Eric Boles
Teamwork, Leadership & Peak Performance Authority
Eric Boles
Teamwork, Leadership & Peak Performance Authority
Eric Boles is the CEO and Founder of The Game Changers, Inc., a noted global expert in talent development, business strategy, change management, cultural transformation, and peak performance.
Boles impacts an organization’s most valuable resource, its people, through high-energy and powerful storytelling aimed at unleashing individual potential, navigating change and leading with purpose. Recent clients include IBM, FedEx, Motorola, Astra Zeneca, Mayo Clinic, Northwestern Mutual, Medtronic, Motion Industries, Bridgestone Tires, Southeastern Grocers, and Boys & Girls Clubs of America.
With his vast experience in corporate boardrooms as an executive coach and business consultant, Boles brings razor-sharp insights and leadership strategies that have impacted the marketplace. His perspectives on managing and leading change, transforming culture and overcoming complacency are laced with practical tools and principles that can be applied both professionally and personally.
Prior to becoming a sought-after Speaker and consultant, Boles learned many of his principles of peak performance, team dynamics, and leadership from his experience as a wide receiver with the National Football League’s Green Bay Packers and New York Jets.
Eric is the author of Moving to Great: Unleashing Your Best in Life and Work.
Speaker Videos
Meet Eric Boles
Running Around The Wedge
Leading Change in the New Reality
Speaking Reel
Uncomfortable Conversations
Fearless Leader
Teamwork and Leadership Authority
Exceeding Expectations
Speaking to Leaders
Speaking to Sales Pros
Highlight Reel
Speech Topics
Leading & Managing Change in the New Reality
Leading and managing change has never been easy. But it’s never been more challenging than it is today in this “New Normal” or “New Reality." The customer has never been more demanding, the competition never stiffer, uncertainty everywhere, employees less engaged, anxiety high, and change and technology advances only getting faster. Plus, many of us are leading and managing REMOTELY! Despite all these demands, many leaders are being asked to accomplish more, faster and remain flexible to marketplace demands and changes.
Move To Great
Eric Boles will deepen your understanding of the fundamentals of personal mastery and change enablement. Participants learn time-proven techniques and skills for enhancing personal accountability and helping themselves and others overcome the natural, human resistance to change. Boles provides a scientifically sound set of tools that will enable individuals to increase their self-efficacy (the ability to cause and make happen), improve their self-esteem and enhance their ability to set and accomplish bigger and better goals. A result of experiencing Moving To Great is a renewed sense of commitment and a greater willingness to seek out and implement new approaches to tackling both personal and organizational challenges.
Lead With Purpose
In this speech, Eric Boles will help you become intentional in how you positively influence others. The goal being that your influence grows alongside your commitment to creating great relationships. You will enjoy the practical and personal application of principles for inspiring, motivating, and developing others. Boles builds on the skills you already possess and equips you to achieve positive change in your life and the life of your organization through effective, visionary leadership.
More Than Winning
The goal of every team is to win; no matter the venue or arena of competition, sports or business, the objective is to come out on top. What if there was a better approach that does not involve winning or losing, winning was simply the by-product? The pursuit of excellence is not about winning – it is “More than Winning.” It is giving your very best in pursuit of a goal or worthwhile endeavor bigger than yourself. It is bigger than any one individual and demands your very best. Eric Boles focuses on releasing a team’s potential. This is the result of effectively leveraging the individual strengths for the benefit of the team and the goal. We’ll show you the keys to unlock the potential.
Fearless Leadership
Perhaps the greatest challenge that you will ever face in life is the conquest of fear and the development of the habit of courage. Fear has always been the greatest enemy of mankind. When Franklin D. Roosevelt said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself,” he was saying that the emotion of fear, rather than the reality of what we fear, is the cause of associated anxiety, stress and unhappiness. This speech by Eric Boles is based on this premise. Just think: What would you dare to dream, be or do if you were able to overcome your fears? Fortunately, the habit of courage can be learned!