Ian Jukes
Educator & Technology Expert
Ian Jukes
Educator & Technology Expert
Dr. Ian Jukes is the founder of the InfoSavvy Group, an international educational leadership consulting firm based in Canada. Ian has been a classroom teacher, teaching every grade from kindergarten to Grade 12; a school, district, and Ministry leader; a university professor; a keynote speaker; and an international consultant.
He has worked with clients in more than 80 countries and made more than 12,000 presentations. He has written or co-written 27 books and education series.
His most recent books include: Literacy is Still Not Enough, Learner Voice, Learner Choice, LeaderShift 2020, A Brief History of the Future of Education, and the award-winning Reinventing Learning for the Always-On Generation. His other books include: Learning Without Classroom; Teaching the Digital Generation; Living on the Future Edge; Understanding the Digital Generation; Literacy Is Not Enough; Getting It Right: Aligning Technology Initiatives for Measurable Student Results; Leadership: Renewing Schools for Modern Times, Where IT Meets ET: The Place of Technology in Modern Learning; and Education in the Age of Disrupted Learning. He has also had more than 200 articles published. Ian was also the creator of the highly successful TechWorks Technology Integration Model; the 21st Century Fluency Project; and the Springboard21 Diagnostic and Reporting Tool.
Ian has also created, organized, and populated a vast digital library that contains more than 18,000 educational resources and best practices separated into more than 200 educational categories. He freely shares this resource with his many clients through various social media networks. He is also a great believer in paying things forward, and regularly acts as a mentor to other educational professionals, supporting them in the writing of books, development of workshops and presentations, and professional growth.
Outside of education, he has worked with a wide range of government agencies, the banking, medical, entertainment, and insurance industries, as well as with organizations and communities who wish to explore possibilities for preferred economic futures.
First and foremost, Ian is a passionate educational evangelist. His focus continues to be on the compelling need to restructure our educational institutions so that they become relevant to the current and future needs of the digital generations - and to prepare learners for their future and not just society's past. He spends his year working out of Vancouver; Auckland; and Melbourne.
Speaker Videos
Teaching the Digital Generation
Understanding the Digital Generation
Speech Topics
Future of Teaching & Learning
This presentation series examines education as a futures business. Educators need to become futurists so they can move beyond their existing assumptions about teaching, learning, and assessment. The presentations outline a range of practical and explicit strategies that blend the best of what we currently do in the classroom with new approaches that address the changing realities of the modern world and modern students.
Welcome to the Digital Revolution: Education in the Age of Disrupted Learning
In today’s digital landscape, we are witnessing the Age of Disrupted Learning - an incredibly turbulent time where every part of society is experiencing upheaval as the result of the pervasive nature of disruptive change. To thrive in these chaotic times, our schools, like our businesses, communities, and families, must continuously adapt to changing conditions. This presentation examines the changing nature of our world; identifies the critical 21st-century skills not being addressed by our current educational system; and specifically identifies how we can effectively engage learners so that they can perform exceptionally well on traditional exams, while simultaneously learning the critical new basics needed to excel in both school and life beyond school. Attendees will be provided with access to an extensive digital library of resources aligned to the Education in the Age of Disrupted Learning presentation.
Understanding the Always-On Generation: Hyperinformation & the Rewiring of the Human Brain
The rapid emergence of online digital technology has bombarded people living in the modern world with a myriad of multimedia experiences. These experiences have had a profound effect on how people process information. No one has been more affected than the younger generations who have grown up in the new digital landscape. This presentation examines how hyperinformation experiences have rewired the brain of the always-on generation; and what this means for teaching, learning, and assessment strategies in the modern world. Attendees will be provided with access to an extensive digital library of resources aligned to the Understanding the Always-on Generation presentation.
Reinventing Learning for the Always-on Generation: New Connections
Based on the award-winning book of the same name, this session looks at the modern world, examines the new entry skills students will need to be successful in digitally infused working environments and provides a comprehensive profile of 10 core learning attributes of digital learners. What are the new thinking skills our 6 students will require, and how must we shift instruction to ensure we are equipping them with these skills? New Connections provides a practical look at how we can teach effectively in a time when emergent technologies cascade onto the new digital landscape. Participants will be provided with access to an extensive digital library of resources aligned to the core learning attributes outlined the Reinventing Learning presentation.
Inspiring Creativity Through Imagination & Innovation
Where does creativity come from? How are we inspired to be creative? What thought processes lead us to forge exceptional and unique products and concepts that speak to us on unseen and personal levels, shaping our thinking and inspiring strong opinions and feelings in others? And how can businesses and education make use of these powerful qualities, and be driven to excel? This workshop focuses on the mental processes that help bring passion to presentation, story to structure, and emotion to innovation. Discover how artistic proficiency adds meaning and relevance through design, art, and storytelling by incorporating the 5I’s process—Identify, Inspire, Interpolate, Imagine, and Inspect. Participants will be provided with access to an extensive digital library of resources specifically aligned to the Inspiring Creativity Through Imagination and Innovation workshop.
Communication In The Digital Age
Amongst the younger generations, visual communication is increasingly challenging the supremacy of traditional reading and writing. While reading and writing will always have a place, in an increasingly visual world, visual communication and design must be an everyday part of the curriculum – not just for senior students – but for students at every grade level and in every subject area. Modern digital media has fundamentally changed the essential skills we all need to be informed consumers and producers of media in the world today.
Students and teachers alike must be able to communicate as effectively in multimedia formats as we, the older generations, were taught to communicate with text and speech when we were growing up. The 3 R’s are still very important, but in the modern world, traditional literacy is no longer enough. We all need to understand how differently modern readers read digital text from the way we read traditional paper-based text. Students and teachers alike need to understand modern information communication skills such as the principles of graphic design; how typography shapes thinking; the effective use of color; the principles of photo composition; sound production techniques; and the fundamentals of video production; not to mention how we use all of these skills to effectively communicate to different audiences. The bottom line is that in the new digital landscape, traditional literacy — traditional reading and writing — is no longer enough. This workshop focuses on the new basics of modern communication needed by all of us — not replacing traditional reading and writing...at least not yet — but rather augmenting traditional communications skills. Participants will be provided with access to an extensive digital library of resources specifically aligned to the Communications in the Digital Age workshop.
LeaderShift 2020: Reinventing Schools for Extraordinary & Uncertain Times
Today’s schools are continually driven by the tyranny of the urgent. As a result, school leaders consistently find themselves in reactive mode, unable to look beyond the curricular standards of the present to the future learning needs of all their students.
This has occurred in large part due to the increasing emphasis on accountability and high stakes testing. As a result, we tend to focus on short term goals — we focus on the now. We focus on getting our students ready for the next topic, the next test, the next term, the next level of education. We use the test data from the previous year to drive our instructional decisions and learning strategies for the coming year. We look at the data in order figure out how we can get our students ready to perform better on this year’s tests. Year after year, grade after grade, curriculum revision after curriculum revision, we find ourselves in a never-ending loop where we check last year’s test scores, adjust what we teach, how we teach it, determine which areas need more emphasis in order to prepare them for this year’s test...then we start again.
But education is also about long-term goals — it is about the attributes of modern learning that all our students will need to be ready to succeed after they leave our schools. This workshop is about the necessary shift from being an educational manager to being an educational leader and about rethinking traditional assumptions about leadership, technology, infrastructure, human resources, professional development, and communication in support of teaching, learning, and assessment for the modern world.
Leading from the Future
Today, leaders are under relentless pressure. There are a 1000 management issues that scream for their attention every day. There are increased demands for student performance and teacher accountability, while at is same time principals are expected to do this with less funding. On top of all of this, principals are expected to be instructional leaders in their schools. Based on the forthcoming books A Brief History of the Future of Education and LeaderShift Happens, this presentation offers a lifeline to overtaxed principals struggling with the issues of how to be effective instructional leaders with their staffs. It outlines specific strategies and identifies essential resources that can be used for leading teachers into meaningful instructional change.
Books & Media
A Brief History of the Future of Education: Learning in the Age of Disruption
Reinventing Learning for the Always-On Generation: Strategies and Apps That Work
Netsavvy : Building Information Literacy in the Classroom
Understanding the Digital Generation: Teaching and Learning in the New Digital Landscape
The Digital Diet: Today’s Digital Tools in Small Bytes
Teaching the Digital Generation: No More Cookie-Cutter High Schools
Getting It Right: Aligning Technology Initiatives for Measurable Student Results
Literacy Is NOT Enough: 21st Century Fluencies for the Digital Age