Group) and Pelayo Mutual Insurance. She has belonged to the APD Council, as well as to the International Advisory Council of the Instituto de Empresa.
Isabel Aguilera was president of GE in Spain and Portugal, general manager in Spain and Portugal of Google Inc., general manager of Operations of the NH Hoteles Group and CEO for Spain, Italy and Portugal of Dell Computer. She has also held various positions at Vodafone and Hewlett-Packard-Compaq. And she was a professor at Deusto Business School. In her entrepreneurial experience, she was co-founder, president and shareholder of Twindocs and continues to participate in various entrepreneurial projects and startups.
She has been recognized with numerous awards by institutions and business associations (AED, FEDEPE, among others), as well as by national and international newspapers and publications, including the Financial Times and Wall Street Journal, and other specialized technology media.
Speaker Videos
Future of Generations to Come
Speech Topics
A call for the contribution and collaboration of all the talents in solving the great problems of the geostrategic environment, gaining in competitiveness, with the help of new technologies.
To Innovate or To Die
Innovation is in the DNA of the competitive company. The line-up to different sectors, companies, groups and points of view.
The Future is Already Here: Future Trends
Based on her book. Strategic alternatives to face the future that runs over us every day.
Leadership in multinational companies, with high-performance teams, in times of change, leadership evolution.
The Connected Future
Disruptions and trends. New business models and new ways to compete. Capacities, attitudes and values to develop to be competitive and eligible.
Smart Cities for Smart Citizens
In addition to her experience in technological and revolutionary companies, Isabel is an architect, so looking at the new formulas for the relationship between citizens and the city can be interpreted from different views: technological, urban planning, innovative...a whole ecosystem that will always go with her because the degree in Architecture leaves an indelible mark.
The Latest from Silicon Valley: Learnings from Google & Others
Isabel visits Silicon Valley every year and organizes visits to 5 or 6 companies to catch up with the latest in the march of the most innovative companies, the latest technologies, the new uses and customs of the most effervescent area on the planet in the desire to change our world.
Experience in Technology Companies
From technology providers like HP/Compaq or Dell to Google or GE, a range of different points of view and with different degrees of maturity, pros and cons, but always surrounded by talent, innovation and technology. The world's most admired companies that have changed our lives forever.