Garrett Gunderson
Author of Multiple WSJ Bestselling Books, Finance Guru, Comedian & Performer
Garrett Gunderson
Author of Multiple WSJ Bestselling Books, Finance Guru, Comedian & Performer
Garrett Gunderson helps people win the money game without scrimping, sacrificing, or delaying enjoyment along the way. Managing your money can seem complicated, even scary. For a quarter of a century, Gunderson has helped people keep more of what they make by plugging financial leaks, profiting from ideas up front, and finding cash that is rightfully theirs.
Money is a common ground, a universal experience.
For some, it provides a life of freedom and opportunity. For most, it creates stress, strain, and frustration. People end up working harder, longer, or both. We are taught to postpone life today for a far-off future dream, one day, someday.
There is a better way.
One where you win before you begin.
Gunderson calls it – Win, Then Play.
And he's going to show you how.
In his Already Won theatrical keynote, Garrett reveals the simple, yet profound, shifts anyone can make to operate from abundance, heal their relationship with money, and understand their money persona to make more informed financial decisions and put money in its proper place – as a by-product of value and a tool to serve you.
Garrett’s books disrupt the system and ideologies that undermine your financial independence. His debut, Killing Sacred Cows, was a New York Times bestseller dispelling many of the money myths.
Garrett combines theatricality with storytelling and comedy to deliver paradigm-shifting lessons about money and provide audiences with powerful breakthroughs.
Speaker Videos
Inspire Your Audience To Build the Life They Love
4 Money Personas
Money Poem
Speech Topics
One Man Show
Already Won: The best way to learn about money and finance isn’t through a boring speech. Garrett takes elements of a One Man Show Broadway Play and combines it with the content of a keynote. Acting out four characters (Money Personas), picking up a guitar for an exercise, and even using elements of spoken word, rap, and a musical score, this allows the audience to learn while being entertained.
The American Ream: In this comedic keynote, Garrett uses humor to teach a normally dry and boring, yet critically important topic- money. Jokes bring us relief, bring us closer together, and help people retain three times more, so Garrett combined what he knows best (money) with one of the things he loves most (comedy).
And while people like to say “money is nothing to joke about”, there is actually quite a bit that’s funny about it, so have your audience laugh all the way to the bank and laugh at money’s expense…... for a change.
TESTIMONIALS for The American Ream:
Marty Callner (Director: Robin Williams/Chris Rock/Jerry Seinfeld) I have worked with the greats, Seinfeld, Rock, Robin Williams and my best man at my wedding was George Carlin. I know when he hears Garrett, he is laughing his ass off, just like me. It was Carlin-esq. Brilliant and hilarious. This holds up with all my specials. I am so proud of it.
Cindy Crawford
Who knew talking about money could be funny. I laughed out loud at Garrett Gunderson’s American Ream special. I learned from his books but laughed hard and actually learned from his comedy too!