David Hoppe
Former Chief of Staff to Paul Ryan
David Hoppe
Former Chief of Staff to Paul Ryan
From his early days crafting President Reagan’s tax reforms to his most recent role as Chief of Staff to Speaker Paul Ryan, David Hoppe was Chief of Staff, advisor and strategist to the most powerful Republicans in Congress, including Trent Lott, Jack Kemp, Dan Coats and John Kyl. With more than 30 years at the epicenter of the Republican legislative agenda and conservative thought leadership, Hoppe holds the distinction of being the only person to serve as Chief of Staff to both the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority Leader. His experience and perspective provide invaluable insights into the issues facing the current House and Senate, including ACA repeal and replace, Budget Act and reconciliation, defense spending, infrastructure spending, immigration and other reforms. From a conservative’s take on the latest moves by the Trump administration to how recent Congressional actions will impact the economy, healthcare, tax reform, business climate and a panoply of topics, David Hoppe provides actionable analysis and historical context to clarify the most important political, economic and governance issues of our time.
Currently a strategic and political consultant to major corporations and trade associations, David Hoppe is known for working with political personalities on both sides of the legislative aisle and working closely with five White House administrations. His career highlights from three decades on the Hill include the Economic Recovery Act and Budget Reconciliation Act of 1981, Senate impeachment trial of President Clinton, preparing the Senate for a Bush/Gore electoral college challenge, revamping the Whip office in both the House and Senate, developing Speaker Ryan’s Better Way agenda and negotiating passage of the Puerto Rico Oversight, Management and Economic Stability act of 2016. Of all of his accomplishments, Hoppe considers the passage of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) of 1997 as a signal achievement. By developing a bipartisan Senate-House team that worked with the Clinton Administration outside of the normal committee process, the bill passed with the support of all involved.
Known for calming waters and getting things done, David Hoppe is a respectful, optimistic voice in an era of increasing partisanship. Combining his Washington experience with a keen understanding of the issues and concerns facing corporate America, the investment community and health care organizations, David Hoppe brings the invaluable perspective of someone who has been at the table, time and time again, when critical decisions were made. Audiences leave with increased insight into the inner workings of Congress, the White House, and how today’s key players and legislation will affect everyone’s future.