Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
Host of the Podcast Harry Potter & The Sacred Text
Harry Potter and the Sacred Text
Host of the Podcast Harry Potter & The Sacred Text
Join Vanessa Zoltan as she brings reflection and laughter to the Harry Potter books; not just as novels, but as instructive and inspirational texts that will teach us about our own lives.
Relive the magic of the Harry Potter books by treating them as a sacred text, as you would treat the bible or the Q'ran.
Learn lessons appropriate for today through an interactive talk with Vanessa.
Speaker Videos
In Harry Potter, Who's Your Knight in Shining Armor
Who Has a Secret in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Speech Topics
Harry Potter & The Sacred Text
Just as Christians read the Bible, Jews the Torah and Muslims read the Quran, we are embarking on a 199-episode journey (one chapter an episode, to be released weekly) to glean what wisdom and meaning we can make from J.K. Rowling’s beloved novels. We read Harry Potter, not just as novels, but as instructive and inspirational texts that will teach us about our own lives.
In each show, we focus on a central theme through which to explore the characters and context, always grounding ourselves in the text. We’ll engage in traditional forms of sacred reading to unearth the hidden gifts within even the most mundane sentences.