Houston Kraft
Author of Deep Kindness, CoFounder of CharacterStrong
Houston Kraft
Author of Deep Kindness, CoFounder of CharacterStrong
Houston has spoken at over 600 events internationally. In 2016, he co-founded CharacterStrong which currently serves 10,000 schools across 50 states and 36 countries helping to support the teaching of kindness in education.
In 2019, his face was featured on Lays BBQ chip bags as someone who helps "spread smiles.” In 2020, his first book, Deep Kindness, was published by Simon & Schuster. He has been featured on Good Morning America, CNN, Hallmark, Katie Couric, and more as an expert on developing a more empathetic, kind world.
Speaker Videos
Speaker and Author of of Deep Kindness
Speech Topics
What Gets in the Way of Kindness?
We all know Kindness is a great thing. Perhaps the better question is, “What gets in the way?” A self-reflective and interactive keynote that focuses on closing the gap between beliefs and actions.
To Be Lists > To Do Lists
We all know Kindness is a great thing. Perhaps the better question is, “What gets in the way?” A self-reflective and interactive keynote that focuses on closing the gap between beliefs and actions.
Supporting the Mental Health & Well-Being of Students & Adults
With seemingly endless obstacles over the past 3 years, those in the field of education face increased stress and pressure. Our students are navigating increased mental health challenges. In this resource-packed follow up session to Houston's keynote, he will share simple, but impactful ways to provide meaningful supports for student AND adult well-being to decrease anxiety and increase hope.